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Hartford County, Connecticut
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Page 234
CAMP, Elizabeth, Kinsington. Invt.
£110-14-09. Taken 30 November,
1732, by Thomas Hart and John Root. Will dated 24 July, 1728.
I, Elizabeth Camp of Kensington, in the Township of
Middletown, within the County of Hartord, do make this my last will
and testament: I give to my three daughters, Elizabeth,
Abigail and Mary, all my wearing apparell, both linen and woolen, to
be equally divided among them. And all my other estate, both
real and personal, I give to my two sons, Samuel and Caleb Galpen,
to be equally divided among them. I do appoint my two sons
above mentioned, Samuel and Caleb Galpen, executors.
Witness: Josiah Boardman,
Isaac Peck, Rebeckah X Hart.
Records, Page 78 - 28 November, 1732: Will exhibited.
CASE, Daniel, Simsbury. Died 28 May, 1733.
Inventory taken 29 Jun. 1733, by Nathaniel Higley, Daniel Addams and
Reuben Slater. Will dated 25 May, 1733.
I, Daniel Case of Simsbury, do make this my last will
and testament:
First of all, I give and bequeath unto Penelopy, my wife, 1-3 of my
houseing and lands during her life, the use of 1-3 part of my
moveable estate during her life, also my best horse and my best cowe
to be her own forever. Nextly, I give all my houseing and
lands to my four sons, namely, Daniel, Dudley, Zacheus, and Ezekiel,
to be equally divided between them, and also all my wearing apparell,
and also 1-2 of my tools and team tackling, equally between them.
Nextly, I give all the remaining part of my moveable estate to my
two daughters, Mindwell and Susannah, to be equally divided between
them. I do appoint James Case and my wife Penelopy to be
Witness: James Hilyer,
Jonathan Case, Nathaniel Westover |
Court Record, Page 93 - 3 Jul. 1733: Will exhibited.
Page 97 - 29 Jun. 1733: This Court appoint Penelope Case to
be guardian to Daniel, age 13 years, Mindwell 11, Dudly 9, Susannah
7, Zacheus 4, and Ezekiel 2 years of age, children of Daniel Case
decd. Recog.
Page 53 (Vol. XIV) 5 Feb. 1744-5:
An account of Adms. was now exhibited in Court by the executors:
Paid in debts and charges £10-09-02; and received £9-08-06.
Daniel Case, eldest son, now moves this Court to make dist. of the
real estate and also of the personal estate according to the will of
the sd. deceased. This Court appoint Capt. Nathaniel Holcomb,
Joshua Holcomb and Andrew Robe, of Simsbury to divide the estate and
make return of their doings to this Court. |
CASE, John, Simsbury. Died 22 May, 1733. Invt.
£1340-00-00. Taken 8 Jun. 1733,
by Joseph Case, John Humphrey and Daniel Addams. Will dated 14
Sep. 1730.
I, John Case, Sen., of Simsbury, do make this my last
will and testament: I give to my well-beloved wife Sarah 1-3
part of my now dwelling house and barn, with 1-3 part of my
improveable land during her natural life, and also 1-3 part of my
moveable estate forever. I give to my son John a certain piece
of land lying on the east side of the river in Simsbury, being 12
acres that his barn now stands upon, sd. land lying westward of
Buttolph's house, north of the highway, bounded northerly side on
Josh. Holcomb's land. I give to my son Daniel the pasture lott
that his house stands upon, with 4 rods south of his dwelling house
and so running west 1 1-2 rods, south of the south corner of sd.
Daniel's land, straight through the lot to the west end, and also
the 2 1-2 acre lot that bounds south upon sd. pasture and north upon
Samuel Adams's land. I give to my son Jonathan my home lott
that I now dwell upon, with all the buildings thereon. The
remaining part of all my lands I give unto my sons John, Daniel and
Jonathan, to be equally divided between them, except that I give to
my son John £10 more than an equal part. I give to the heirs
of my daughters Mary, 10 shillings to her son and 5 shillings to
each of her daughters, besides what I have already given her in her
lifetime. I give to my daughter Sarah so much in moveable
estate as to make up £60 as money with what I have already give her,
with this promise, that my wife Sarah quits all her claim in the law
that she has or may have unto lands that descended to her from her
Father Holcomb equally to my sons, John, Daniel and Jonathan; but,
if not, I give unto my sd. daughter 10 shillings. Also I give
unto my daughter Hannah £60 in moveable estate with what she has
already received, in the whole £60 as money. I appoint my
three sons, John, Daniel and Jonathan, executors.
Witness: Andrew Robe,
Esther Higley, Timothy Woodbridge |
Court Record, Page 93 - 3 July,
1733: Will proven
Page 14 (Vol. XII) 13
November, 1734: Jonathan Case, executor, moves this Court that
a division be made of some part of sd. estate not particularly given
or divided in his will. This Court appoint John Humphrey,
Joseph Humphrey and Joseph Hoskins, of Simsbury, to make a division
of such part of the estate so given by the will.
Dist. per File: 16 Mar. 1742:
To John Case, to the heirs of Daniel Case, to Jonathan Case, and to
Sarah Case, widow relict of the decd. By Joseph Humphrey, John
Humphrey and Joseph Hoskins.
P.S. - We think it reasonable and
necessary, and do therefore order, that John Case, his heirs and
successors, shall have the liberty and use of a passway through the
north side of the Bissell lot distributed to the heirs of Daniel
Case, for him to go from the highway to his land by the river with
carts, cattle, etc., as they shall have occasion.
This distribution was allowed
by the Court, 5 February, 1744-5.
Test: Joseph Talcott, Clerk |
Inventory on File
CHAMBERLIN, John, Transient person, who died 26 Nov. 1730,
at the house of Jonathan Ashley in Hartford. Invt.
£6-17-08. Taken 14 Dec. 1730, by
Zebulon Mygatt and Garrad Spencer.
Court Record, Page 37 - 2 Feb. 1730-1: Adms.
granted unto Jonathan Ashley of Hartford, who accepted that trust in
Court and gave bonds accordingly. |
Page 306
CHIPMAN, Joseph, Haddam. Died 17 Jan.
1733. Invt. £351-15-06.
Taken by Nathaniel Spencer, John Bailey, Jr., and Ebenezer Arnold.
Court Record, Page 97 - 4 Sep. 1733: Adms. to
Annah Chipman, widow. Recog. with Samuel Bailey of Haddam.
This Court appoint Mrs. Anna Chipman, relict of Joseph Chipman
decd., to be guardian to Elizabeth Chipman, age 11 years, Abigail 9
years, Joseph 5 years, and Annah 1 year old. Rcog. £300. |
Page 67
CHURCH, Richard, Colchester. Invt.
£224-13-09. Taken 17 June, 1730,
by Nathaniel Foote, John Bulkeley, Jr., and Ephraim Foote.
Court Record, Page 19 - 5 May 1730: Adms. to
James Church, son of the deceased.
Page 26 - 4 Aug. 1730: Invt. exhibited by Ensign
James Church. |
Page 210-11
CLARK, Daniel, Haddam. Died 28 Apr., 1732.
Inventory taken by Jared Spencer, Elijah Brainard and Hez. Brainard.
Will dated 24 Apr., 1732.
I, Daniel Clarke, of Haddam, in the County of Hartford
and Colony of Connecticut, do make this my last will and testament:
I give to my wife Mary the use of 1-2 of my dwelling house and half
my barn, and the use of half my lands now under improvement, during
the time that she shall remain my widow, and also 1-3 part of all my
personal estate. I give my eldest son Daniel my dwelling
house, barn and homestead, viz., all the land which I have there
adjoining and 15 acres of land which I bought of the Town, abutting
on the 7th division lott on Haddam West side, laid out on the right
of William Ventrus, and a piece of land on the east side of the
Great River given me by the Town, adjoining land of Lt. William
Brainard, and 1-4 part of all my right and title in and to the
undivided lands on both sides of the Great River, and my fulling
mill, and taintor hooks and bars, and all the tools belonging to sd.
mill, and also my press. I give to my son Hezekiah's certain
piece of land which I had of Capt. Caleb Cone, lying near the house
of Richard Wakeley, and - acres of land more or less on the
southeast side of Cedar Pole Hills, and the 1-2 of all my lands in
the upper meadow, both meadow and swamp, except what I have herein
given to Daniel, and 1-4 part of all my right and title on both
sides of the Great River. I give to my son James 100 acres of
land lying at a place called the Otter Pond, all in one piece, where
it shall best suit him, and 1-4 part of all my right in the
undivided land on both sides the river. I give to my son
Joseph the 5th division lott on Haddam West Side, laid out on the
right of Samuel Spencer, containing 20 acres, and 21 1-2 acres of
the 5th division lott, laid out on the right of Mr. Nicholas Noyes.
Sd. whole lot contains 75 acres. And 13 acres of the 8th
division lott, laid out on sd. Noyes's right. Sd. whole lott
contains 45 acres. And also my own 8th division lott, laid out
on my inhabitant right, and also the 8th division lott laid out on
the right of Samuel Spencer, and also 1-4 part of all my fight and
title in and to the undivided lands on both sides of Great River.
I give to my four daughters, viz., Abigail, Sarah, Deborah and Mary,
all my lands which I have not given to my four sons. Also, I
give to my four daughters all my personal estate of all sorts,
except what I have already disposed of in this will. I make my
wife Mary sol executrix.
Witness: Caleb Cone, Jr.,
Richard Wakeley, Jr., Hezekiah Brainard |
Court Record, Page 74 - Oct., 1732: The last
will and testament of Daniel Clarke, late of Haddam dec'd., was now
exhibited in Court by Mary Clarke, executrix. Sd. will being
proved, is with the invt. approved and ordered to be recorded.
Page 16 (Vol. XIII) 5 Dec. 1738: James Clark, age 18 years and
Deborah Clark, age 16 years, children of Daniel Clark, chose their
brother Hezekiah Clark to be their guardian. Recog.,
£500. Cert: Hezekiah Brainard,
J. P. Page 87
- 20 Apr. 1741: Mary Clark, 12 years of age, daughter of Daniel
Clark, chose Daniel Spencer of Haddam to be her guardian.
Recog., £200. Cert: Hezekiah Brainard, J. P.
Page 152-3
CLARK, Joseph, Farmington. Invt.
£408-19-02. Taken 2 Dec. 1731, by
Deacon William Gaylord, Isaac Goodwin and Samuel Welles.
Court Record, Page 57 - Dec, 1731:
Adms. to Elizabeth Clark, widow, who, with Ebenezer Smith of
Hartford and John Welles of Farmington, recog. in £200.
Page 16 (Vol. XIII) 1st Nov. 1737:
Elizabeth Clark, alias Shepherd, and Daniel Shepherd, her present
husband, Adms. on the estate of Joseph Clark, exhibited an account
of their Adms: Paid in debts and charges £70-18-09. Which
account is accepted in Court and ordered to be filed. This
Court appoint Daniel Shepherd to be guardian to three of the
children of Joseph Clark, viz., Jemima, age 13 years, Joseph 11
years, and Abijah 8 years. Recog., £200.
Page 48 - 12 Apr. 1739: Daniel
Shepherd, guardian to the heirs of Jsoeph Clark, viz., to Joseph,
Abijah and Jemima Clark, informs this Court that sd. minors having
right in the 11th allottment of land in Farmington, bounding east on
Hartford bounds, west on a highway, north on a highway or 12th
allottment, and south on the 10th allottment, in sd. Farmington, as
may more fully appear on record, which land above described lyes in
common or joynt tenancy with Mr. John Whiting and Thomas Cadwell, of
Hartford, and Abigial Woodruff, of Farmington, and the sd. Shepherd,
in behalf of sd. minors, moved that freeholders be appointed to
assist him as guardian in making a division of sd. land:
Whereupon this Court appoint Deacon William Gaylord and Timothy
Skinner of Hartford to assist sd. guardian in makeing a division
that the sd. minors may have the benefit of the improvement in
severalty. Page 2
(Vol. XIV) 23 Sep. 1742: Daniel Shepherd of New Hartford
having resigned his guardianship to Joseph Clarke, age 16 and Abijah
Clark, minor children of Joseph Clarke, these minors now make choice
of Aaron Clarke of Windsor to be their guardian. Recog., £500.
Page 23 - 4 May, 1743: Daniel
Shepherd of New Hartford, in right of his wife, who was the relict
of Joseph Clark and Adms. on sd. estate, moved to this Court for a
dist. of the moveable estate of the deceased, and also that his sd.
wife's dowry in the real estate may be set out to her as the law
directs. Where upon this Court appoint Ozias Goodwin and Jared
Spencer of Hartford and Samuel Welles of Farmington to set out 1-3
part of the buildings and lands of the deceased by bounds for
Elizabeth Clarke alias Shepherd, for her right of dowry, and also to
make dist. of the moveable part of the estate to the widow and
heirs, viz?
£ - s - d |
To Elizabeth Shepherd, relict of the decd., |
25-08-01 |
To Joseph Clarke, eldest son, |
25-08-00 |
To Abijah Clarke and Jemima Clarke, to each of
them, |
12-14-00 |
Page 89-90
COLYER, John, Hartford (Weaver). Invt.
£622-13-02. Taken 13 Nov., 1730,
by John Sheldon, Nathaniel Goodrich and Aaron Cooke. Will
dated 7 July, 1730.
I, John Colyer of Hartford, do make this my last will
and testament: I give to my son John Colyer all my houseing
and lands, whatsoever and wheresoever, to him and his heirs forever.
I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth 1-3 part of all my personal
estate, to her and her heirs or to her own proper use and dispose,
and 1-3 part of my real estate in houseing and lands during life.
I give unto my four daughters, viz: Elizabeth, Eunice,
Thankfull and Mary, each of them £40 as money. I appoint my
wife Elizabeth to be my sole executrix. |
Page 35-102
COLE, Mabell, Widow of John Cole, Kensington. Invt.
£99-02-95. Taken 24 Dec. 1729, by
Thomas Hart and Samuel Thompson. An addition of £4-19-06 was
made to the inventor.
Court Record, Page 4 - 4 Nov. 1729: Adms. granted
to John Cole, eldest son. |
Page 100.
COHOON, Nathaniel, Colcheser. Invt.
£731-01-11. Taken 2 Apr., 1731, by Israel Newton, John Johnson
and Thomas Adams.
Court Record, Page 22 -
Mar., 1731-2: Adms. to Jane Cohoon, widow, and Joseph Taylor,
of Hebron. Inventory exhibited, ordered to be recorded and
kept on file.
Page 50 - 7 Sep. 1731: Martha Cohoon, 16 years of age, a
daughter of Nathaniel Cohoon, chose Joseph Taylor, of Colchester, to
be her guardian. Recog. £100.
Page 75: A Probate Court held at
Hartford, 27 May, 1748. Present, Joseph Buckingham, Esq.,
Judge; Jos. Talcott, Clerk. This Court order that the original
inventory and administration bond, and the administration account on
the estate of Nathaniel Cohoon, late of Colchester, decreed, be
transferred to the Court of Probate in Colchester, in the district
of Hartford, there to be kept in that office. |
COOK, Joseph. Court Record, Page 11 - 3 February,
1729-30: Joseph Cook, a minor, 17 years of age, chose Joseph
Barbour of Windsor to be his guardian. Recog.,
£50. |
Page 251-2
COOKE, Martha, Hartford. Will dated 1st
Mar. 1731-2.
I, Martha Cook, widow, do make this my last will and
testament: Imprimis. I give to my three daughters,
Martha Cook, Mary Merrells and Annah Cooke, all my moveable estate,
to be equally divided amongst my sd. three daughters, including the
£5 that my daughter Mary hath already received. And further,
my mind is that my daughter Annah shall have my bedd and all the
furniture belonging to it, to be reckoned in her part of the
moveables. I give to my six children, Aaron Cooke, John Cooke,
Moses Cook, Martha Cook, Mary Merrells and Annah Cook, all real
estate, to be equally divided amongst them. I do hereby
constitute my son Aaron Cooke and my son John Cooke to be executors.
Witness: Nathaniel Stanly,
Anna Stanly, Sarah Stanly.
Court Record, Page 75 - 10 Oct., 1732:
Will proven. Page
95 - 7 Aug. 1733; John Cook exhibited an agreement for the
settlement of the estate of Mrs. Martha Cook deed, in the following
manner: This writing witnesseth, that we, the subscribers,
have mutually agreed that this entry shall be the rule of dividing
the estate which our mother left us, and the whole of it, that is to
say, her interest in the land sold to Mr. Joseph Pitkin, and shall
the lands in this town or elsewhere that belongs to our said mother,
or may hereafter, that is, equally to each of us.
As witness our hands:
In the presence of us:
Jno. Whiting,
Tho. Hooker.
28 March, 1733. |
We, The
subscribers, do acknowledge that we have recd: the sum of one
hundred and twenty ponds apiece each of us, which was given by our
bond: father, Aaron Cook, by will.
Jno. Whiting,
Tho. Hooker |
Giles Hooker
Moses Merrell |
Martha Hooker
Mary Merrell |
Page 16 (Vol. XIV, Probate Side): We, the
subscribers, being appointed by the Court of Probate held 13 Sep.
1742, to make partition of the estate of Mrs. Martha Cook
according to her will, have made the following division: To
Lieut. Aaron Cook, in the meadow lott, 2 1-2 acres and 20 rods,
being 1-2 mile and 20 rods in length, and 2 rods 5 foot and 1-2
foot wide, which lyeth on the north side of sd. lott; also, to
Anne Cook, land of the same length and breadth; also, to the heirs
of Mary Merrells, alias Mary Cook, land of the same length and
breadth, butting north on the land of sd. Anne; to John Cook, land
of the same length and breadth, butting north on the sd. Mary; to
the heirs of Moses Cook, that piece of land called the little
orchard, and also, in the aforesd. meadow lott, 6 foot 9 inches in
breadth and the same length as above mentioned, lying on the north
side of sd. meadow lott; and also to Martha Cook, decd. in the
lott called the Neck lott, and also in the abovesd meadow lott
about one acre, it being 14 feet and 6 inches wide, same length as
above, butting north upon the land divided to John Cook,
September, 1742. The above distribution was allowed on the
first Tuesday in December, 1742.
Page 270-1
COOPER, Thomas, Middletown. Invt.
£705-00-00. Taken 27 Mar. 1733, by William Ward, William
Whitmore and Joseph Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 87 -
10 Apr. 1733: Adms to Abigail, the widow, who recog. with
William Whitmore in £500. Mrs. Abigail Cooper, widow,
appointed guardian to her two children, viz., John, age 13 years,
and George, age 9 years.
Page 104 - 5 Feb. 1733-4:
Lamberton Cooper, age 16 years, chose his uncle Francis Wetmore to
be his guardian. Recog., £100.
Page 62 (Vol. XIII) 1st Apr. 1740:
John Cooper, age 20 years, and George, age 16 years, chose their
uncle Francis Whitmore to be their guardian. Recog., £500.
Cert: Joseph White, J. P. Abigail Cooper, Adms.,
exhibited in Court an account of her Adms., which account it appears
in debts and charges the sum of £61-10-05 was paid, and received £3,
which account is accepted and ordered to be kept on file. |
Page 189.
CORNISH, Benjamin, Simsbury. Died 1st
Apr., 1732. Invt.
£31-01-06. Taken 27 Apr. 1732, by Samuel Pettibone, James
Hillyer and Samuel Pettibone, 2nd.
Court Record, Page 67 - 9 May, 1732:
Adms. to James Cornish of Simsbury.
Page 74 - 3 Oct., 1732: The
estate insolvent. John Humphrey, Jr., and Samuel Pettibone,
the 2nd, appointed commissioners.
Page 4 (Vol. XII) 7 May, 1734:
Joseph Cornish, Adms., exhibits an account of his Adms.
Accepted. |
Page 311
CORNWALL, Isaac, Middletown. Died 25
Aug. 1733. Invt.
£183-10-00. Taken 28 Sep. 1733. Will dated 25 Aug. 1733.
The last (nuncupative) will of Isaac Cornwall, late of
Middletown, decd:
I give to
Fletcher Ranny and Joseph Ranny a yoke of stears comeing 4 years
old, and my brindle cow. And I give to Elisha Wilcoks a yoke
of stears comeing three years old, and my red pide cow. I
would not have you take it to pay any debts that I owe to their
father, for I don't mean so, nor I would not have you take it so,
but I give it them freely and voluntarily.
Middletown, November ye
5th, 1733.
Mary Ranny, Esther Ranny and Abigail Wilcoks personally appeared
before me, Jabez Hamlin, Justice of the Peace for Hartford County,
and upon oath declared that they were with Isaac Cornwall the day
before his death, and that the sd. Cornwall the day before his death
pronounced what is within written and desired them to be witnesses
thereof. And further, that the sd. Esther wrote what is on the
other side presently after and that at that time he was, to the best
of their judgement, mente sana, and died the night after.
Jurant Coram. Jabez Hamlin, Just. Peace.
The adverse party being
cited, but not present.
Court Record, Page 96 - 29 Jun. 1733:
Jacob Cornwall, Adms., a brother of the deceased, gave bond with
Richard Seymour of Hartford for £200.
Page 98 - 2 Oct., 1733: The
nuncupative will exhibited by Joseph Ranney. Deferred.
Page 100 - 6 Nov. 1733: Jacob
Cornwall appeals to the Superior Court from the judgement of this
Court in approveing sd. will. |
Page 60-61
CORNWALL, Samuel, Middletown. Died 6
Apr., 1730. Invt.
£631-19-04. Taken 1st May, 1730, by George Phillips, Daniel
Hall and Joseph Rockwell. Will dated 16 Mar. 1729-30.
I, Samuel Cornwall of Middletown, do make this my last
will and testament: I give unto Phebe, my wife, the one equal
third part of all my household goods, moveable estate and stock, of
what name soever, forever, I give to my wife the improvement of 1-3
part of my dwelling house and buildings, all my homestead, and all
other my improveable lands, during her natural life. I give to
my eldest son Samuel Cornwall a double portion in the whole of my
estate after my just debts are paid. And it is my will that
the whole remainder of my estate be divided equally amongst all the
rest of my children, and that my sons shall have their portions in
lands and my daughters shall have theirs in moveable estate so far
as it will go. And if my daughters shall have any part of my
land set out to them, they being designed to sell the same, they
shall first make tender of the same to some of their brothers, my
sons. I constitute my wife Phebe my sole executrix.
Witnesses: George Phillips,
John Kilbourn, Joseph Rockwell
Court Record, Page 23 - 5 Jun. 1730:
Will and invt. exhibited. Approved.
Page 32 (Vol. XIV) 16 Nov. 1743:
Phebe Cornwell, the widow and executrix of the last will of Samuel
Cornwell, now moves to this Court that distributors may be appointed
to distribute the estate according to his last will: Whereupon
this Court appoint Capt. George Phillips, Deacon Solomon Adkins and
Mr. James Ward, of Middletown. distributors, Ebenezer Cornwell, a
minor, 14 years of age, son of Samuel Cornwall, late of Middletown,
chose Mr. William Rockwell to be his guardian. Recog., £200.
Cert: Jabez Hamlin, J.P. |
Page 282.
(Add. Invt. in Vol. XII, Page 391.)
CORNWALL, Capt. Timothy, Middletown. Invt.
£1429-13-10. Taken 24 Jan. 1732-3 by Joseph Rockwell, John
Collins and Samuel Dwight. Additional inventory of his
clothes, which just came from Ireland, and some other things, valued
at £72-12-06: apprised 1st Nov., 1734, by Joseph Rockwell and John
Collins. Court Record, Page 92
- 5 Jun. 1733: Adms. granted unto Peter Wolcott and Susannah
Wolcot his wife widow of the sd. deceased. Recog. with John
Anderson. |
Page 328
COWLE, Joseph, Wethersfield. Invt.
£518-03-10. Taken 18 Dec. 1733, by Benjamin Wright, Jacob
Williams, and David Goodrich, (One and 3-4 acres of land in
Fairfield Swamp.)
Court Record, Page 103 - 1st Jan.
1733-4: Adms. granted to White Cowle, widow, who recog. in
£200 with Jacob Williams of Wethersfield.
Page 19 (Vol. XII) 4 Feb. 1734-5: White
Cowle, Adms., exhibited an account of her Adms. which is accepted.
Page 42 - 31 Mar. 1736: White Cowle,
age 13 years, daughter of sd. deceased, chose David Goodrich of
Wethersfield to be her guardian. Recog., £100. |
Page 11-12-13-14
COWLES, Nathaniel, Sen., Farmington. Invt.
£406-07-00. Taken 22 Nov. 1729, by Isaac Cowles, Sen., and
Daniel Andrews. Will dated 16 Jan. 1727-8.
I, Nathaniel Cowles, Sen., of Farmingtown, do make my
last will and testament: I give to my wife, Mary Cowles, 1-3
part of my personal estate to be at her own dispose to her own
children, and the use of 1-3 part of my houseing and lands during
life. Unto my daughter, Thankful, I give £5 besides what I
have given her before she married. Unto my grandchildren,
Esther Cowles and Nathaniel Cowles: to Esther 5 Shillings, and to
Nathaniel 20 shillings,, when they come of age. I give unto my
daughter Phebe £25, to be paid to her when she comes of age or at
marriage. Unto my sons Timothy, Benjamin, Joseph, Samuel and
Daniel, I give each of them all the rest of my estate or right of
all the divisions of land in Farmingtown that I have or shall have.
I make my wife Mary Cowles and my son Timothy Cowles executors.
Witness: Isaac Cowles, Sen.,
John Trent, Isaac Cowles, Jr. |
Page 301-1
COWLES, Timothy, Farmington. Invt.
£144-10-08. Taken 4 June, 1733,
by Isaac Cowles and Daniel Judd.
Court Record,
Page 91 - 17 May, 1733: Adms. to Content Cowles, the widow,
who recog. with Capt. Isaac Cowles of Farmington.
Page 8 (Vol.
XII) 22 July, 1734: Content Cowles, Adms., exhibited now an
account of her Adms., which this Court accepts. |
CRAMER, John. Court Record, Page 13 - 3 Mar. 1729-30:
John Cramer, a minor, 14 years of age, chose John Curtice to be his
guardian. Recog. £50. |
Page 65-66
CRAW, John, Bolton. Invt.
£272-19-00. Taken 1 July, 1730, by Samuel Brown and Jonathan
Strong. Will dated 21 March, 1730.
In the name of God, amen. I, John Craw, of
the Town of Bolton, in the County of Hartford and Colony of
Cnnecticut, in New England, do make this my last will and testament:
I give to my wife Rebeckah one cowe and one mare, together with 1-3
part of the rest of my personal estate, forever: and 1-3 part of my
house and improved land during her life. And unto my
well-beloved son Jacob Craw I give my house and the 50 estate,
excepting my wife's legacies, he paying out the legacies contained
in this my will and testament, by him freely to be possessed and
injoyed. And to my son Jonathan Craw I will and bequeath £40
in like money. And to my son Ebenezer Craw £40 of money.
And to my son John Craw I give £5 of lawful money. And to my
son Richard Craw I give the sum of £5 of lawful money. And to
my daughter Catharine Hills, and to her heirs, the sum of £15 lawful
money. And to my daughter Elizabeth Sherman I give the sum of
£15. And to my daughter, Mary Craw I bequeath the sum of £30
lawful money. And to my daughter Rebeckah Craw I give £5 of
lawful money. And to my daughter Deliverance Hills I give £15
of lawful money. And the abovesd. legacies to be paid out by
my son Jacob Craw in 13 years from the date hereof. I appoint
my wife Rebeckah and my daughter Mary Craw to be executors.
Witness: Samuel Brown
Jonathan Strong Hepzibah Spencer
Court Record,
Page 25 - 4 August, 1730: Will and invt. exhibited.
Page 72 - 27 June, 1732: Joseph Craw of Bolton, a
minor, 15 1-2 years of age, son of John Craw, chose his brother John
Craw of Coventry to be his guardian. Recog., £50.
Page 24 (Vol.
XII) 1st April, 1735: Ebenezer Craw, 15 years of age, son of
John Craw, chose his sister Mary Craw to be his guardian.
Recog. £50. |
Page 269
CROWFOOT, Margaret, Wethersfield. Invt.
£35-15-09. Taken 27 March, 1733, by Samuel Deming, David
Boardman and Timothy Baxter. Will dated 14 March, 1733.
I, Margaret Crowfoot, widow, of Wethersfield, do make
this my last will and testament: I give unto my son Joseph the
sum of 2 shillings current money. I give all my moveable
estate whatsoever to my son Ephraim and daughters, Elizabeth,
Mehetabell and Sarah, and to Margaret and Mary, my granddaughters,
to be equally divided amongst them. I appoint Elizabeth and
Mehetabell, my daughters, to be executrixes.
Witness: Samuel Deming,
Timothy Baxter
Court Record,
Page 86 - 3 April 1733: Will now exhibited by Elizabeth
Hollister, an executor named in the will.
Page 293
CURTICE, Jonathan, Wethersfield.
Inventory taken 1 August, 1733, by Samuel Collins, Benjamin Wright
and Jacob Williams.
I, Jonathan Curtice, of Stepney Parish, husbandman, do
make this my last will and testament: I give to Hepzibah, my
wife, whom I also make my sole executrix, the 1-3 part of all my
lands, and buildings and edifices for her improvement during her
natural life; also, 1-3 part of my movable estate to be her own
forever. Nextly, I give to my son, Thomas Curtice my dwelling
house and barn, and 25 acres of land with the orchard upon it,
butting south and east on highways, west on Samuel Collins, and so
to run north until it make ye 25 acres. Nextly, I give to my
son Eleazer Curtice, 18 acres of land butting north and east on a
highway, west on Samuel Collins and so running north till it makes
18 acres, for his own. Nextly, I give to my son Jonathan
Curtice 12 acres of land next my son Eleazer Curtice, butting north
upon sd. Eleazer's land, east upon a highway, west on Samuel
Collins, and to run south till it make the sd. 12 acres; also the
half of my lott in Wethersfield Meadow, which lott contains by
estimation 3 acres, which is 1 1-2 acres butting east on a highway,
the south side of it butting on the heirs of Mr. Nathaniel Hooker,
to be his own forever. Next, I give to my son John Curtice 12
acres of land next my son Jonathan, butting north on Jonathan's
land, east on a highway, west on Samuel Collins, and to run south
till it makes the sd. 12 acres; also the 1-2 of my lott in
Wethesfield Meadow, the north side thereof, butting east on a
highway, south on my son Jonathan, and north on Josiah Churchill, to
be his forever. Next, I give to my daughter Anne Curtice
£100. Next, I give to my daughter Abigail Curtice £100.
Both of which is to be made out of my moveable estate if there be
sufficient; if not, out of that and my remaining lands. All
the rest of my estate I will to be divided to my sons, Thomas,
Eleazer, Jonathan and John, in equal proportions.
Witness: Joseph Butler, Sen., Richard Butler, Jonathan
Court Record,
Page 95 - 7 August, 1733: Will and invt. exhibited by Hepzibah
Curtice, the widow. |
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