Welcome to
Richmond County,

Extracted from 1924 DAR Magazine by Sharon Wick

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1727/8 Jan. 14 ____, Delline Hand, Lawrence
1729 Oct. 15 Abshone, William Starks, Eleanor
1729 Jul. 4 Alderson, John Starks, Jane
1730/1 Feb. 18 Allard, Henry Davis, Grace
1678 Nov. 15 Allen John Major, Catherin
1677 Dec. 2 Allen, Anne Elmore, Francis
1677 Jun. 18 Allin, Ann Creswell, William
1729 Oct. 7 Alverson, Ann Maxwell, Herbert
1729/30 Jan. 9 Alverson, Mary Watts, John
1728/7 Feb. 17 Alverson, Rebecca Oldham, Peter
1725 Oct. 18 Anderson, Edward Conor, Margaret
1678 Jul. 15 Answorth, John Bridger, Sarah
1680 Jul. 4 Apleby, Richard Arnolds, Ann
1728 Nov. 17 Appleby, Richard Pression, Elizabeth
1680 Jul. 4 Arnolds, Ann Apleby, Richard
1729 Dec. 23 Askins, William Morgan, Elizabeth
1726 Oct. 2 Audley, Sarah Williams, Thomas
1725 Dec. 2 Bailey, Samuel Metcalfe, Elizabeth
1730/1 Feb. 14 Bale, Sarah Harding, William 
1732 Jun. 16 Barber, Ann McCarty, Billington
1730 Jun. 5 Barber, Elizabeth Hunt, George
1728 Sep. 20 Barber, Mary Samford, James
1727 Nov. 30 Barber, Samuel Foster, Ann
1729/30 Jan. 28 Barber, Thomas Nash, Ann
1726 May 27 Barns, Penilopy ErsKing, William
1728 Oct. 11 Barton, Sarah Elmore, Charles
1729/30 Jan. 16 Bates, Edward Peck, Jane
1728 May 5 Beages, William Happer, Katherine
1732 Nov. 4 Beale, Ann Hamilton, Gilbert
1728 Apr. 27 Beale, Thomas McCarty, Sarah
1729 Apr. 29 Beale, William Harnear, Harnear?
1678 Apr. 6 Bedwell, Mary Webb, Isaac
1673 Aug. 24 Benjamin, Dorothy Green, John
1673 Sep. 11 Billington Russell, John
1727/8 Feb. 25 Bird, Philemon Mackgyar, Mary
1729 Sep. 13 Blackmore, George Shaw, Christian
1730/1 Jan. 26 Blewford, George Palmer, Janey
1727 Dec. 27 Bogges, Bennett Samford, Eliza
1727 Nov. 5 Booth, James Dale, Frances
1731/2 Mar. 15 Borah, Agnes Smith, William
1727 Sep. 14 Boston, Robert Thornton, Margaet
1728 Jun. 11 Bragg, Charles Packett, Elizabeth
1729 May 30 Brain, Margaret Nash, William
1726/7 Mar. 16 Branham, John Grower, Rachel
1678 Jul. 7 Brasser, Richard How, Elizabeth
1678 Jul. 15 Bridger, Sarah Answorth, John
1678 Jun. 3 Brooks, Anne Phillips, Jeremiah
1729 Jun. 9 Brown, Frances Carpenter, John
!728 Apr. 30 Bruce, Joseph Taylor, Katherine
1738 Nov. 30 Bryant, Charles Jeffry, Margaret
1727 Apr. 6 Bryant, Edward Smith, Frances
1726 Aug. 3 Bryant, John Hinds, Mary
1728 Sep. 23 Bryant, Mary Hammond, Thomas
1729 June 27, Bryant, Thomas Fowler, Eliza
1738 Nov. 22 Bryant, Wilmoth Stone, Joshua
1728 Aug. 2 Burn, Christopher Gwien, Alice
1728 Apr. 3 Burn, Joseph Flowers, Eleanor
1673 Oct. 19 Burt, David Read, Mary
1730/1 Feb. 18 Buxton, John Hais, Ann
1729 Aug. 7 Call, Elizabeth Gibson, John
1729/30 Jan. 8 Camel, Katherine Harper, Abraham
1728 Dec. 1 Camron, Dennis Prescon, Ann
1680 Jul. 11 Canes, Anne Marsy, John
1725/6 Feb. 9 Canterbery, Margaret Smith, John
1726/7 Feb. 26 Carill, Daniel Lase, Ann
1729 Jun. 9 Carpenter, John Brown, Frances
1680 Nov. 8 Cary, Mary Jacobs, John
1730 Aug. 27 Cearron, William Dammurell, Ann
1731 Jul. 18 Chandler, Francis Mozingo, Margaret
1729 Aug. 25 Chanler, John Mozingo, Sarah
1731 Apr. 23 Christie Robert Lambeart, Elizabeth
1730/1 Mar. 4 Churchwell, Simon Starks, Darks
1726 Oct. 20 Clark, Mary Hill, George
1728 Nov. 3 Cocar, Jane Crawley, William
1673 Jul. 13 Collee, Thomas Fann, Anne
1730 Sep. 15 Collins, Mary Ann Webster, Henry
1727 Sep. 8 Connell, Michael Jasper, Mary
1729/30 Fe. 26 Connelly, John Oldham, Margaret
1739 Jul. 29 Connelly, Margaret Robinson, James
1728 Jul. 28 Connelly, Patrick Waddilow, Mary
1725 Oct. 18 Conor, Margaret Anderson, Edward
1675 Jan. 22 Conserve, Emanuel Killingsby, Elizabeth
1728/9 Jan. 23 Coward, Margaret Gupton, Stephen
1728 Nov. 3 Crawley, William Cocar, Jane
1729 Nov. 25 Creel, William Dodson, Ales
1678 Apr. 6 Creswell, Frances Partridge, John
1677 Jun. 18 Creswell, William Allin, Ann
1728 Dec. 2 Cribin, Elizabeth Spendergrass, John
1729 Oct. 13 Crolorir, Thomas King, Alice
1728 Dec. 9 Croswell, Gilbert Hill, Eleanor
1726 Apr. 30 Dagod, Margaret Dodson, George
1727 Nov. 5 Dale, Frances Booth, James
1730 Aug. 27 Dammurell, Ann Cearron, William
1727/8 Jan. 8 Dasey, William Mills, Mary
1727 Aug. 17 Davis, Ann Nichols, Charles
1677 Nov. 15 Davis, Edward Paxen, Mary
1730/1 Feb. 18 Davis, Grace Allard, Henry
1728 Oct. 4 Davis, Jane Randall, Thomas
1727 Dec. 25 Davis, John Hammond, Susanna
1677 Apr. 23 Davis, William Thrift, Elizabeth

State of Virginia
County of Richmond, To-wit:
I, E. Carter Delano, Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that the Marriages hereto annexed, dating from 1672 to 1800, were gathered from the records of my said Court, and Compared with the Original Parish Register (entries therein) in my possession, and verified by Mrs. Jeter Biscoe Rains (wife of the County Clerk) and myself.
Given under my hand this 15th day of April 1924.   E. Carter Delano, D. C.


County Courthouse
P.O. Box 1000
Warsaw, VA 22572-1000
Phone: (804) 333-3415
Fax: (804)333-3408



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This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for U.S. Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights
