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postmaster of Middlebury and a stock dealer of
Elkhart county, was born in Clinton township, this
county, Feb. 23, 1862. He is a son of
Daniel and Cynthia (Larimer) Elliott. His
father, Daniel Elliott, was born in Stark
County, Ohio, and was one of ten children. His
father, Thomas Elliott, was of English
lineage. Daniel Elliott came to Indiana
at an early period in the development of this state.
His parents had traveled overland by wagon, had
visited Chicago and Iowa and eventually settled in
Clinton township, Elkhart county, Indiana.
There Daniel Elliott made his home until
1865, when he removed to Middlebury township and
purchased land on section ten, living upon that
place until 1884, when he took up his abode in the
town of Middlebury, where on the 1st of January,
1885, he established the Exchange Bank, the first
institution of that character in Middlebury.
The first draft was issued to J. F. Cooper.
He then conducted the bank successfully up to the
time of his death, when it went into possession of
Jonathan S. Mather. After Daniel
Elliott purchased a farm in Middlebury he also
sold farm machinery and disposed of the first car
load of Walter A. Wood binders ever sold in
this county. He likewise engaged in the
hardware business in Middlebury, conducting his
store until 1872, when he sold out to the firm of
Foster & Blough, while eventually the store
passed into possession of the firm of Wise &
Varns. Mr. Elliott was a man of marked
business enterprise, keen discernment and sagacity
and accumulating a handsome property he left his
family in very comfortable circumstances. He
died July 22, 1896, in the sixty-third year of his
age. He was a member of the Methodist
Episcopal church, served as one of its officers and
took a helpful part in its work. He was also a
strong Republican and a man firm in support of his
convictions. He did much to promote the
commercial prosperity of Middlebury and his own
business record was characterized by untiring
activity and honorable principles leading to
success. He married Cynthia Larimer who
died in October, 1894, in her fifty-eighth year.
Her father, Moses Larimer, came to Indiana in
an early day, settling in Clinton township, where he
followed the occupation of farming. He was of
English lineage.
Charles W. Elliott pursued his education in the
schools of Middlebury and afterward gave supervision
to his father's farm until twenty-four years of age,
when he entered his father's bank, remaining there
until the death of Daniel Elliott. On
the 1st of July, 1897, he was appointed postmaster
of Middlebury and has since discharged the duties of
the office most acceptably to his constituency and
the general public. In addition he is also
engaged in dealing in horses and making shipments.
He has likewise dealt in land and as a trader has
become well known, manifesting in his business
enterprises keen sagacity and sound judgment.
He is rarely mistaken in the value of any purchase
which he makes and his sales have brought to him an
excellent return.
On the 14th of October, 1885, Mr. Elliott was
married to Miss Mary M. Gary, a daughter of
Victor and Barbara Gray. She was born
on what is known as the Haw Patch in Noble county,
Indiana, Jan. 13, 1865, her father having taken up
his abode in this state when the work of improvement
and progress had scarcely been begun. He
followed the occupation of farming and upon the
homestead farm which he developed reared his family
of nine children. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
have become the parents of five children.
Dick W., the eldest, born Oct. 29, 1886, spent
three years as freight clerk with the Michigan
Central Railroad at Battle Creek and is now in the
superintendent's office of the same road at Chicago.
Ruth, born Feb. 21, 1888, is a graduate of
the high school at Middlebury and is quite
accomplished as a pianist. Helen, born
Mar. 24, 1892; Daniel Otis, born Jul. 29,
1894, and McKinley, born Sept. 20, 1901, are
the younger members of the family. The parents
are devoted adherents of the Methodist Episcopal
church and Mr. Elliott's name is on the
membership rolls of the Knights of Pythias lodge of
Middlebury. He is a stanch and ardent
Republican and for two terms has served as village
clerk and now he is capably discharging the duties
of postmaster. In whatever relation of life we
find him he is true to the trust reposed in him and
he has a wide and favorable acquaintance in the
county where he has always lived. |