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Hartford County, Connecticut
History & Genealogy

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Page 338
WEST, Benjamin, Middletown. Invt. £103-19-00.
Taken 9 January, 1733-4, by Daniel Prior, Francis Wetmore and George
Court Record, Page 104 - 5 February, 1733-4: Adms.
granted to Hannah West, widow, who gave bond with Lemuel Lee of
Middletown. Abigail West, a minor daughter, chose her mother
Hannah West to be her guardian. Recog., £50.
Page 14 (Vol.
XII) 3 December, 1734: Hannah West, Adms., exhibited an
account of her Adms., which is accepted by the Court. |
Page 117
WEST, Francis, Tolland. Will dated 9 April, 1731:
I, Francis West of Tolland, in the County of Hartford, do make this
my last will and testament: I give to my wife Merccy all my
moveable estate, both within doors and without doors, reserving to
my son Amasa West all my wooden and iron takling for teaming,
ordering my wife to pay out of this my estate £15
in bills of credit to my granddaughter Zurvia Wales when she come to
the age of 18 years, which I give to her as her mother's portion of
my estate, and also to pay to my granddaughter Susannah Wales £15 in
bills of credit. Also I give to my wife Mercy 1-3 part of my
homestead farm whereon I now live, with 1-3 of the house, during the
time of her life. To my son Samuel West I have already given
him his portion by deed of land on record. Also, to my son
Joseph West I have already given him his portion by deed of land on
record. Also to my son Zebulon West I have already given him
his portion by deed of land on record. To my son Peletiah West
I have already secured him his portion by bond given him from my son
Amasa West bearing date with these presents. I give to my son
Amasa West 1-2 of my homestead farm whereon I now live, with the
house and barn, reserving to my wife 1-3 part as aforesd., which
farm is bounded on the north of land I once gave to my son Amasa
West and on the west by Scongamock River, lying part in Tolland and
part in Coventry, to him my sd. son Amasa West, his heirs and
assigns forever, willing him to pay to my granddaughter Jerusha
Wales £20 in bills of credit when she comes to the age of 18 years,
which I give to her as her part of her mother's portion. I
give to my son Christopher West 1-2 of my farm. I give all my
wearing apparrell and books to my six sons, to be equally divided
between them, reserving my Great Bible, which I give to my son
Samuel West. I give to my son Christopher West one whole right
in the undivided land in Tolland, and also one right in the Cedar
Swamp in Tolland. I give to my son Peletiah one whole right in
the undivided land in Tolland, and also one right in the Cedar
Swamp. I appoint my wife and my son Amasa West executors.
Witness: John Crane, Jr.,
John Poalk, Samuel West.
Court Record,
Page 47 - 4 June, 1731: Will exhibited by Mercy West. |
WETMORE, Daniel. Court Record, Page 33 - 3 March,
1746-7: Daniel Wetmore, a minor, 16 years of age, son of
Daniel Wetmore, chose his uncle Samuel Wetmore to be his guardian.
Recog., £500. Cert:
Jabez Hamlin, J. P. |
Page 2-3
WETMORE, Sergt. Joseph, Middletown. Invt. £879-02-10.
Taken 1st August, 1729, by John Warner, Samuel Gipson and William
Court Record, Page 1 - 5 July, 1729,: Adms. granted to Mrs.
MAry Wetmore and Francis Wetmore.
Page 34 - 5
January, 1730: Hannah Wetmore, a minor daughter of Joseph
Wetmore, with her mother's consent chose her uncle Francis Wetmore
to be her guardian. Recog., £50
Page 71 - 6
June, 1732: Joseph Wetmore and Abigial, both 20 years of age,
chose their uncle Francis Wetmore to be their guardian. Recog., £100.
Page 5 (Vol.
XIII) 12 April, 1737: Seth Whitmore, age 20 years, chose
Joseph Savage to be his guardian, and also to be guardian to Francis
Whitmore, 11 years of age. Recog., £400.
Page 6 - 12
April, 1737: Martha Whitmore, age 17 years, chose her brother
Joseph Whitmore to be her guardian, also to be guardian to Samuel
Whitmore, both sons of Joseph Whitmore decd.
Page 117
(Probate Side): We, the subscribers, being desired and
impowered by Joseph Whitmore and the rest of the heirs of Joseph
Whitmore and Mary his wife, late of Middletown decd., to divide the
estates of our sd. father and mother, have done the same this 22
February, 1737-8, in the following form, viz.:
£ s
d |
To Joseph Whitmore, eldest son, |
270-18-08 |
To Seth Whitmore, 2nd son, |
100-07-06 |
To Samuel Whitmore, 3rd son, |
100-07-06 |
To Francis Whitmore, 4th son, |
100-07-06 |
To Abigail Clark, eldest daughter |
100-07-06 |
To Hannah Whitmore, 2nd daughter |
100-07-06 |
To Martha Whitmore,
3rd daughter, |
100-07-06 |
Agreement exhibited in
Court by Joseph Whitmore and William Rockwell, 22 February,
1738-9. Accepted.
Court Record, Page 42 - 23 February, 1738-9:
Martha Whitmore, age 19 years, chose Joseph Savage of Middletown
to be her guardian. Recog., £300.
Samuel Whitmore, age 14 years chose Seth Whitmore to be his
guardian. Recog., £300.
Page 99
WETMORE, Margaret (alias Gaylord, late of
Middletown, decd. Invt. £19-19-09.
Taken 10 Mar. 1730-1, by Israhiah Wetmore, Joseph
Southmayd and
Joseph Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 38 - 12 Feb., 1730-1:
Adms. to Seth Wetmore. |
WETMORE, Nathaniel, Middletown. Invt. £2189-03-06.
Taken 14 January, 1747-8, by Ephraim Adkins, Jonathan
Allin and
Nathaniel Gilbert.
Court Record, Page 56 - 2 February, 1747-8: This Court grant
Adms. on the estate of Nathaniel Wetmore, late of Middletown, unto
Ruth Wetmore, widow, who gave bonds with Joseph Wetmore of
Middletown of £500.
Dist. File:
Middleton, 7 January, 1755: To Ruth, the widow; to Ruth
Wetmore, only child. By Ephraim Adkins and
Jonathan Allin.
Page 49
(Vol. XVII) 7 January, 17555: An account of Adms. was now
exhibited in Court by Ruth Wetmore, widow and Adms., which account
is accepted. This Court order distribution of the estate, viz:
To the sd. widow, her thirds in the real and moveable estate; and to
Ruth Wetmore, only child of sd. deceased, all the remainder of sd.
estate, real and personal. And appoint Jonathan Allin,
Ephraim Adkins and Nathaniel Gilbert distributors. |
Page 4-5-6
WHAPLES, John, Wethersfield.. Invt.
£301-06-08. Taken 2 July, 1729.
by John Camp and Josiah Willard. Will dated 11 Jul. 1728.
I, John Whaples of Wethersfield, do make this my last
will and testament: I give to Sarah, my wife, my house, barn
and homelott until my son Reuben comes to be 21 years of age, and
after to have 1-2 of my house, barn and homestead during life.
I give to my wife one yoke of oxen, one horse and a cowe to dispose
of as she thinks best, and the use of the team tackling during her
life. I give to my wife of the choice of my beds and furniture
belonging to it. My will is that my son Reuben shall have the
whole of my homelott after the death of my wife, with the buildings.
I give to my son Jonathan Whaples, in addition to what I have
already given him by deed of gift, 5 shillings. I give to my
son Jacob Whaples the remainder of my lott on the Plain adjoining
Jonathan Whaples, west of Ephraim Whaples, he paying £10 current
money of this Colony or bills of credit (£6 to my daughter Sarah
Whaples, £2 to Marah Whaples, and £2 to Lois Whaples). I make
my sons Jonathan Whaples and Jacob Whaples executors. I give
to my son Reuben my gunn. And my will is that the remainder of
my moveable estate be equally divided amongst my 3 daughters above
Witness: John Camp,
David Griswold |
Court Record, Page 2 -
2 Aug. 1729: Will exhibited and proven.
Invt. in Vol. XII, Page 249.
WHAPLES, Thomas, Glastonbury. Invt.
moveable estate be equally divided
amongst my 3 daughters above named.166-08-11. Taken 30
November, 1733, by Robert Loveland, Jr., and Alexander Brewer.
Court Record, Page 107 - 5 March,
1733-4: Adms. granted to Elizabeth Whaples, widow, who recog.
with her father, James Hannison of Hartford.
Page 10 (Vol. XII) 19 Sep. 1734:
Elizabeth Whaples, widow, is appoinged guardian to her son Joseph
Whaples, age 6 years and Gideon Henderson of Hartford is appointed
guardian to Samuel Whaples, age 4 years, sons of the deed.
Recog., £50. Page
11 (Vol. XIII) 13 Jun., 1737: This Court do appoint Elizabeth
Whaples to be guardian to Samuel Whaples, 7 years of age.
Recog., £50. |
Page 291, 344.
WHITE, Ebenezer, Hebron.. Invt.
£108-12-10. Taken by Ebenezer Wilcock and Matthew Ford.
Will dated 14 May, 1733.
I, Ebenezer White of Hebron, in the County of Hartford,
do make this my last will and testament: I give to Hannah, my
wife, all my lands lying and being in the Township of Middlebury, in
the County of Plymouth and Province of Massachusetts Bay, to be at
her own dispose forever. Likewise, I give to Hannah, my wife,
all my lands lying and being in the Township of Middlebury, in the
County of Plymouth and Province of Massachusetts Bay, to be at her
own dispose forever. Likewise I give to Hannah, my wife, the
use and improvement of my dwelling house, together with the
improvement of all my lands in Hebron, during her natural life,
unless she shall change her condition by marriage, then my will is
that each of my sons enjoy and possess the same according to this
my last will. I give to Obadiah, my son, my dwelling house
with 18 acres of land adjoining thereto. I give and bequeath
unto my two sons, Ebenezer and Joseph, all the rest of my land
within the bounds of Hebron, to be equally divided between them.
I give unto Rebeckah, my daughter, £5, to be paid to her out of my
moveable estate, at 21 years of age. Having given the
principal part of my estate to my wife, I leave the care of my three
youngest daughters, Hannah, Cheanna and Mehetabell, with her, to
provide for them as God shall enable her. I appoint Hannah, my
wife, only and sole executrix.
Witness: Ebenezer Wilcock,
Samuel Filer, Matthew Ford |
LS. |
Court Record, Page 94 -
3 Jul. 1733: Will exhibited by the executrix.
Page 27 (Vol. XII) 17 May, 1735:
Rebeckah White, age 16 years, and Hannah White, age 14 years,
children of Ebenezer White, chose Capt. Hezekiah Gaylord to be their
guardian. Page 41
- 11 March 1735-6: Account of Adms. accepted. |
Page 167.
WHITE, Mary, widow of Joseph White,
Middletown, August 5th, 1730: We whose names are underwritten
were present at the house of the Widow Mary White, relict of Joseph
White, late of Middletown decd., and did hear her say that after her
decease she gave to her son Ebenezer £3
in money that she had lent him, .... MORE
Page 203-4-208-09
WHITE, John, Hartford. Invt.
£519-17-03. Taken 23 Sep., 1748
by Jonathan Steele and Joseph Holtom. Will dated 7 Nov., 1747.
I, John White of Hartford, do make this my last will
and testament: I give unto my son John White a lott of land he
now lives upon, containing the estimation 18 acres more or less,
with the mansion house and all the appurtenances thereunto
belonging; also a lott of land on which my son Nathaniel White decd.
dwelt, 19 acres more or less, with all the buildings thereon
standing, only reserving for Hannah White, my daughter-in-law, the
widow and relict of my son Nathaniel, the use and improvement of the
full benefit of 5 acres of sd. lott of land and the use of 1-2 of
the dwelling house, 1-2 the cellar, and 1-2 the barn, during the
time she shall remain his widow. I give unto my son Jacob
White all the lott of land I now life upon, 16 acres more or less,
with the dwelling house, barn and other buildings thereon; also one
piece or parcel of land lying in Hartford on the east side of Rocky
Hill, butting west on Joseph Skinner's homelott and south on
Wethersfield bounds, containing 15 acres more or less, to be to him
and to his heirs forever. My will is that all the rest and
remainder of my lands in the Township of Hartford wheresoever and
howsoever butted and bounded, be equally divided between my two sons
John and Jacob White, to be to them and their heirs and assigns
forever. I give unto my granddaughter Elizabeth White, the
daughter of my son Nathaniel White deceased, 20 acres of land in New
Hartford, being that pitch of land laid out and surveyed by William
Bacor? & c. I give to my son John White one yoke of oxen, one
white mare and a sorrill colt, with all my wearing apparrel. I
give all my lands in Middletown and all my lands in the Five Miles
(so called), on the east side of the Connecticut River, in Hartford,
to my daughter Elizabeth Benton and to my daughter Ann Rust, to be
equally divided between them. I give to my sd. daughters,
Elizabeth Benton and Ann Rust, £10 money apiece. I give to my
daughter Sarah Andruss one moiety or half part of my right of land
in New Hartford (exclusive of the 20 acres already given to my
granddaughter Elizabeth White), the same to be to my sd. daughter
Sarah and to her heirs forever. Also I give to my sd. daughter
one cow and 6 sheep. Also I give to my daughter Sarah £40 of
wool that she has now in her house of mine if I shall not demand the
same of her. I give to my son Jacob White all the remainder of
my right of land in New Hartford not before disposed of. I
give unto.... MORE TO COME LATER |
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