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Full Page Portraits
Biographical Sketches
of Prominent and Representative Citizens
of the county
together with Portraits and Biographies of
 the Presents of the United States
and Governors of the State
Biographical Publishing Co.


Adams, John (Pres) 23
Adams, John Quincy (Pres) 39
Adams, Samuel E. 444
Aiken, Mark M. 264
Allen, John C. 335
Anderson, Horace G. w/portrait 267
Andrew, William 316
Armstrong, Joseph 365
Armstrong, Robert 278
Arnold, William A. 336
Arthur, Chester A. (Pres) 99
Bailey, Frank W. 379
Baker, Robert Wesley - w/portrait 399
Baldwin, Eugene F. 221
Ballance, Charles, Hon. w/portrait 217
Barnum, Joseph S. 280
Barrett, George W. 440
Bartholemew, Albertus Y. 260
Bennett, Andrew J. 366
Bennett, James 479
Bennett, Willard H. 414
Beveridge, John L. (Gov) 171
Biederbeck, Richard J. 344
Biederbeck, William 470
Birket, Arthur Birket 208
Birkit, John 277
Bishop, Henry 350
Bissell, William H. (Gov) 151
Bond, Shadrach (Gov) 111
Bowers, Charles 310
Boylan, John 443
Bradley, Tobias S. w/portrait 193
Brayshaw, Abraham 249
Brodman, Joseph 230
Brotherson, P. R. K., Hon. w/ portrait 349
Buchanan, Alexander 239
Buchanan, James (Pres) 75
Buchanan, James H. 220
Bull, William G. 224
Burdick, Edward W. 442
Cahill, Peter 326
Calnoun, William 406
Carlin, Thomas (Gov) 135
Catton, William 424
Chamberlain, Jacob S., Rev. 352
Chamberlin, Horton 477
Clark, James 199
Clark, John L. 257
Cleveland, S. Grover (Pres) 103
Colburn, Edwin M., M.D. w/portrait 329
Coles, Edward (Gov) 115
Cullom, Shelby M. (Gov) 175
Cutter, William 454
Darst, Jacob 364
Dawson, Charles W. 314
Deal, James 257
Detweiller, Henry, Capt. 384
Dewein, Valentine 447
Doubet, Joseph 363
Dougherty, Daniel E. 434
Dougherty, Newton C. 211
DuMars, George W., Jr. 209
DuMars, Rufus A., M.D. 411
Duncan, Joseph (Gov) 131
Dunlap, Alva - w/portrait 437
Dunlap, Napoleon 222
Easton, William 261
Edwards, A. D. 433
Edwards, Ninian (Gov) 119
Emerson, George F. 222
Erler, Michael E. 230
Evans, David G. 448
Ewing, Wm. L. D. (Gov) 127
Fahnestock, Henry H. w/portrait 371
Fifer, Joseph W. (Gov) 183
Filmore, Millard (Pres) 67
Finley, Robert M. 401
Fisher, Isaac 281
Flaglore, Daniel H., M.D. w/portrait 212
Ford, Thomas (Gov) 139
Forney, Jesse Y. 231
Francis, John H. 196
French, Augustus C. (Gov) 143
Fulton, Josiah w/portrait 207
Gales, Weston R. 368
Garfield, James A. 95
Geiger, George G. 243
Gerdes, Henrey R. 325
Giles, Nathan 355
Gilfellian, William  271
Graham, Richard 300
Grant, Kenneth 450
Grant, Ulysses S. (Pres) 87
Griswold, Matthew 204
Griswold, Matthew 204
Hakes, Alanson 429
Hakes, Antony, Rev. 417
Hamilton, John M. (Gov) 179
Hamilton, William R. w/portrait 237
Hamlin, John, Hon. w/portraits 361
Harding, John J. 291
Harkness, Edson 324
Harkness, Edwin 303
Harrison, Benjamin (Pres) 107
Harrison, Lovell - w/portrait 393
Harrison, William Henry (Pres) 51
Hart, Felix - w/portrait 405
Hawley, Peter W. 304
Hawver, William P. 341
Hayes, Charles  298
Hayes, Rutherford B. (Pres) 91
Herschberger, John 251
Hicks, Lucas C. 475
Higgs, Charles R. 202
Hill, Robert 386
Hineberry, Matthew 402
Hinman, Jason 273
Hitchcock, Daniel 421
Howe, Elijah F., Rev. 339
Jackson, Andrew (Pres) 43
Jackson, John 223
Jefferson, Thomas (Pres) 27
Johnson, Andrew (Pres) 83
Johnson, James T. 284
Jones, Henry W. 198
Kelley, James M. 315
Kenyon, Belle, Dr. 383
Kershaw, James 412
King, Charles P. w/portrait 227
Kinnah, John S. 462
Kreuter, Jacob 330
Krumpe, Charles A. 195
Lane, George 372
Lane, Thomas S. 194
Lawrence, Erastus M. 469
Lincoln, Abraham (Pres) 79
Lind, Matthew - w/portrait 427
Lonsdale, Richard 378
Madison, James (Pres) 31
Mahler, Frank C. 356
Mallen, Henry 343
Mansfield, Henry 333
Marsh, Isaac Jackson 252
Marshall, Albert A. M. 322
Martin, L. B., M.D. 200
Mathers, Thomas 321
Matteson, Noel A. (Gov) 147
Matthewss, Philip T. 449
McCormick, William 248
McDonnell, Hatthew 274
McFadden, Lewis A., M.D. 389
McGair, Patrick, Father 351
McKinney, John E. 373
McLean, William 228
McNeill, James T. - w/portrait 417
Meals, Barnhart 396
Mihigan, Cornelius N. 250
Miller, H. L. 413
Miller, Oliver M. 334
Mitchell, Eli 229
Moffatt, Aquila 238
Moffitt, Jeremiah 331
Monroe, James (Pres) 32
Mooney, James w/portraits (2) 309
Mott, William Washington 269
Muller, Jacob 374
Muller, Joseph 441
Murphy, John , Dr. 197
Murphy, Joseph F. 343
Neal, Moses L. - w/portraits (4) 459
Norvell, Thomas B., M.D. 297
Oakford & Fahnestock 371
Oakford, Aaron S. - w/portrait 377
Oglesby, Richard J. (Gov) 163
Pacey, Thomas, Rev. 292
Page, George T. 252
Palmer, John McAuley (Gov) 167
Perkins, Samuel P. 452
Pierce, Franklin (Pres) 71
Pinkney, Andrew W. 468
Pitney, Levi B. 242
Plack, George 272
Polk, James K. (Pres) 59
Potter, John S. 320
Pursell, George S. 480
Putnam, Parker T. 462
Qualman, Charles, Maj. 422
Raum, Daniel F. 234
Reed, Morrow P. w/portrait 319
Reynolds, John (Gov) 123
Rice, James Montgomery, Hon. 386
Roelfs, Fred E. 451
Ryer, Elijah R. 387
Sanger, William M. 439
Schlink, Valentine L.  428
Scholes, Richard 253
Scott, John 399
Sholl, Joseph 244
Silliman, Norman H. 467
Slane, Benjamin Franklin 282
Slayton, Charles M. 289
Slygh, George D. 476
Smith, Abner H. 288
Smith, David 250
Smith, Ira 270
Smith, John 474
Stegens, Frederick 330
Stevens, John S. 400
Stevens, Onslow S. 218
Stevens, Zadock P. 362
Stewart, George W. 407
Stewart, James H. 380
Stewart, Robert A. w/portrait 263
Stowell, Augustus w/portrait 268
Stowell, Solomon 432
Streitmatter, William F. 438
Sturm, George 451
Tallyn, Thomas 209
Taylor, Zachary (Pres) 63
Thomas, Lewis H. 460
Thomas, O. F., M.D. 430
Todd, William H. 302
Tucker, Cyrus - w/portrait 473
Tucker, Homer C. 294
Turner, James 419
Tyler, John (Pres) 55
Van Buren, Martin (Pres) 47
Van Petten, Fred B. 388
Varnes, Ezra Doty 200
Vars, Thomas 312
Washington, George (Pres.) * 20
Weaver, John, M.D. 233
Weber, Valentine 297
Weiennett, Frederick D. w/portrait 287
Whiting, Marcus, M. D. 368
Whitney, Stedmond 313
Whittaker, William S. 418
Whittemore, Caleb 395
Wilkinson, Justin H., Dr. w/portraits 247
Wilson, George A. 232
Wilson, John 213
Wonder, James A. 212
Wood, John (Gov) 155
Wrigley, Joseph 345
Wykoff, William 241
Yates, George V. 254
Yates, Richard (Gov) 159
Yerion Bros. 214




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