History of Macon Co., Illinois
from its organization to 1876
By John W. Smith, Esq. of the
Macon County Bar.
Springfield: Rokker's Printing House. 1876
CHAPTER X. - Biographical Sketches
of Early Settlers who came here prior to 1836,
and their families, up to the Present time; Births, Marriages,
Deaths, etc. Pages 246 - 298
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DR. B. W. GORIN was born
in Christian county, Kentucky, in 1838, and came from there to
Vandalia, in this state, where he remained until 1831, when he
removed to Shelbyville and thence to Decatur, and was engaged in the
practice of medicine. He remained here but two years, and then
went to Louisiana, Mo., where he died in 1874. |
born in Christian county, Kentucky in 1812, and removed thence to
Vandalia, Illinois; he came to Decatur, Illinois, in 1832, and
remained until the year 1841; he was at one time circuit clerk and
county clerk of Macon county; after removing to Missouri he engaged
in farming, and has held the office of clerk of the circuit court in
his county; his records kept by him bear evidence of his carefulness
and pains taking. |
born in Hopkinsonville, Kentucky, Oct. 12, 1817, and came to
Illinois in 1828 and settled at Vandalia, Illinois; he removed
thence to Macon county in 1833; he married in Decatur, Apr. 1, 1845,
Miss Eleanor E. D. Fawcett who was born Feb. 18, 1824, in
Jefferson county, Virginia. Mr. G. was admitted to the
bar in 1843, but has been engaged for several years past in the
banking business in the firm of J. Milliken & Co. |
ANDREW HAMILTON was born May 31,
1806; came to Macon county in 1830; married Margaret Hall in
1829. Of their children -
JOHN W. was born Dec. 9, 1830; married to
Amelia Clements. Robert G. was born Jan. 20, 1832;
died Feb. 21, 1832. Martha F. was born Feb. 21, 1833;
died Jan. 21, 1837. Alfred C. was born June 5, 1835;
died Apr. 27, 1876. Margaret S. was born Jan. 12, 1838;
died Dec. 18, 1860. Mary S. was born Oct. 20, 1840;
died Nov. 20, 1840. Emily H. was born Apr. 17, 1842;
married n. Boles. A. L. was born Jan. 4, 1844;
died Dec. 4, 1844. Mary J. was born May 9, 1849; died
Feb. 12, 1873. |
once the old friend and associate of Mr. Lincoln, was born in
Kentucky about 1802, and come to Illinois in 1826 or '27, and
settled on Stevens' creek; he married in Kentucky, Susan Wilson,
who was about the same age as Mr. H., and who died in1861.
Of their children -
WILLIAM, who lives in Piatt county, and Lewis,
who lives in Oregon, were both born in Kentucky. Jane
was born Jan. 15, 1831, in Pa. Emily, born in 1833, in
Illinois, married to _____ Lomis, and resides at
Minonk. Phelix, dead. Grason, resides in
Missouri. Levi resides in Macon county. |
HEFTON was among the very early settlers of the county. He was one of
the old "forty gallon Baptist" preachers, and had a sing-song tone
to his preaching that was truly wonderful. From the
recollection of one of his hearers, we are enabled to give a small
extract from a sermon delivered by Mr. H. over 40 years ago,
which illustrates the peculiar ah's and ideas of which is
sermons abounded. "My respected brethren-ah, hell-ah is like
takin' a pillow-slip of corn-ah and wadin' the show-ah and rain-ah,
and goin' to Jim Wheeler's mill-ah, and gettin' it ground-ah
'to make mush-ah! You grind and grind and grind-ah!
Brethren-ah, that is hell-ah. But, my hearers-ah, there is
another good place-ah, which we all expect to go to-ah, and when we
get there-ah, will feast forever-ah on spare-ribs, biscuits and
coffee-ah, and that's the place we call heaven-ah." Mr.
Hefton kept store at Mt. Gillead for a while, and had his
family, household goods and merchandise all in one room. His
stock of goods consisted of a barrel of pale whisky, that would
freeze up in winter, a small quantity of tin-ware, and a few
dollar's worth of sugar and coffee. One day some one offered
to buy his entire stock of tin-ware at a given price, but he refused
to sell, because it would "break his stock." |
HERREL was born in Grayson county, Ky., in1813; came to
Illinois in 1833 or'4, and settled in Decatur; remained there until
1840, when he removed to the place where he now lives, about 4 miles
west of town. He was married to Mary Miller in 1840,
who was born Apr. 22, 1811.
ALBERT G., son of J. and M. Herrell, was
born in 1843, and now resides in this county. |
was born in Grayson county, Kentucky, Aug. 29, 1813, where he
remained until 1835, when he removed to Macon county and remained
two years; returned to Kentucky thence to New Orleans, thence to
Florida, as teamster in the war against the Seminole Indians;
returned to Macon county in 1839, where he married Mary Miller,
Nov. 26, 1840. Of their children -
Albert G. was born Jan. 6, 1843; married S.
L. Miller. Tabitha was born July 6, 1844; died Feb, 1845.
Elizabeth A. was born Oct. 18, 1845; died June, 1846.
George W. was born Oct. 8, 1847. Francis M. was
born June 14, 1850; dead. James C. was born Jan. 27,
1852; dead. |
was born May 8, 1808, in Bath county, Ky., and was married Sept. 2,
1830, to Margaret Johnson, who was born Feb. 24, 1811, in the
same county and State. They removed to Macon county in Sept,
1830. Of their nine children:
ABRAHAM was born Feb. 5, 1835.
LETHA ANN was born Dec. 16, 1835; was married Dec. 17, 1856, to
Geo. W. Schroll. Isaac was born July 26, 1838; married to
Martha Hide, Dec. 20, 1858.
NANCY J. was born
Oct. 23, 1841; married to Wm. Gepford, Aug. 22, 1865.
SAMUEL C. was born Jan. 1, 1844; married to Margaret Vice,
May 6, 1866.
MARGARET was born Dec. 12, 1846; married
to George Houser, Nov. 23, 1865.
ELIZA A. and
Lou Ann, twins, were born Feb. 5, 1850. Jno. W. was
born Aug. 15, 1853. |
Shelby county, Kentucky, July 6, 1810; married Tabitha Crum
in March, 1835, and came to Macon county in 1835, where he died in
1873 of small pox. Mrs. H. was born in Oldham county,
Kentucky, Nov. 4, 1816. Of their children -
Francis M. was born in Clark county, Indiana,
Feb. 3, 1835; married Elizabeth Wykel, 1857. Mary J.
was born Oct. 15, 1836 and married Jane C. Campbell, Mar. 8,
1865. Malinda E. was born Aug. 31, 1838; married
Charles E. Hunsley, Oct. 25, 1865. |
was born in Shelby county, Ky., Feb. 27, 1797. His father and
grandfather were natives of Pensylvania. His great grandfather
was born in Germany, near the river Rhine.
Joseph's mother, Agnes, was the daughter
of Anthony Hardman of whose ancestry nothing is known.
Mr. Hostetler commenced preaching according to the "Yuncker
Doctrine," about the year 1815. In 1816 he was married, and
the same year authorized to preach by the Yuncker church. In
1817 he moved to Washington county, Ind., and remained there two
years. He then moved to Orange county, in the same State,
remaining there until 1832, when he moved to Illinois, settling in
this county, not far from Decatur.
In 1828, he, with others, renounced all "creeds,"
"confessions of faith," and took his stand with the Church of
Christ, or Christian church. After he came to Illinois he
performed much hard labor as a pioneer minister, as well as a
pioneer farmer.
In October, 1832, he organized a church in his
neighborhood, of fourteen members. The same church is still in
existence, having at present over one hundred members. In 1833
he organized in Decatur the Church of Christ, which exists to-day.
In the following year he moved to Decatur, and commenced the
practice of medicine, in connection with his preaching. In
1836 he returned to Indiana, and settled on an unimproved farm near
Bedford, Lawrence county. In 1843 he moved to Sheboyagan
county, Wisconsin, where he opened a farm in heavy timber land, and
here, too, he continued to preach and practice medicine. In
1855 he removed to Salem, Washington county, Ind. Here he was
engaged principally in the practice of medicine. In 1861 he
moved to Lovington, Moultrie county, Illinois. During all this
time he was incessantly engaged in preaching or practicing medicine.
On the 27th day of August, 1870, he died, at his residence, near
Lovington. His disease was a functional derangement of the
heart. He was a heavy built man, weighing about two hundred
pounds; was five feet eight inches high, and seemed to bear the
weight of years with remarkable firmness and strength. |
was born in 1802, in Galleo county, Ohio, and removed to Macon
county in 1831, having been in the state five years. His wife
was born in Virginia in 1803. Their
children were Mary, William T., Emily, Nancy, Charles D.,
Brice A., John, Elizabeth. |
brothers of James, and came to Macon county early. |
was born Aug. 25, 1824, in Pickaway county, Ohio; came to
Macon county in the month of November, 1836; married to Matilda
McCoy, Feb. 25, 1847, who was born May 19, 1825, in Montgomery
county, Indiana, and came to Macon county in 1840. Of their
children -
PHEBE was born Jan. 5, 18458; was married to
Robert M. McCoy, Nov. 5, 1866. John was born Oct.
13, 1849; died Apr. 14, 1856. Robert was born Aug. 22,
1852. Orus B. was born Jan. 3, 1856. Martha
M. was born Feb. 18, 1859. Emily J. was born Jan.
7, 1862; William N. was born Mar. 2, 1865.
Mary E. was born Dec. 12, 1868.
All of which now reside in Macon county. |