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the son of a man who has cast distinction on the
medical profession in Elkhart county, and himself
one of the most prominent members of the medical
fraternity in this county, was born over in LaGrange
county, on a farm, Jan. 20, 1863, a son of
Charles S. and Anabel (Vermilye or Vermilje)
On his mother's side Dr. Frink is of pure
Dutch descent, representing the present generation
of the family which Johannes Vermilye, of
Holland, established in this country during its
colonial epoch, and it is a matter of record that
his Johannes Vermilye was one of the
twenty-three original grantees of the old town of
Harlem, New York city.
His father, Dr. Charles S. Frink, who was a son
of Nathan Frink, a native of New York, was
born in New York state and in early life came to
Indiana, married and settled in Lagrange county.
He held the office of county recorder several years.
HE studied medicine, graduating from the University
of Michigan just before the Civil war, and
volunteered his services to the Union cause.
He made a distinguished record as a surgeon, became
lieutenant colonel, and served as medical director
of the Twenty-third Army Corps. Locating in
Elkhart at the close of the war, he continued in
active practice here until his death, in 1893, at
the age of fifty-six. He was a member of the
American Medical Association and also of the state
society, was a prominent G. A. R. man and a member
of the Loyal Legion, was a Mason, and took a very
active part in church work as a member of the
Methodist denomination, being secretary of the board
of trustees and contributing largely to the
erection of the edifice where he worshiped till his
death. Twice married, by his first wife he had a son
and a daughter, the latter now Mrs. D. J. Yoder,
a widow, living in Elkhart. For his second
wife he married Angeline S. Lowe, of
Philadelphia, who now survives him and lives in
Elkhart. The children of the second union are
Lauer S., Arthur S., Ralph M., Mrs. Z. F. Benfer,
of Chicago, and Miss Emily.
Dr. C. W. Frink was reared in Elkhart and has spent
most of his active career here. Graduating
from the Elkhart High School in 1880, he entered the
office of S. M. Cummins, D. D. S., and spent
two years in the study of dentistry. He then
spent one year each in Hillsdale College, Michigan,
and DePauw University in Indiana. Then in 1884
matriculating at Rush Medical College Chicago, he
graduated from that well known institution in 1887.
For the following four years he practiced at
Indianapolis, and for one year of that time was
deputy coroner of Marion county. He came to
Elkhart in 1891, joining his father and continuing a
joint practice until the latter's death in 1893, and
since then has carried on his large practice alone.
He does a large amount of professional business as
surgeon and medical examiner, being surgeon to the
Big Four and the Indiana Electric Railroad
companies, and is medical examiner for the Mutual
Life of New York, the New York Life, the
Massachusetts Mutual, the Northwestern of Milwaukee,
the Connecticut Mutual, the Mutual Benefit of New
York, the Manhattan, and served other life insurance
companies. He is a member of the county and
state medical societies and of the American Medical
Association, and also of the Association Academy of
Railway Surgeons. His religious connections
are with the Presbyterian denomination.
Dr. Frink, married in 1889, Miss Maud
Robinson, of Indianapolis. They are the
parents of three children, Charles R., Miriam and
Maurice M. |