History of Peoria County, Illinois
Chicago - Johnson & Company
Note: The NAMES in 'CAPS' will have a
biography. All others do not have biographies available.
NOTE: Names with (*) next to them have longer

Ulrich Valentine, banker, P. O. Peoria.
Uphoff B. farmer, P. O. Peoria.Van Patten G. farmer, P. O. Harker’s Corners.
Van Patten J. farmer, P. O. Harker’s Corners.
* VARDEN PATRICK, farmer, Sec. 19, P. O. Edwards Station. Mr. Varden and wife were born in Ireland. He came to America in 1850,
and engaged as a railroad laborer. March 25, 1852, he married Judith
Carroll, and began life with less than fifty dollars. They first
kept house in what had been a railroad boarding shanty, and Mrs. Varden said, “It seemed a palace, for it was our first home.” For
six years he worked on the railroad, or at whatever he could find to
do, and in 1858 settled as above, having bought it in 1857. Their
united industry and economy has secured them a good home, and all
the comforts of life. They are members of the Catholic Church, and
Democratic in political faith. Their land is valued at $50 an acre.
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VICARY HENRY, farmer and coal miner, Pottstown, P. O. Peoria. Son
of Henry and Ann Vicary, nee Gipps, was born at Cornwall,
England, May 23, 1853. He was educated as a wool-comber, and in 1851
he came to America and settled in Delaware county, Penn.; in 1864 he
came to this township and settled on what is known as Jones’
Prairie, engaging as a farmer and lime-burner two years. In 1866
removed to Pottstown and engaged in present business. July 3, 1857,
he married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Alice Lonsdale, who was
born in Lancashire, England, August 29, 1839. They have had nine
children—Alice Ann, born in Delaware county, Pa., November 18, 1859,
married Jacob Waits, December 25, 1877; John, born January 20, 1862;
George Washington, born February 22, 1864; Ellen, born June 20,
1866; Mary, born July 5, 1868; James, born January 2, 1871, died in
infancy; Henry, born August 28, 1873; William, born March 7, 1876;
James Everett, born August 17, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Vicary are
adherents of the Church of England. Politically Mr. Vicary is a
Republican. He owns eighty-nine acres of land, a part of which is
coal bearing, and a hotel property, the aggregate value of which is
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VORHEES, JOSEPH, farmer, Sec. 6, P. O. Kickapoo.
Garrett Vorhees,
the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Somerset
county, N. J., on the 9th day of June, 1763; served in the closing
years of the revolutionary war. About 1790, he married Miss
and in 1791, immigrated to the West and settled in Columbia,
Hamilton county, O. (Cincinnati at that time consisting of but a few
cabins, and was called Fort Washington), and lived there in a
station two years, engaged as a teamster for General Wayne’s army. In 1794 moved to the land which he occupied at the time of his
death, Dec. 14, 1862, in the ninety-ninth year of his age. He had
nine children by his first wife, and after her death he married a
Miss Jerusha, daughter of Charles Rugg, who was born on Long Island. The issue of this marriage was three children—Joseph,
Garrett and
Harvey. Joseph was born Feb. 25, 1815, and was raised and educated
near Reading, Hamilton county, O., on the farm where his father
died. In the Fall of 1839 he came to Peoria county, and in the
latter part of that Winter purchased the farm on which he now lives.
On the 10th of March, 1840, he married Miss Sarah, daughter of
Minney and Sarah Rynearson, nee
Carroll, who was born near
the old village of Scipio, Franklin county, Ind., August 19, 1823.
In 1834, she came with her parents to the present site of Mossville,
remaining there three years, and then removed to Rosefield township. After their marriage they spent about eighteen months in Ohio, then
returned to the home they now occupy. They have had twelve
children—Garret H., born Jan. 3, 1841, married April 11, 1865,
Miss Emily Cook, who was born in Devonshire, England, Aug. 28, 1843;
R., born March 23, 1843, died Feb. 23, 1845; Jerusha A., born Sept.
24, 1845, died March 24, 1847; Laura Ann, born July 1, 1848, died
March 9, 1849; William M., born July 11, 1851; Algenan S., born Jan.
28, 1854, died Sept. 7, 1856; Martha Ann, born May 20, 1856, died
Oct. 16, 1858; Elizabeth, born Sept. 30, 1858, died Nov. 20,
following; Charles E., born March 8, 1863, died Aug. 17 of the same
year; Joseph M., born March 29, 1868. Mr. V. is an adherent of the
Presbyterian Church; Mrs. V. of the Methodist Church. Politics,
Greenback. He owns 470 acres of land, valued at $40 an acre. Mrs. V.
owns eighty acres in her own right, valued at $50 an acre.
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Wakerly A. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Walker Wm. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Walter S. farmer, P. O. Harker’s Corners.
Walters Jacob, farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Ward Jas. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Ward P. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
WANTLING ISAAC, coal operator, Edwards Station.
Weers W. farmer, P. O. Peoria. |
retired, P. O. Kickapoo, son of Thomas and Judith Wells, nee
Colby, was born in Newchester, now Hill, New
Hampshire, June 3, 1811. He comes of a long lived race, his father
living to past eighty years. In 1824 he removed to West Randolph,
Vt., and while there worked out among the farmers until 1834, when,
for two years, he drove a six-horse te4am, freighting from Vermont
to Boston and back. April 3, 1836, he was married to Susan L.
Connor, of Andover, N. H. In 1838 he remove4d to Illinois, settling
in that year in what is now Rosefield township, Peoria county, and
is therefore one of the oldest settlers in the county. He has had
three children, two girls and a boy—Susan Christina, born Oct. 9,
1842, died Oct. 18, 1843; Jacob Baxter, born June 10,
1845, now in the railroad ticket office at Kansas City. Emma
Medora, born April
12, 1847, died Oct. 20, 1872. His wife, Susan L., died Feb. 11,
1849. She taught the first school ever taught in Rosefield township,
in the Benj. Miller neighborhood, in the Winter of 1842-3. After the
death of his first wife, Mr. Wells removed to Kickapoo township,
March 29, 1866, and was married to Jane R. Dawson, formerly
McClandish, who died Aug. 27, 1877. While he lived in Rosefield he
filled the office of constable, and was elected to the same office
in Kickapoo. He has also filled the office of town supervisor two
years and a half, six months by appointment and two years by
election. Since 1869 he has filled the office of town clerk. In
politics he is a Greenbacker. Mr. Wells is a noble representative of
a class of men fast fading out. He was honest, trustworthy, and
possessed the confidence of his immediate fellow citizens, always
holding some office of trust and responsibility.
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West R. coal miner, P. O. Peoria.
West Wm. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Whitlon S. R. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Wilson Walter, coal miner, P. O. Peoria.
Winters C. farmer, P. O. Peoria.
Withelm J. coal miner, P. O. Peoria. |
* WHITTEMORE DANIEL, farmer, Sec. 23, P. O. Peoria; son of
and Sarah Whittemore, nee Corgin, was born at Thomson,
Windham county, Conn., October 5, 1815, where he grew to manhood
with such educational advantages as the country and the times
afforded. After he was twenty-one years of age, he served three
years at the trade of shoemaker; and on May 2, 1841, he married
Betsy, daughter of Job and Betsy Irish, nee O’Brien, who was
born at Goshen, Conn., September 7, 1814. In May, 1848, they came to
Illinois, and settled on section 11, this township; two and a half
years later, removed to section 23. In 1854, in consequence of bad
health, he sold out, took a tour through Iowa and Wisconsin,
returned and purchased his present farm, and settled down to the
hard work of clearing up another farm. He has had four children:
Nancy Jane, born February 5, 1842, married Frederick Winkler, July
20, 1860; Daniel Eugene, born August 2, 1846, died April 18, 1848;
Delancy, born August 12, 1848; Sarah Lugene, born December 6, 1851,
married George H. Peterson, December 6, 1877. Mrs. Whittemore died
July 15, 1873. Mr. Whittemore devoted several years to the study of
botany, adopting Gray’s manual as his text book, and has become
familiar with all flora native to the township. The Whittemore
estate consists of 100 acres, valued at $35 an acre. Protestant in
religion. Independent Republican.
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WILKINSON J. H. M. D., Edwards Station, is a son of
Joseph and
Eliza Wilkinson, nee Harlon, and was born in Warren county,
Ohio, July 20, 1823. In 1828, his parents removed to Indiana and
settled in Parke county, where he worked on his father’s farm until
his sixteenth year, at which time he entered Indiana Asbury
University at Greencastle, where he spent five years teaching school
at intervals as a means of support. Soon after passing his
twenty-first birthday, he commenced the study of medicine with
Drs. Allen and Weaver, at Rockville, in Parke county; attended lectures
at the Louisville Medical College and graduated in three years. In
1848, he came to Kickapoo village and commenced practice, which he
successfully prosecuted for thirty years, when he retired to take
general management and oversight of his farms, coal mines and store
at Edwards Station. He owns about one thousand acres of valuable
farm and coal land, the average value of which is about $75 per
acre. He married Miss Isadore E. Edwards, daughter of Thomas and Elenor Edwards, nee
Scott, who was born in Hampshire county,
Virginia, May 19, 1829. Her parents came to what is now Rosefield
township in the Spring of 1835. Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson have no
children. They are members of the M. E. Church and active Sabbath
school and temperance workers. Politically, he is a Republican.
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Wolfslag, J., farmer, P. O. Peoria
Wooland, E., coal operator, P. O. Peoria |