History of Macon Co., Illinois
from its organization to 1876
By John W. Smith, Esq. of the
Macon County Bar.
Springfield: Rokker's Printing House. 1876
CHAPTER X. - Biographical Sketches
of Early Settlers who came here prior to 1836,
and their families, up to the Present time; Births, Marriages,
Deaths, etc. Pages 246 - 298
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was born Feb. 9, 1799, in Green Briar county, Va., and married in
1817 to Hannah Hudsinpiller, and came to Macon county in
1839, and remained until Apr., 1854, when he removed to San Jose,
Cal. Mrs. Rea died in 1871. Their only child -
Wm. Rea was born Oct. 4, 1823, in Gallio
county, Ohio, and came to this county with his father, and was
married July 19, 1841, to Mary Howell who was born, Aug. 22,
1823, and died Feb. 28, 1872. Their children are -
Cyrene, (dead), Frank, Mary, David, Melissa,
(married to John Shrader,) John and
William. |
was born in Virginia, Jan. 17, 1819, and came to Illinois in 1830;
was married Mar. 11, 18516, to Catharine Dennis, who
was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 31, 1823.
Mr. R., during his long residence in Macon
county, has been honored by his fellow citizens with a number of
county offices, which he filled to the entire satisfaction of his
constituents, and is everywhere respected. His honesty and
integrity perhaps no man has ever questioned. His word was as
good as his bond, and his enemies, if any, are few and far between. |
was born Feb. 24, 1798 in Charlotte county, Virginia, and died on
the first day of Sept., 1874, in the city of Decatur. His
father moved from Virginia to Rutherford county, Tenn., when
Thomas was quite young. In the spring of 1831 the Doctor
moved from Tennessee to this county; was married on the 24th of
August, 1836, to Elizabeth Allen, of Loudon county, Virginia,
who was born on the 4th of August, 1812, and came to Macon county in
1835. Names of children -
Julia E. was born Sept. 8, 1837, and died Oct.
21, 1837. John N. was born Aug. 11, 1839, Mary S.
was born Mar. 22, 1841. Annie H. was born Feb. 2, 1843,
and died Aug. 24, 1864. James A. was born May 26, 1846.
Emma F. was born Aug. 31, 1848. Susie C. was
born Jan. 12, 1831. |
RENSHAW was born Nov. 21, 1794, in
North Carolina, and moved to Kentucky, where he married
Sarah Phipps, in 1819, who was born in the latter State. |
was born Feb. 19, 1822, in Putnam county, Ind., and came to Macon
county in 1831; was married in 1847 to John Drake, who was
born Oct. 5, 1811, in Piqua county, Ohio; came to Macon county in
1834, and died Mar. 12, 1855. Of their children -
Sarah Ann was born Jun. 29, 1843; died Oct. 26,
1843. Mary Jane was born Oct. 26, 1844; died Aug. 26,
1846. Sylvanus was born Aug. 30, 1849. Isaac
was born Dec. 7, 1852; died Feb. 5, 1872. John Lewis
was born Oct. 25, 1854. Mrs. Drake was married second
time, to Lewis Camp, about the year 1857. Of their
children -
Samuel W. was born Oct. 14, 1859; died in 1861.
Hattie May was born Nov. 4, 1865. |
BERRY ROSE was born Jan. 14, 1806;
was married to Martha Pope, Nov. 23, 1826. He died Mar.
12, 1835. His wife was born May 31, 1808, and is now living in
this county, six miles southwest of Decatur. Of their children
Albert was born Jan. 24, 1828; was married to
Louisa A. Sprouse, Oct. 10, 1850; is now living in Missouri.
Mary Jane was born Sept. 21, 1829; was married to Andrew
Armstrong, July 25, 1835. They are now living in Blue
Mound. Benjamin W. was born July 28, 1831; was married
to Mary J. Darmer, Mar. 27, 1856, who died in Missouri.
He has since married Mrs. Rebecca Carter, Sept. 6, at 6
o'clock. He is now living in Blue Mound township.
Elijah T. was born Mar. 8, 1833; died in the army, Jan. 23,
1863. Berry J. was born May 20, 1835; died July 10,
1835. Martha Ann was born May 20, 1835; died July 10,
1835. Martha Ann was born Sept. 20, 1836; was married
to William C. Darmer, Apr. 30, 1857; now living in Champaign
county, John V. was born Nov. 26, 1838; died in the army, May
26, 1864. Wm. C. was born July 15, 1841; died in the
army, May 6, 1862. Nancy E. was born July 14, 1843;
married Thomas Armstrong, in the month of Mar. 1665; now
living in this county. Sarah E. was born Oct. 24, 1845;
married John Jeter; now living in Champaign county.
James T. was born Sept. 22, 1850; married to Lizzie Cook;
is now living in Daviess county, Mo. |
JOHN RUCKER was born in South
Carolina in 1800, and removed from that State when quite small, to
McMinn county, Tenn.; he remained there until 1833, when he removed
to Macon county, and resided here until he died, in the year 1872.
He was a hard working man all his life, and by industry succeeded in
amassing property sufficient to class him with the well-to-do men of
the county. He was for fourteen yeas one of the county
commissioners of Macon county, holding he position longer than any
other man since the organization of the county. Mrs.
Elizabeth Rucker, his wife, is still living with her son-in-law,
E. R. Eldridge, in Decatur. Mr. R., was in all his
transactions, strict, and required all he dealt with to observe the
same thing. When he came to the State, his worldly possessions
were carried on two horses, and his success in life is a monument to
honest and patient toil and industry. |