History of Macon Co., Illinois
from its organization to 1876
By John W. Smith, Esq. of the
Macon County Bar.
Springfield: Rokker's Printing House. 1876
CHAPTER X. - Biographical Sketches
of Early Settlers who came here prior to 1836,
and their families, up to the Present time; Births, Marriages,
Deaths, etc. Pages 246 - 298
AB -
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was born in Macon county, Illinois,
Jan. 28, 1827; was married to
Clara E. Odor,
Mar. 11, 1858, who was born in Garrard county,
Kentucky, Jan. 7, 1843, and came to
this county in 1850. Of their children -
Lavena E. was born June 20, 1860 and died July 24, 1861.
Hattie Bell was born Mar. 10, 1863, and died July 30, 1864. Laura A. was born Dec.
27, 1864.
May was born May
17, 1867.
Frank Nelson was
born Feb. 7, 1869. Mirtie Luella was born Apr. 6, 1871; died Aug. 30, 1872.
Infant son was born Dec. 29, 1872; died Jan. 16,' 73.
Sarah Elizabeth
was born Feb. 8, 1874.
Source: Page 291 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in South Carolina,
in 1792, and was married in Logan
county, Ky., to
Elizabeth Freeman;
removed from Illinois to Missouri,
and thence to Texas,
where both died. They had six children, none of whom
now reside here.
Source: Page 289 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
JERRY WARD was born in
South Carolina, Jan. 17, 1788.
His wife was Dolly
Derrington, whom
he married in Logan county,
Ky. He removed from Macon
county to Missouri, and thence to
Texas in 1832, where he died.
was born in South Carolina, in 1790, and married
Madol, in Logan
county, Ky.
They had a very large family of children, 17, perhaps, in
all. Mr. W. died in 1831, and is buried at Walnut
Grove. Of such of their children as we can obtain the
names of -
MARY died in Fayette county. JOHN, JR., 2d, died in
Fayette county.
SARAH married
Moses Turner;
died in the poor house.
JOSEPH, twins;
AARON died in Fayette county;
JOSEPH, dead.
LUCINDA married
Isaac Miller, and
has children living here.
NANCY married Nat'l. Murphy; now resides in Missouri. MARTHA died of cholera in 1832.
Source: Page 289 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
JOHN WARD, the father
of the
Wards who were
among the early settlers of Macon
county, was born in England, in
1769. He emigrated, when a young man, to
South Carolina, where he married
Ward, who was
born in Ireland in 1768.
They removed thence to Tennessee, near Nashville,
and remained a few years, and removed to Logan
county, Ky., where Mr. W. died in 1811.
Mrs. W. and the
family remained in Logan county, Ky.,
until 1819, and left in October of that year, and removed to
within 11 miles of Vandalia, Fayette county,
Illinois, where they arrived
November 11. They remained in the latter county until
1824, and then removed to what is now Macon
county, and settled on the south side of the
river, and constituted what was known in early days as the
"Ward settlement." Of their children -
Source: Page 289 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
was born in South Carolina, in 1790,m and married Jane
Madol in Logan county, Ky. They had a very large
family of children, 17, perhaps, in all. Mr. W.
died in 1831, and is buried at Walnut Grove. Of such
of their children as we can obtain the names of -
Margaret (see Perdue).
Mary died in Fayette county.
John, Jr., 2d, died in the poor house.
Aaron and Joseph, twins; Aaron
died in Fayette county; Joseph, dead.
Lucinda married Isaac Miller, and has
children living here.
Nancy married Nat'l. Murphy; now resides
in Missouri.
Martha died of cholera in 1832.
Source: Page 289 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in Logan county, Ky.,
Jan. 17, 1809, and removed to Illinois in 1819, and to
county in 1824. On the 23d of December, 1830, he
Walker, who was born Sept. 8, 1813, in Rutherford county, Tenn.,
and became a resident of Macon
county in 1829; died Jun. 7, 1852. Of their children -
born Oct. 16, 1831.
MARY J. was born
Nov. 18, 1833;
married S. B. N.
ELIZABETH was born Mar. 13, 1836;
married Woodson
ROBERT was born June 13, 1838. CAROLINE was born Nov. 14, 1840; married J. B. Moore. HARRIET was born Nov. 26, 1844.
REBECCA was born
Nov. 29, 1846.
LEWIS J. was born
Feb. 26, 1848.
NANCY A. was born
May 15, 1852; died Sept. 28, 1853.
Ward was married
a second time to
Parker, who was born Aug. 14, 1832. He sold his farm in Macon
county in the fall of 1876, and removed to Girard, Kansas, prior to which he
was the second settler, in point of arrival, residing in the county.
From him we derived most of our information in reference to the
family and Ward
He fixes the dates of the erection of the first houses in the county
in the following order: 1st,
Downing's, south of Sangamon; 2d,
Leonard Stevens', on Stevens' creek; 3d,
Sprague's, just
south of fair-ground; 4th, Hubble
Sprague's, on the
inside of the present fair-ground inclosure; 5th,
William King's,
a short distance south of the fair-grounds.
Ward says the
first mill in Macon county was on Stevens' creek, and was built by
William King in 1826,
which was afterwards owned by and known as
Renshaw's mill; also, that the first house in the limits of the
old town of Decatur was just north of Priest's Hotel, and was built
Reuben Miller, who sold
out to
Renshaw, in which the first store was kept. He also states the
first school house in the county was on the old Widick place, now owned by P.
M. Wickoff, three and a half miles southwest of Decatur, and was
erected in 1825, and the first school teacher was "Frozen" Taylor; and that
the second school house was on land now owned by W. C. Smith, erected in 1828, in which one Nelson, "a little
Yankee," taught. At this school house Abraham Lincoln went to
singings and spellings. In the spring of 1826 Mr. W. raised 1,800 pounds of cotton in Macon
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
was born in South Carolina, and came to Illinois in 1819,
and married Hiram Reavis. They removed to
Missouri in 1832, and now reside in Vernon county.
Source: Page 290 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in South Carolina, in 1796, and
married in
Kentucky to Elisha Freeman, who was one of the first county commissioners of
this county. They raised a large family of children. Mr. F. died
in 1858, and Mrs. F. in 1873. Their children were: Polly, William, James, John, Jerry, Andrew, Thomas, Albert and Henry.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in 1806, and married Lambert S. Bearden, at
Vandalia, Illinois, and moved to Macon
county in 1823, and removed to Missouri
in 1832, where their children now reside.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in South Carolina, and came to
in 1819, and married
They removed to Missouri in 1832, and now reside in Vernon county.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in
South Carolina, in 1794. She married
Wm. Gambrel, in
county, Ky., removed to Illinois,
thence back to Kentucky, thence to Missouri,
thence to Texas,
where she died.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in 1804, and came to
Illinois in
1818; married
Widick, daughter
Widick. They had seven children, most of whom reside in
Christian county,
where Mr. and Mrs. W.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WARD was born in South Carolina in 1802, and came
Illinois in 1819, and lived here the
remainder of his life. He died, and was the father of Franklin,
Hiram and John Ward, who still
reside here.
Source: Page 290 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
was born in Tennessee, Aug. 7, 1823; he moved to this county in
1825, and settled at the place afterwards known as the
William Warnick place, and has ever since resided in this
county; was married to Julietta Priscila
Burke, Apr. 17, 1843, who was born in Kentucky, June 30,
1822, and came to this county in 1840. Of their children all
of which are now living - James
W. was born Apr. 11, 1844, and married Ann E.
Stevens, Sept. 14, 1869. Elizabeth E.
was born May 10, 1846; and married Edward Hill.
Arthursa D. was born Aug. 6, 1848.
Thomas T. was born Dec. 30, 1851, and was married to
Mary E. Lynch, in February, 1874. NANCY C.
was born Feb. 18, 1853, and married S. P. Falconer,
Sept. 18, 1873. Major
M. was born Mar. 13, 1855. Henriette
L. was born Dec. 10, 1857. Julietta A.
was born Sept. 27, 1860. IRA G. was born Mar. 7, 1864.
Source: Page 289 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WM. WARNICK, was born in 1784, in North
Carolina, and married ______, who was born the same year. He
removed from North Carolina to Rutherford county, Tennessee, and
thence to this county, in 1825. He was the first sheriff of
Macon county after its organization, and held the office from 1829
to 1835, and was also re-elected again for two years, in 1840.
He was in the Black Hawk war, and participated in the famous
Stillman's defeat, where he received a slight flesh wound. He
was also captain of the rangers, during the same difficulty.
It was Mr. W. who was sheriff of the county, whipped
Redmond and Wyatt, by order of the court, giving them 39
lashes apiece. This was only punishment of the kind ever
inflicted in the county. Mr. W's father, James
Warnick, was from Ireland, landing in New Castle, Aug. 15, 1758.
Their children were -
John, Margaret, Polly (first wife of Joseph
Stevens), Jas., Lucinda, Betsy (married John Taylor),
Clark, Ira, Robert, Sarah (married Benj. Taylor; now
dead.) Mr. W. died Feb. 12, 1855.
Source: Page 296 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
born in Virginia about 1790, and married
Elizabeth Hays, who was born in the same State.
Mrs. W., died about 1836, and Mr. W.
in 1866. Their children were, James, Stacy, Henry,
William, Jr., Elizabeth, Raliegh, Burton, Larkin
and Nathaniel. Mr. Wheeler
and family removed to Illinois and settled in Macon county, in 1828.
JAMES WHEELER was born in South Carolina in 1799,
and died in 1867. His wife was Margaret Mayberry.
was born about 1800, and married William Christopher,
and died about 1831. HENRY
WHEELER was born in 1801, in Tennessee, and was married in
Tennessee to Mary Y. Braden, who was born Jan. 4,
1800. Of their five children -
Elizabeth E. was born May 7, 1826; married
David Brett; died 1864. Samuel R.
was born Aug. 16, 1827; married Jamima
Abrams, who was born in 1828, in Illinois.
William E. was born Oct. 23, 1828 married Ellen
Frazee; he died 1875. Nancy J. was
born Jan. 9, 1830; married Samuel Woodward, first
husband; Mason Packard, second husband; now resides
in California. Andrew J. was born Jan. 16,
1832; married N. E. Cox, who was born in Scott
county, Illinois, 1837. WILLIAM
WHEELER, JR., was born on the 28th of Dec., 1809, in
Rutherford county, Tennessee; was married Oct. 27, 1831, to
Sarah A. Ward, (daughter of Jerry Ward,)
who died in Aug., 1869. Mr. Wheeler has been
prominently connected with the affairs of the county, and has been
repeatedly elected sheriff, assessor and collector. Of their
10 children, but two are living, viz: -
Mary E., who married Thomas Inscho,
now resides in San Jose, California; and Lewis Cass.
Andrew M. died in '69; Calvin R.
died in '61; Lucinda K. died in '63;
William L. died in '66; Henrietta died in
'62; James C. died in '61; Thomas B,
died in infancy, and Alice died in 1874.
ELIZABETH WHEELER was born in 1811, and married
William Ward, the father of
Franklin and Hiram Ward, well known in the county.
RALEIGH WHEELER was born in 1813, and died in 1834;
his first wife was Rebecca Travis, and second
Mary Fields.
BURTON WHEELER was born in 1815, and resides in Moultrie
county, Illinois. LARKIN WHEELER
was born in 1817; died in 1838.
NATHANIEL WHEELER was born in 1819; died when young.
Source: Page 296 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 ~ Page 294 |
was born Feb. 2, 1806 in Tennessee and came to Illinois and settled
in Macon county in 1826. He married Sarah A. Cox, who
was born May 23, 1811. Mr. W. died Mar. 4, 1863, and
Mrs. W. died Dec. 10, 1863. Of their children -
Albert was born Sept. 3, 1835. William
was born Aug. 8, 1837; died Mar. 1, 1845. Margaret C.
was born May 5, 1838; died Nov. 2, 1853. John was born
Feb. 2, 1840. Andrew was born Mar. 27, 1842.
Ephraim was born ____, 1844. Mary A. E. was born
May 6, 1847. Eliza J. and Aaron were born Apr.
21, 1850.
Source: Page
___ – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
JOHN WIDICK was born in Rockingham
county, Virginia and removed to Macon county, in 1826. He
married Cohorine Traughber; but what was the date of the
births and deaths of each we cannot ascertain. Mrs. W.
died perhaps, about Nov. 1, 1832. Their children were -
William Margaret (See McDaniel),
Emanuel (dead), Michael, Elizabeth (married Lemuel
Walker), Rial (of Homer, Iowa), Aaron (dead),
Eli (Saxton Station, Mo.), Edmund (Moultrie county),
Henry and Josiah.
Henry Widick was born Sept. 30, 1828, in Macon
county, and was married to Elizabeth Mathews, Oct. 30, 1850,
who was born May 2, 1833. Of their children -
Wm. H. born July 14, 1852. Sarah E.,
born June 8, 1854. Laura E., born Aug. 9, 1856.
Arminda E., born Aug. 4, 1859. Lavena A., born
Oct. 12, 1863. Ida M., born July 29, 1867.
George C., born Aug. 23, 1872; died Sept. 7, 1874.
Samuel, Jacob, George and Joseph Widick
were all brothers of John Widick, above mentioned, and
removed to this county in 1825, at least the former and latter did.
Joseph settled at the old Caulk place, recently
purchased by P. M. Wykoff, Samuel on the old Wm.
Young place and Jacob the place where Robert H. Smith
now resides. Joseph was accidently killed by falling on
a pitchfork, and Samuel died at Jefferson Barracks, during
the late war.
Source: Page
___ – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
WILLIAMS, daughter of J. D. Long, was born Dec. 26,
1826. Of their children -
Lafayette was born Jul. 17, 1852; died 1873.
Jerome was born Aug. 21, 1854; died 1856. Walter L.
was born Feb. 26, 1856. Laura M. was born Sept. 12,
1857. Joseph W. was born Nov. 6, 1859. Mary C.
was born May 11, 1861. Edward was born Aug. 25, 1864.
Jasper was born Jan. 2, 1867. Effie was born
Mar. 12, 1869.
Source: Page 296 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
born Mar. 3, 1785, and was married to Mary Ann Wilson, who
was born Jan. 30, 1788. They removed from East Tennessee to
Macon county about 1830. Mr. W. died Aug. 10, '44. and
Mrs. W. Sept. 17, '72. Of their children.
Thomas B. was born July 26, 1807; died July '73.
Alexander M. was born May 6, 1809. Eliza D. was
born Apr. 15, 1811; died Sept. 13, '15. Katharine was
born _____ 21, 1816; died Jan. 7, '55. John A., was
born Jan. 9, 1819; died Dec. 18, 21. James J. was born
Nov. 12, 1822; died Apr. 28, '54.
Source: Page 293 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
BENJAMIN WILSON was among the
early and prominent citizens of Macon county, and came here in 1827,
and was one of the county commissioners who assisted in the county
organization. He held the position for a great many years.
He was born at Guilford Court House, in North Carolina, and removed
thence to Tennessee, and afterwards Illinois. He married
Jane Warnick in the state of Tennessee, who was a sister of
"Uncle Billy" Warnick, the first sheriff of the county.
Their children were, Polly, (see Sanders,) Rachel,
(see Hill,) Peggy Smith, (see John Smith,)
Robert, Nancy, Hannah, (see Blankenship,) and -
John Wilson was born in Rutherford county,
Tennessee, in 1813, came to Illinois in 1828, and was married to
Nancy Wilson, Mar. 1, 1832, who was born July 6, 1813, in Greene
county, Tennessee, and became a resident of Macon county about 1830.
Of their Children -
Benjamin T. was born August 19, 1836; died Feb.
5, 1854. Mary A. was born Oct. 23, 1833, and married
Joseph M. Dawson, who was born Apr. 5, 1828. Of their
children -
John A. was born Jan. 19, 1857; died Dec. 29,
1857. Luella B. was born Aug. 4, 1859. C. E.
was born Jan. 18, 1863. Edwin P. was born Dec. 17,
1864. Oscar W. was born Apr. 26, 1867.
Source: Page 293 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
was born Mar. 27, 1825, in Rutherford county, Tennessee; came to
Macon county in 1835, and was married to Mary J. Dickey, Feb.
25, 1845, who was born July 31, 1827, in Florence, Alabama, and came
to Macon county in 1829. Of their children -
Samuel was born Apr. 17, 1846; was married to
Eveline Dresback in Sept., 1868, and died Jan., 1877.
Margaret C. was born Dec. 17, 1847; was married in S. B. Betz
in March, 1869. Eliza J. was born Oct. 8, 1849; died
Apr. 16, 1866. Andrew was born Sept. 1, 1851; was
married to Ella Bundy, Apr. 13, 1875; who was born Apr. 26,
1859, in Piqua county, Ohio; came to this county in 1875, and died
Dec. 15, 1876. Sarah A. was Oct. 25, 1852; was married
to R. J. Ross Dec. 9, 1874. Mary E. was born Jan. 17,
1858; was married to Marian Ranabarger, Feb. 27, 1876.
Zaritha M. was born Dec. 3, 1859. William A. was born
Dec. 8, 1862. John W. was born Apr. 27, 1865;
died Sept. 17, '67. George W. was born Jul. 28, 1868.
Source: Page 292 – History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |
was born Oct. 4, 1779, in Mecklenburg county,
North Carolina, and moved to
Murray county, Tenn., when about 18 years old.
He moved thence to Wilson
county, Tenn.,
where he married Jane
Donald, who died in 1820. Of their seven
children -
Thomas F. was
born July 26, 1813; died Aug. 29, ’35.
Mary B.
was born June 14, 1815; died Aug. 17, ’39.
Nancy E. was born
Sept. 28, 1817; died Apr. 6, ’34.
Sarah G. was born
Nov. 1, 1819; died Nov. 1, ’52.
William A. was
born Aug. 22, 1822.
Martha J., was born June
10, 1825; died ___, 1850.
Cynthia E. was
born July 9, 1828; died ___, 1846.
Mr. Wilson’s
second wife was
Mrs. Sallie Hodge,
widow of
Joseph H. Hodge,
and whom was born Apr. 26, 1792, in Orange county,
North Carolina.
By her first husband the following children were born: -
Henry J. Hodge,
born Mar. 11, 1813; died Aug. 30, 1838; married
P. Traughber.
Talitha J. Hodge,
born Dec. 9, 1814; married
N. N. Baker.
Arranna H. born June 25, 1816; married J. M. Baker. Margaret C.,
born Feb. 1, 1819; died ___, 1864; married
John Hanson. Joseph J.,
born Feb. 10, 1822; died Sept. 7, 1872; married
M. A. Ferriss.
Eli L., born Oct. 24, 1824; died Mar. 26, 1849.
After the married of
Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Hodge, in 1829, they removed to
Sangamon county, Illinois, and came to
county in 1830, where
Mr. W. died, Mar. 4, 1873, and
Mrs. W. Jan. 20, 1872.
By the last marriage there were three children -
Robert D. was
born Oct. 18, 1830; married
Mary Outten.
Sarah A. was born Jan. 5, 1833; married John H. Davidson. James A.
was born in Sept 5, 1835;
Sarah Jones.
Source: Page 292 –
History of Macon County, Illinois
– Publ 1876 |