Welcome to
Richmond County,

Extracted from 1924 DAR Magazine by Sharon Wick

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1738 Nov. 30 Nichols, Mary Raven, William
1729 Oct. 24 Nieves, Sarah Rian, Donnis
1728/9 Feb. 12 Northen, Sarah Nelms, Joshua
1729/30 Fe. 26 Oldham, Margaret Connelly, John
1728/7 Feb. 17 Oldham, Peter Alverson, Rebecca
1729/30 Jan. 22 Oldham, Priscilla Williams, Henry
1674 May 10 Oneal, Daniel Hading, Elizabeth
1726/7 Feb. 11 Osborne, Thomas Smith, Frances
1728 Jun. 11 Packett, Elizabeth Bragg, Charles
1730/1 Jan. 26 Palmer, Janey Blewford, George
1741, Mar. 30 Palmer, Parmenus Draper, Mary Ann
1743 Oct. 31 Palmer, Truman Hanes, Ann
1678 Apr. 6 Partridge, John Creswell, Frances
1677 Nov. 15 Paxen, Mary Davis, Edward
1725 Dec. 16 Peace, Mary Edwards, William
1743 Oct. 6 Peachey, Alice Corbin Eustace, John
1729/30 Jan. 16 Peck, Jane Bates, Edward
1726 Jul. 10 Peck, Matthew Gray, Thomas
1729 Apr. 21 Peirce, Sarah Harburn, David
1730/1 Mar. 2 Pendle, Mary Short, Clark
1728/9 Jan. 30 Penley, Thomas Stone, Sarah
1728 Nov. 15 Pettey, Frances Martin, Nicholas
1729/30 Jan. 8 Pettey, Prudence Nelson, Alexr
1727 Aug. 24 Petty, Thomas Doon, Elizabeth
1725/6 Feb. 21 Phillips, Catherine Thompson, George
1678 Jun. 3 Phillips, Jeremiah Brooks, Anne
1727 Jun. 14 Piarse, Mary King, William
1727 Apr. 22 Pincard, Thomas Dowman, Elizabeth
1756 May 7 Plummer, John Smith, Sarah
1677 May 4 Polley, Joseph Ken, Joanna
1673 Oct. 19 Polling, Simon Wade, Jean
1728 Dec. 1 Prescon, Ann Camron, Dennis
1728 Nov. 17 Pression, Elizabeth Appleby, Richard
1726 Jul. 10 Pridham, Elizabeth Hinkley, Edward
1738 Feb. 2 Pugh, Lewis Harvey, Margaret
1732 Jun. 8 Pycraft, Winifred Williams, Thomas
1730 Jun. 11 Ramze, Isabell Small, Oliver
1729 Aug. 20 Randall, Mary Reed, Ely
1728 Oct. 4 Randall, Thomas Davis, Jane
1738 Nov. 30 Raven, William Nichols, Mary
1730/1 Mar. 2 Rawlins, Thomas Gibson, Elizabeth
1730/1 Mar. 2 Rawlins, Thomas Gibson, Eliza
1728 Nov. 29 Raynolds, Ann Elmore, John
1673 Oct. 19 Read, Mary Burt, David
1729 Aug. 21 Redman, Priscilla Wells, Stephen
1729 Aug. 20 Reed, Ely Randall, Mary
1674 Aug. 5 Reynolds, John Grimes, Sarah
1729 Oct. 24 Rian, Donnis Nieves, Sarah
1730 Sep. 17 Roberson, Ann Hastie, William
1739 Jul. 29 Robinson, James Connelly, Margaret
1674 Jun. 8 Rolls, William Ruves, Margaret
1731/2 Mar.3 Ront, John Sydnor, Winifred
1673 Sep. 11 Russell, John Billington
1674 Jun. 8 Ruves, Margaret Rolls, William
1675 Jan. 23 Samford, Alicia Fann, William
1727 Dec. 27 Samford, Eliza Bogges, Bennett
1728 Sep. 20 Samford, James Barber, Mary
1772 Apr. 3 Samford, James McKenney, Rebecca
1742 Jul. 28 Samford, Keene Dowden, Winney
1673 Jul. 14 Samford, Mary Webb, John
1739 Dec. 9 Scurlock, Margaret Morrison, Joseph
1729 Nov. 7 Scurlock, Mary Howend, James
1727 Sep. 2 Seamons, John Hammock, Jane
1728 Jul. 17 Seamons, John Foster, Katherine
1729 Nov. 30 Seamons, John Jones, Elizabeth
1729 Sep. 13 Shaw, Christian Blackmore, George
1680 Nov. 22 Shaw, William Holland, Margaret
1728 Oct. 11 Sherlock, Deborah Morrow, Andrew
1675 Aug. 1 Sherman, Jane Fristow, Robert
1727 Mar. 15 Short, Ann Smith, Peter
1730/1 Mar. 2 Short, Clark Pendle, Mary
1728 Jul. 15 Short, Eleanor Threlkeld, Henry
1739, Sep. 23 Singleton, Ann Hinds, James
1727 Aug. 31 Sisson, William Gower, Frances
1730 Jun. 11 Small, Oliver Ramze, Isabell
1727 Apr. 6 Smith, Frances Bryant, Edward
1726/7 Feb. 11 Smith, Frances Osborne, Thomas
1725/6 Feb. 9 Smith, John Canterbery, Margaret
1725/6 Feb. 16 Smith, Katherine Jones, William
1727 Mar. 15 Smith, Peter Short, Ann
1756 May 7 Smith, Sarah Plummer, John
1731 Jul. 5 Smith, William Truman, Sarah
1731/2 Mar. 15 Smith, William Borah, Agnes
1728 Dec. 2 Spendergrass, John Cribin, Elizabeth
1726/7 Feb. 2 Spragg, John Edwards, Mary
1729 Oct. 16 Stanfield, Mary Lyell, Jonathan
1730/1 Mar. 4 Starks, Darks Churchwell, Simon
1729 Oct. 15 Starks, Eleanor Abshone, William
1729 Jul. 4 Starks, Jane Alderson, John
1728 Oct. 20 Stephen, Daniel Tarpley, Lucy
1738 Nov. 22 Stone, Joshua Bryant, Wilmoth
1728/9 Jan. 30 Stone, Sarah Penley, Thomas
1728 Jul. 19 Suggett, Elizabeth Hill, John
1726/7 Mar. 3 Suggett, Sarah Hill, William
1678 Nov. 15 Swan, Alexander Hinds, Judith
1728 May 27 Sydnor, John Heall, Elizabeth
1731/2 Mar.3 Sydnor, Winifred Ront, John
1727 Aug. 10 Talburt, Elizabeth Thornton, William
1728 Oct. 20 Tarpley, Lucy Stephen, Daniel
!728 Apr. 30 Taylor, Katherine Bruce, Joseph

State of Virginia
County of Richmond, To-wit:
I, E. Carter Delano, Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that the Marriages hereto annexed, dating from 1672 to 1800, were gathered from the records of my said Court, and Compared with the Original Parish Register (entries therein) in my possession, and verified by Mrs. Jeter Biscoe Rains (wife of the County Clerk) and myself.
Given under my hand this 15th day of April 1924.   E. Carter Delano, D. C.


County Courthouse
P.O. Box 1000
Warsaw, VA 22572-1000
Phone: (804) 333-3415
Fax: (804)333-3408



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This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for U.S. Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights
