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of the firm of Harman and Zigler, is one of
the able young lawyers of Elkhart. Born on a
farm in Jefferson township, this county, April 24,
1875, he belongs to one of the oldest families of
the county, his father and grandfather having been
prominently connected with the industrial and public
affairs of the county since the thirties.
His grandfather, Benjamin Zigler, was born in
Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, was reared and married
there, and about 1838 came west and located in
Jackson township of Elkhart county, here he bought
eighty acres of land covered with dense timber,
erected a log house for the use of his family, and
in a few years had cleared up and improved his place
into a nice farm. Selling it in 1853, he moved
into Jefferson township, where his home remained
till his death, at the age of seventy years.
He had made farming a lifelong vocation, and was
successful beyond the average. He was a member
of the Lutheran church and always voted the
Democratic ticket, at one time having served as
trustee of Jefferson township. He married
Mary A. Wagner, a native of Lebanon county,
Pennsylvania, who died in Elkhart township, this
county, at the advanced age of eighty-two.
They were parents of the following children, seven
of whom are living: Elizabeth Judia, of
South Bend; David, deceased; Henry, of
Goshen; Louisa Shoup, of Goshen; Andrew,
of whom further below; Jonathan of
Mishawaka; Mary Jane, of Elkhart; Sarah C.
Kessler, of Jefferson township.
Andrew Zigler, father of the Elkhart attorney,
who has been a successful farmer for years and
resides on section 26 of Cleveland township, was the
fifth child and third son of his parents and was
born in Jackson township of this county, Aug. 9,
1845. He was reared and educated in his native
township, attending the Goshen schools, and spent
the first twenty-one years of his life at home.
He alternated between the occupations of teaching in
the winter and farming in the summer. In 1866,
at the age of twenty-one, he married Lovina Ricks,
daughter of John and Eliza A. (Stockham) Ricks.
She was born in Allen county, Ohio, and came to
Jefferson township, Elkhart county, when four years
old, being reared and educated there. After
his marriage Andrew Zigler moved over to St.
Joseph county, where he was engaged in farming and
teaching two years, and then returned and located in
Jefferson township about three miles north of
Goshen. Three years later he bought and moved
to a farm of eighty-four acres, which he cultivated
until 1900, when he sold and moved into Elkhart.
He bought his present farm in 1901 and located on
the same in 1904.
Mr. Andrew Zigler has manifested much interest
in public affairs. He served as assessor of
Jefferson township nine years, and is the present
trustee of Cleveland township, having been elected
to the office in 1904. He is a prosperous and
successful farmer, his estate comprising one hundred
and sixteen acres, and in civic and material affairs
he has been an important factor. He had three
children: Carry, the deceased wife of
George Stauffer; Ira Elbert, who is registry
clerk in the Elkhart postoffice, a position he has
held eleven years; and Edward B.
Edward B. Zigler spent his boyhood and youth
on the farm, and his education was obtained in the
country schools and at Valparaiso. At the age
of seventeen he began teaching country school and
continued that vocation three years. His law
studies in the meantime had already been begun first
in the scientific department at Valparaiso Normal
and then in the law department of that institution.
He was admitted to the bar Mar. 8, 1898, and at once
began practice in Elkhart, where he has built up a
large and profitable business. His partnership
with Mr. Harman began on Jan. 1, 1902, and
this is now one of the well known legal firms of the
Fraternally Mr. Zigler affiliates with the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, with the
Knights of Pythias and with the Modern Woodmen of
America. He and his wife are Methodists.
He married, Nov. 27, 1895, Miss Maud E. Rice,
of this county, and they have one son, Arthur E. |