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Hartford County, Connecticut
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Page 158-9.
ACKLEY, Samuel, Haddam. Died 18 Jan. 1729-30.
Invt. in land, £337. Taken
by James Spencer, John Bate and James Cone.
Court Record, Page 27 - 1 Sept. 1730: Adms. to Hannah
Ackley, the widow, who exhibits an inventory. Accepted and
ordered to be recorded and kept on file.
Page 44 (Vol. XVI) 28 Nov. 1751: An account of
Adms. on the estate of Samuel Ackley was now exhibited in Court by
David Gates, Adms. Accepted. Also, the sd. Adms. moves for a
distribution, whereupon this Court appoint and impower Moses Rowley,
John Persivel and John Fuller, of East Haddam, to dist. the estate,
viz., 1 - 3 of the movable estate to the relict of the deceased,
also 1 - 3 part of the real estates; and to David Ackley, only
child, all the residue of sd. estate, both real and personal, to be
to him and his heirs forever.
Dist. File: 20 May, 1752: To the widow,
Hannah Gates; to David Ackley, only son. By Moses Rowley, John
Fuller and John Parsivel. |
Page 265.
ADAMS, Esther, Hartford. Died 30 Oct. 1732.
Invt. £15-00-01. Taken 6 Dec.,
1732, by Timothy Cowles and Nehemiah Smith.
Court Record, Page 78-5 Dec., 1732: Adms. to
Joseph Cowles, and, with Daniel Bidwell, recog. in £200.
Page 84-6 March, 1732-3: Exhibited an inventory.
Accepted, ordered to be recorded and kept on file. |
Page 325-6-7
ALLYN, Dea. Thomas, Middletown. Invt.
£1204-18-04. Added £949-10-00.
Taken by Jabez Hamlin, Solomon Adkins and Nathaniel Bacon.
Will dated 1 Dec. 1733.
I, Thomas Allyn of Middletown, do make this my last
will and testament: Imprs. I give to my wife Hannah Allyn
fourty pounds out of my moveable estate, also the use of one-half of
my dwelling house and cellar, and the use of one-third of my barn
and yard and orchard and all of my improved lands; all this so long
as she continues my widow. Item. I give to my daughter
Elizabeth, and to her heirs forever, my lot on which my dwelling
house now stands, from the highway eastward so far as my lot
extends, with all the buildings, yards and orcharding upon the said
land, and also westward from said highway the whole breadth of my
lot unto the highway on Stony Hills, about 75 acres. Also, I
give her the sixty acres of land lying in the long lots on the east
side of the Great River, which I bought of brother Jonathan Smith.
Also, all my right in uncle Thomas Ally's new division on the east
side of the Great River: i.e., my own right as heir to him, and what
I bought of my brethren; and also the one-half of all my rights to
undivided lands and commonage. Also, two thirds of my sheep,
and the one-half of all my other stock and moveable estate
whatsoever (after her mother has taken the fourty pounds I have
given her in what she pleaseth), hereby obliging my said daughter
Elizabeth or her heirs seasonably to pay the one-half of my just
debts and funeral charges and half the legasie hereafter mentioned.
Item. I give to the children of my daughter Hannah Gilbert,
deceased, and to her heirs forever: Imprs. I give to her
eldest son, Nathaniel Gilbert, all my right in the long lot on the
east side of the Great River, which was originally uncle Thomas
Allyn's about eight schore acres. Item. I give to her
two daughters, Hannah and Dorothy Gilbert, one-third of the sheep
and one-half of all my other stock. Also, I give them the half
of my right in undivided lands and commonage so far as to make each
of their portions half as much as one of their brothers. Item.
I give to my four grandchildren, Allyn, Nathaniel, Hannah and
Dorothy Gilbert, 10 acres of land at the west end of my lot in the
new division on the east side ye Great River. Item. I
give five pounds in money to be improved for the religious
instruction of the children in the New Field Quarter, and my will is
that the minister who shall have the pastoral charge of the people
in said Quarter shall be desired to spend a convenient time in the
month of June annually in giving pious and Godly instructions to the
children. And I do appoint the committee for the school in
said Quarter to receive and improve said money for the above-said,
ordering them to pay said minister annually six shillings. I
appoint my two sons-in-law, Nathaniel Gilbert and Jonathan Allyn,
Witness: Zacheus Candee, Joseph Blacke, William Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 103 - 1 January, 1733-4: The
will and inventory now exhibited in Court, proven, and both accepted
and ordered to be recorded and kept on file.
Will and Invt. on File
ARNOLD,Josiah, Haddam. Died 22 June, 1733.
Inventory taken 2 July, 1733, by Benjamin Smith, John Fisk and
Thoams Brooks, Sen. Will dated 15th June, 1733.
Know all men by these presents: That I, Josiah
Arnold of Haddam, in the County of Hartford and Colony of
Connecticutt, in New England, being of a languishing state of body
and hastening to my dissolution, yet of sound mind and memory, do
make and ordaine this my last will and testament, viz.: First
of all, I comend my spirit into the hands of Him that gave it, and
my body unto the earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial as
my executors shall think fit. And as to these worldly goods
wherewith God hath blessed me, I give and bequeath them in manner
following, viz.: Imprimis: I give and bequeath to my
well-beloved wife Abigail the use and improvement of 1-3 part of all
my real estate, both buildings and lands, during her natural life;
and 1-3 part of all my personal estate, goods and chattells I give
her to be at her own disposal forever. Item. I will and
bequeath to Francis and Josiah Arnold, sons of my brother David
Arnold, a piece of land containing 39 acres and a 1-2, lying at the
south end of Turkey Hill, bonded south on Saybrook line, east on
land of Abraham Tyler, north on land of Hannah Tyler, and west on
William Scovill's land. Item. To my well-beloved
daughter and only child, Rhoda, I give and bequeath all the
remaining part of my estate, both real and personal, moveable and
imoveable, to be her own forever. Item. I ordain and
appoint my brother David Arnold and my well-beloved wife Abigail the
sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
Witness: Phineas Fiske, Joseph Munger, Mary X Smith.
Court Record, Page
96 - 19 June, 1733: Will Proven. |
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