History of Peoria County, Illinois
Chicago - Johnson & Company
Note: The NAMES in 'CAPS' will have a
biography. All others do not have biographies available.
NOTE: Names with (*) next to them have longer

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miller, P. O. Princeville, is the son of Joseph Voorhees,
of Reding, O., who came to Peoria county in 1841, and
settled in Kickapoo township, where he now resides, and owns
480 acres of land, besides 320 acres in Nebraska. He
is the father of twelve children. G. H. Voorhees,
his eldest son, and he subject of this sketch, was born in
Reding, O., in 1841, and in 1865, married Miss Emily Cook,
who as born in England, in 1843, and has borne him seven
children, five of them now living, viz.: Charles H.,
Sarah B. B., Emily G., William A., and Lucia B.
Mr. Voorhees owns 330 acres of land, in Stark county,
and his dwelling in Princeville. His property is worth
about $23,00.
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Wahl, Fred,
farmer, P. O. Princeville
Walkington, Jno., farmer, P. O. Monica
Wallliker, A. & W. T., farmer, P. O. Monica
Wear, A. D., farmer, P. O. Princeville
Webber, V., boot and shoe dealer, P. O. Princeville
Weisenberg, W. H., farmer, P. O. Princeville
Westerfer, C., farmer, P. O. Monica
Wheeler, J., farmer, P. O. Princeville
White, J. C., farmer, P. O. Monica
White, Mary A., farmer, P. O. Monica
Whittington, Mrs., P. O. Monica
Wiggins, Benj., carpenter, P. O. Monica
Wiggins, Clarence, farmer, P. O. Monica |
collection and insurance agent, P. O. Princeville, was born
in Brown county, O., in 1828; came to Peoria county in 1848,
and in 1845, married Miss Caroline M. Shiver, who was
born in Clermont county, O., in 1838. Mr.
Wilson came to the county with his father, and settled
on a farm three miles south of Princeville, where he
remained till 1874, when he came to Princeville; served four
yeas as justice of the peace, and then declining re-election
for another term, engaged in his present business. He
is also notary public and deputy postmaster.
Mr. Wilson, had
the reputation of having fewer law suits than any justice in
the district. He owns a nice residence in Princeville
and is comfortably situated. Both himself and wife are
members of the M. E. Church.
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Wrigley, J.
Farmer, P. O. Princeville |