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Page 146-7.
BACON, Andrew, Middletown. Invt.
£570-13-03. Taken 5 August, 1731,
by Israhiah Wetmore, William Ward and Joseph Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 53 - 22 September, 1731: Adms.
to Anne Bacon, widow. Recog., with James Tappin, £300. |
Page 55.
BACON, Beriah, Middletown. Invt.
£517-07-02. Taken 27 ____, 1730,
by John Collins, Joseph Rockwell and Nathaniel Bacon. Will
dated 9 May, 1729.
I, Beriah Bacon of Middletown, do make this my last
will and testament: I give to Anne, my wife, the 1-3 part of
my moveable estate and the use of 1-3 of each parcel of land during
life, and which room she shall choose in my dwelling house,
with convenient sellering, during her life. I give to my
eldest son, Beriah Bacon, my dwelling house and the lott it stands
upon, which I bought of John Ranney, and 8 acres of my other
half-mile lott which lyeth southward of the highway my house stands
by, to be taken out of the north end, upon the east side, half the
width of sd. lott; but and if that width cuts off all the brook
towards the south part of the 8 acres, then it shall run so wide as
to leave convenient watering in the remaining parts of sd. lott
southward of the sd. 8 acres. This I give to my son Beriah and
to his heirs forever. I give to my son Pierpont Bacon the
remaining part of my aforesd. half-mile lott lying southerdly of the
highway by my dwelling house. After his brother Beriah had has
his 8 acres, the remaining part I give to my son Pierpont and to his
heirs forever. I give the remainder of all my lands and
moveable estate to be divided equally amongst all my children, sons
and daughters, each one an equal share. I make my wife, Ann
Bacon, sole executrix.
Witness: Nathaniel White, John Bacon, 3rd, Joseph White
A codicil, dated 19 Apr. 1730:
The executrix may advance some part of the moveable estate to the
daughters in case of need (as of marriage before they come of full
age), such advances to be a part of their portions.
Witness: Joseph White, John Churchill
Court Record, Page 21 - 2 Jun. 1730:
Will proven.
Page 63 - 4 Apr. 1732; Tabitha Bacon, a daughter
of Beriah Bacon of Middletown, chose her uncle Nathaniel Bacon to be
her guardian. Recog. £100.
Page 73 - 4 Aug. 1732: This Court appoint Ann
Bacon, alias Gill, the relict of Beriah Bacon, late of Middletown,
and her present husband Joshua Gill to be guardians to Beriah Bacon,
age 12 years, Pierpont Bacon, age 8 years, Ann 10, and Bethia Bacon,
age 4 years. Recog., £200.
Dist. File: 13 Jun. 1733; Dist. of the
estate as followeth: To the widow, Ann Bacon; to Elizabeth
Passewell, to Anna Bacon, to Tabitha Bacon, to Beriah, eldest son;
to Pierpont Bacon.
Page 1 (Vol. XII) 28 Mar. 1731: Dist. of the
estate of Berah Bacon exhibited in Court by Ann Gill, executrix,
Nathaniel Bacon and William Rockwell. |
Page 233.
BACON, John, Middletown. Will dated 30
Oct., 1732.
I, John Bacon, Sen., of Middletown, do make this my
last will and testament: I give unto Mary, my well-beloved
wife, all my right and interest in any lands or moveable estate
whatsoever that she brought with her or stood possessed of when I
married with her, that are now in being, and also two cowes which I
now have; all this I do give to her and her heirs forever.
Also I give unto her the improvement and use of my dwelling house
which I now dwell in, and the yard before the doore to the dwelling
house which I now dwell in, and the yard before the doore to the
highway, and the garden southward of the house, and liberty to fetch
water from the well, and the rent of all my lands in Hartford:
these I give to her for her comfort during her natural life.
And I do hereby prohibit her receiving any tenant into my dwelling
house without the consent or liberty of my son John Bacon. I
give unto my daughter Sarah 1-2 of my brass kettle and all the
pewter ware which I now have which did belong to her mother, my
former wife Sarah. Also I give unto her all my Wongunk swamp
which lies against the end of the meadow of her husband Nathaniel
Brown. I do hereby order my son John Bacon to pay to my sd.
daughter £10 out of my moveable estate.
All this I give to my sd. daughter and to her heirs forever. I
do further give unto my wife Mary 1-3 part of my swine, Indian corne
and flax, and the whole of a parcel of yarn which she hath prepared
for cloth. And my will is she shall have 3 bushels of wheat
and 2 bushels of Indian meal from my grist mill yearly so long as my
sd. mill shall continue in order, or during her natural life.
I give unto my son John Bacon, whom I likewise make my only and sole
executor, all and singular my houseing and lands and all other
estate, whatsoever and wheresoever the same shall and may be found
or belonging unto me by any lawfull means (he paying my funerall
charges, just debts and legacies), all by him freely to be possessed
and injoyed forever.
Witness: John Collins, Nathaniel Collins, William Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 77 - 17 Nov. 1732:
Will proven. |
BACON, Nathaniel. Court Record, Page 63 - 4 Apr. 1732:
Nathaniel Bacon, as guardian, exhibits in Court a receipt bearing
date 31 Jan. 1732-2, from John Bacon, that he had received from his
guardian Nathaniel Bacon, all the estate due from said guardian to
him. |
BAILEY, Christopher. Court Record, Page 91 - 17 May,
1733: Christopher Bailey, a minor, 15 years of age, chose Seth
Wetmore, of Middletown, to be his guardian. Recog.,
£100. Cert. Giles Hall, J.P. |
BANCROFT, Ephraim, Windsor. Died 1st May, 1731.
£87-13-00. Taken by John Cady,
Samuel Osborn and David Bissell. Will dated 17 October, 1727.
I, Ephraim Bancroft, Sen., of Windsor, do make
this my last will and testament: I give to my son Nathaniel my
house and homestead, both upland and meadow, and orchard adjoining,
lying in Windsor, to him and his heirs forever. Also, that
part of my lott that I bought of Joseph Owen running from the common
road or highway eastward to the end of Three-Mill____, I give to my
sons Nathaniel and Thomas, to be equally divided between them.
Also, after my decease, I give my moveable estate to my son
Nathaniel and his heirs forever. I give to my son Ephraim,
besides what I have already given him, 10 shillings in money or that
which is equivalent. I give to my daughter Sarah 1 cowe
besides what I have already given her. I give to my son John
£7 in money or other pay equivalent, to be paid out of my estate by
my son Nathaniel. I give to my son Daniel £5 in money or other
pay equivalent, to be paid by my son Nathaniel. I give to my
son Thomas all my lands lying on the West side of the road or
highway running down to the Great River, on which Thomas's house now standeth. This I give him besides what I have given to him in
this my last will and testament. Also my will and pleasure is
that my teeme tackling shall be equally divided between my son
Nathaniel and my son Thomas. I do hereby appoint my son
Nathaniel Bancroft and Jeremiah Bissell, of Windsor, my executors.
Witness: Edward Hunting, Ebenezer Stiles, Sarah Pinney,
Jr. |
Page 84-5
BANKS, John, Middletown. Invt.
£373-10-11. Taken 23 December,
1730, by John Sage, Samuel Gipson and John Warner.
Court Record, Page 34-5 January, 1730-1: Adms. to
Elizabeth Banks, widow.
Page 25 (Vol. XIII) 22 March, 1737-8: William
Banks, age 14 years, son of John Banks, chose William Rockwell to be
his guardian. Recog., £50. Cert: Giles Hall, J.
Page 1 (Vol. XIV) 6 April, 1742:
Sarah Banks, a minor, 17 years of age, and Mary Banks, a minor, 12
years of age, daughters of John Banks, chose William Rockwell of
Middletown to be their guardian. Recog., £200. |
Page 30-31
BARBOUR, David, Hebron. Invt.
£1300-03-00, plus. Taken 3
December, 1729, by Samuel Waters, Joseph Phelps and Samuel Curtis.
Will dated 2 October, 1729.
I, David Barbour of Hebron, in the County of Hartford,
do make this my last will and testament: I give to Hannah, my
wife, £30 in current money of the Colony; also 1 black mare and 1-3
part of my buildings and household goods, debts and moveable estate
during her naturall life; and also the improvements of all my
real and personal estate for the careful bringing up of my children
until they arrive to lawful age, and then the sd. improvements to
return to the sd. children as they shall come to lawfull age.
And after her death the sd. 1-3 part to return to each child to
whome it belongs, as hereafter mentioned. I do likewise make
Hannah my sd. wife, sole executrix. I give to my son David
land adjoining Morris Tilletson's land and Jacob Root's land,
together with 1-2 of my common and undivided right of land, and also
part of the orchard on the east side of sd. highway, for 6 years
forward after my son David come to lawfull age, and no longer.
I give to my son Stephen the remainder of my land on the east side
of the highway; also my homestead with the buildings thereon,
together with 1-2 of my common or undivided right of land, for which
the sd. Stephen shall pay £5 money to each of the sisters within two
years after he comes of age. I give to my daughter Hanna £10
current money of the Colony; also the other two of my daughters, viz,
Temperance and Mary, an equal legacy with Hannah save the £10 as
above given, which gift of legacies to my sd. daughter shall be in
my other lands already laid out in three certain parcells as far as
these three parcells will do, and the moveables to make the
remainder. I make Capt. Hezekiah Gaylord and Sergt. John
Phelps, of Hebron, my overseers.
Witness: Nathaniel Stiles, Asaell Phelps, Samuel Curtice.
Court Record,
Page 9 -6 January, 1729-30: Will proven.
Page 80 - 6
February, 1732-3: David Barbour of Hebron, age 16 years, chose
Joseph Phelps of Hebron to be his guardian. Recog., £100.
Page 90 - 17 May, 1733: Temperance Barbour chose
Joseph Phelps to be her guardian. Recog., £100.
Page 53 (Vol. XIII) 27 December, 1739: May
Barbour, age 14 years, chose Israel Post of Hebron to be her
guardian. Reccog., £200. CErt: Joseph Phelps, J. P.
And Stephen Barbour, a minor, 15 years of age, chose Moses Case of
Hebron to be his guardian. Recog., £200. |
Page 18-19
BARBOUR, Lieut. Josiah, Windsor. Invt.
£817-01-00. Taken 7 January,
1729-30, by Jacob Drake, Job Loomis and Timothy Loomis. (See
File for date and names.) Will dated 1st April, 1726.
I, Josiah Barbour of Windsor, "wheel wright," do make
this my last will and testament: I give unto Sarah, my wife,
for her to have and injoy, 1-3 part of my lands, some
portions that I purchased of Ebenezer Gilbert and Ebenezer Spencer,
and also of Ebenezer Williams's land that belonged to Mark Kelsey,
and 103 part of the land I purchased to Josiah Cooke and Joanna his
wife. I also give unto my wife, for her to have and injoy
only for and during ye time she shall happen to live and remain my
widow,, my parlour or lower room of my dwelling house, also 1-2 part
of the west end of my barn. Also, I give to her a feather bed,
a mare and a cowe, to be her own forever, and one year's provision.
The reason why I have not given unto my wife any more of my moveable
estate is because that I had none of her estate left her by her
former husband, for she disposed of the same unbeknowne to me, and
she may dispose of my estate (if given) as she did her former
husband's and so leave herself destitude, I give to Nathaniel
Barbour, my eldest son, besides what I have already given him by
deed of gift, all my land in the lower field on the west side of the
road to Windsor, 1-3 part of the land I purchased of Ebenezer
Williams that belonged to Mark Kelsey, 1-3 part of the land I
purchased of Josiah Cook and Joanna his wife, and also part of the
land I purchased of Ebenezer Gilbert and Ebenezer Spencer; also, 1-3
part of all my undivided land that shall be laid out by virtue of
any right belonging unto me. Also I give to my son Nathaniel
Barbour £20 in money, to be paid him by his brother Aaron Barbour.
I give to my son Jonathan Barbour, besides what I have already given
him by deed of gift, 2-3 part of the land purchased of Ebenezer
Williams that belonged to Mark Kelsey, 2-3 part of the land I
purchased of Josiah Cook, also 1-3 part of the meadow land I
purchased of Ebenezer Gilbert and Ebenezer Spencer, also 103 part of
all undivided lands. I give him £20 as money, to be paid him
by his brother Aaron Barbour. I give my son Aaron Barbour my
home lott, dwelling house, barn, and all edifices erected on the
same, with other lands. Also, I give him all my "wheel
wright's" tools. I give to my tow daughters, Abigail Brown and
Rebeckah Drake, to each of them £80 in current pay or 2-3 money.
I give unto my daughter Abigaill £5 more. I give to my
grandchildren: to Elizabeth Drake, if she continues to live at my
house till she comes of age, the sum of £20 in current pay or 2-3
money; and to Hannah Drake £15 as money. I make my sons,
Nathaniel Barbour, Jonathan Barbour and Aaron Barbour, executors.
Witness: Charles Whiting, Samuel Howard, John Dod.
A codicil,
dated 9 December, 1729: I, the sd. Josiah Barbour, by this
present codicil, do ratify and confirm my last will and testament,
and do give to my wife Sarah 10 bushels of Indian corne, 6 bushels
of rie, and 20 pounds of flax and a barrel of sider, and all the
pork, butter and suit in the house, to be paid to her, my sd. wife
Sarah, immediately after my decease. And whereas I have
ordered a legacy to be paid by my executor to my two grandchildren,
Elizabeth Drake and Hannah Drake, my will is that Elizabeth Drake
shall have one of the feather beds and one of the blankets my wife
made since we married, and Hannah Drake the other feather bed and
two blankets which she made since she came here, and the middle
brass kettle, as part of their legacies, to be valued at inventory
price; but my wife Sarah shall have the use of them during her
natural life.
Witness: Elisha Pratt, Sarah Pratt, Hannah Loomis, Timothy
Loomis. |
Page 155-6
BARBOUR, Ruth, Windsor. Invt.
£84-10-06. Taken 30 November,
1731, by Nathaniel Drake, John Cook, Jr., and Henry Allyn.
Will dated 13 November 1716.
I, Ruth Barbour of Windsor, thought it best to make
this my last will and testament: After my just debts and
funerall expenses are paid, my will is that what is wanting of my
son Benjamin and John Barbour's portion, and also of Sarah Barbour's
portion, according to their father Samuel Barbour's last will, shall
be made up to each of them out of my estate. Further, I freely
release my son Joseph Barbour from that 20 shillings per annum that
he was to pay unto me by his Father Barbour's will. I fully
discharge my son Benjamin Barbour from paying for his dyet while he
has been with me, provided he demand nothing of my executors for
what work he has done for me, nor for the corn or meat I have had of
him. I give to my son John Barbour my mare and a steer and all
my right in the oxen that sd. Joseph Barbour bought of Josiah
Barbour, and also hay to keep them this winter. I give to my
daughter Sarah my best bed and furniture, also a pig and four
bushels of corne and two of rye. I give to my son-in-law,
Samuel Barbour, 20 shillings in money besides what he owes me.
I give to my grandson, William Barbour, 5 shillings in money.
Lastly, my will is that the remainder of my whole estate be divided
to and among my children hereafter named, in equal shares, viz., to
David Barbour, Joseph Barbour, Benjamin Barbour, John Barbour, Mary
Brown, Ruth Phelps, Elizabeth Loomis and Sarah Barbour. I make
my son Joseph Barbour sole executor.
Witness: Matthew Allyn, Thomas Marshall.
Court Record,
Page 86 - December, 1731: Will proven. |
Page 83 - 93
BARBOUR, Sarah, widow of Lieut. Josiah
Barbour, Windsor. Died 1730-31. Invt.
£50-02-08. Taken 4 January,
1730-31, by Thomas Marshall, Thomas Filer and Timothy Loomis.
Presented by Deacon Nathaniel Drake, Remembrance Sheldon, Adms., and
Hannah his wife.
See File: We, the subscribers, being the only
heirs of the estate of our honoured mother, Sarah Barbour deceased,
relict and widow of Lt. Josiah Barbour of Windsor, do hereby
mutually agree to divide the estate as followeth: To Enoch
Drake, eldest son, his double portion: to Benoni Trumble and Sarah,
his wife, to Remembrance Sheldon and Hannah his wife, and to
Nathaniel Drake. to each of them their single portions.
To which agreement we, the subscribers, do hereby bind ourselves,
all to each and each to other, and each of our heirs, in the full
and just sum of £50 of current money of this Colony, to be paid by
him or them that shall refuse to stand to the above agreement to him
or them that shall stand to and abide by the same. 30
February, 1730-1.
Witness: Giles Elsworth, Timothy
Court Record, Page 33 - 5 January, 1730-1: Invt. exhibited by
Nathaniel Drake and Remembrance Sheldon, Adms. Accepted.
Page 37 - 7 February, 1730-1: Agreement exhibited
and confirmed by the Court. |
Page 194
BATE, James, Sen., East Haddam. Invt.
£1032-19-01. Taken 13 April,
1732, by Daniel Brainard, Timothy Fuller and John Holmes. Will
dated 24 December, 1729.
I, James Bate, Sen., of the Township of Haddam, on the
east side of the river, in the County of Hartford and Colony of
Connecticut, have thought it my duty to make my last will and
testament: My will is my wife Mary Bate shall, at my decease,
have 1-3 part of my moveable estate wholly at her own dispose,
according to her own choice; also, that during her widowhood she
shall injoy and have the full profit and benefit of my house, barn,
orchard and homelott, as also the benefit of my land lying by the
Cove, so far as she may have occasion for it on account of firewoood.
My will is that my grandchild, Elizabeth Fuller, have £20 out of my
estate, and no more, since her mother in her lifetime had sundry
things out of my estate which I have taken no particular account of.
My will is that all my estate (besides what I have here absolutely
disposed of), both real and personal, wheresoever it is to be found,
whether in buildings, lands, cattle, or in other things, shall be
equally divided among my 7 children, viz., Rebeckah, Ruth, Alis,
Mary, Anne, Abigial and Unis. And for as much as there will be
found in my Book of Accounts sundry things which some or all of my
children have already received, some more and some less, my will is
that when each child's part is set out to them that what is found on
account shall be considered as so much of their portion already
paid. I appoint my wife, Mary Bate, sole executrix.
Witness: Stephen Hosmer, Thomas Knowlton, Joseph
Court Record, Page 69 - 6 Jun. 1732: Will exhibited.
Annah Bate, a minor, 16 years of age, Abigail 13 years, and Eunice
Bate, age 10 years, chose their mother, Mrs. Mary Bate, as their
guardian. Recog., £150.
Page 73 - 4
Jul. 1732: The will of James Bate, exhibited last Jun. being
fully proven, John Comstock the 2nd, of Lyme, in right of his wife
Rebeckah, daughter of James Bate, moves this Court for a
distribution. This Court appoints Deacon Daniel Brainard, Lt.
John Holmes and Daniel Cone, distributors.
Dist. File: 15
Nov. 1732: To Mary Bate, widow; to Rebeckah Comstock, eldest
daughter; to Ruth Gibbs, to (Elec) Alice Hall to Mary Comstock, to
Annah Bate, to Abigail Bate, to Eunice Bate and to Elizabeth Fuller
(granddaughter), to each of them the sum of £158. By Deacon
Daniel Brainard, Lt. John Holmes and Daniel Cone, distributors.
Page 51 (Vol.
XII) 5 October, 1736: John Bate, a minor son of James Bate,
chose his brother Samuel Bate to be his guardian. |
Page 328
BELDING, Gideon, Wethersfield. Wethersfield,
£79-18-00. Taken 28 December
1733, by Jacob Williams, Benjamin Wright and David Goodrich.
Court Record,
Page 103 - 1st January, 1733-4: Adms. granted to Elizabeth
Page 8 (Vol. XII) 6 August, 1734: Elizabeth Belding, widow,
moves this Court to set out moveables for her support, the estate
being reported insolvent. Thomas Deming and Benjamin Wright
appointed commissioners. Elisha Belding, a son, 19 years of
age, chose Josiah Churchill to be his guardian. Ruth Belding,
age 16 years, chose her uncle Daniel Belding to be her guardian,
also appointed guardian to Ebenezer Belding, age 3 years.
Elizabeth, age 14 years, chose her mother, Elizabeth Belding, to be
her guardian. And this Court appoint the widow guardian to
Hannah, age 11 years, Hezekiah 8 years, Sarah 7 years, and Gideon 5
months old, all children of Gideon Belding deceased.
Page 35 (Vol.
XV) 30 March, 1747: Ebenezer Belding, a minor, 16 years of
age, son of Gideon Belding, chose Daniel Belding of Wethersfield to
be his guardian. Recog., £300. |
Page 119
BIDWELL, Zebulon, Hartford. Invt.
£201-19-09. Taken 7 April, 1731,
by John meekins and Nehemiah Olmsted.
Court Record,
Page 42 - 6 April, 1731: Adms. to John Bidwell, Jr.
Page 68 - 22
May, 1732: Mary Bidwell to be guardian to her child, Stephen
Bidwell, age 1 1-2 years. Recog. £50.
Page 75:
At a Court of Probate held at Hartford, 4 September, 1750, this
Court allows to Jonathan Rose, who married the widow of Zebulon
Bidwell, of Hartford, decd., guardian to Stephen Bidwell, son of the
decd., for keeping sd. minor till he was 4 years old (3 years and 6
months), the sum of £17-10-00. Allowed for Court fees allowing
this account £0-12-00.
Page 2 (Vol. XVI) 26 August, 1750: Stephen Bidwell, a minor,
aged 20 years, son of Zebulon Bidwell, made choice of his uncle John
Bidwell to be his guardian. Recog., £400. |
Page 331
BIGGELOW, Daniel, Hartford. Died 14 May, 1733.
£119-05-08. Taken 5 June, 1733,
by Timothy Cowles and Nehemiah Olmsted.
See File:
At a Court of Probate held att Hartford in and for the County of
Hartford, on the 3rd day of June, Anno. Dom. 1733, set out to the
widow, Elizabeth Biggelow, the relit of Daniel Biggelow, late of
Hartford decd., for her necessary support, £16-16-09 of moveables.
Court Record,
Page 92 - 5 June, 1733: Hannah Biggelow, a daughter of Daniel
Biggelow, chose William Bidwell of Hartford to be her guardian, also
appointed guardian to MArtha Biggelow, age 11 years, and Daniel
Biggelow, age 8 years. Recog., £150.
Page 94 - 3
July, 1733: Adms. granted to William Bidwell.
Page 100 - 6
November, 1733: William Bidwell, Adms., exhibited an account
of his Adms. and supposes the estate to be insolvent. Five
months allowed for the presentation of claims.
Page 106 - 5
Febuary, 1733-4: William Bidwell, Adms., presented a further
addition of debts. And this Court appoint Joseph Cowles and
John Pitkin, of Hartford, commissioners to receive and examine
claims against the estate.
Page 55 (Vol. XII) 1st June, 1737: This Court appoint
Elizabeth Biggelow to be guardian to her children, viz., Elizabeth,
age 8 years, and Thankful, 6 years of age. |
Page 167-8
BIGGELOW, Joseph, Hartford. Invt.
£1494-15-04. Taken 23 September,
1731, by Joseph Cook, Joseph Webster and Samuel Webster. Will
dated 4 September, 1731.
I, Joseph Biggelow of Hartford, do make this my last
will and testament: I give unto Sarah, my wife, 1-3 part of
all and singular my moveables or personal estate at her own
disposal. I give to my wife the use of the half of my dwelling
house, the half of my orchard, and the half of all the others
buildings now standing upon the land whereon I now dwell, and 1-3
part of all my land, for and during her natural life. I give
unto my three sons, Joseph, Elisha and Josiah, all my houseing
and land, to be equally divided between them (yet so as that my wife
shall have the use above mentioned). My will is that my three
sons above mentioned shall pay to my three daughters, Sarah, Mary
and Abigail, £80 in money to each of them. I give unto my
kinsman, Jonathan Williams, £10. I appoint Capt. John Whiting,
of Hartford, and my wife Sarah Biggelow, and my son Joseph Biggelow,
to be the only executors.
Witness: Nathaniel Stanly, John White, Jacob White.
Court Record,
Page 61 - 19 February, 1731-2: Will proven.
Page 99 - 9
October, 1733: The executors exhibit an account of their Adms.,
and report the estate indebted £178-13-09 more than the moveable
Page 5 (Vol. XII) 31 May, 1723: The executors, per act of the
General Assembly of 9 May, 1734, now give notice of sale of land,
Wednesday, 19 June, at 2 of the clock, at beat of drum, to the
highest bidder, land with house, barn, shop and orchard on it, to
say 10 acres and 1-2, the lott bought of John Williams, shoemaker,
on the road to Wethersfield. |
Page 187
Jonathan, Windsor. Invt. £263-15-04. Taken 25
November, 1731, by Thomas Elsworth, Ebenezer Bissell and Thomas
Court Record, Page 63 - 4 April, 1832: Adms.
granted to Bridget Bissell, widow, and Jonathan Bissell, son of the
decd. |
Page 321
BLAKE, Jonathan, Middletown. Invt.
£341-03-03. Taken 12 November,
1733, by John Harris, Joseph Johnson and Stephen Blake. Will
dated 9 October, 1733.
I, Jonathan Blake of Middletown, do make this my last
will and testament: I give to my wife Mary room in 1/2 of my
house and barne and homelott, and also, half of my pasture that I
bought of William Ward; also, half the land that I bought of John
Andrus; also half of a piece of land I bought of Samuel Eglestone;
the use of all my husbandry utensils and 1/3 part of my personal
estate during the time of her widowhood. I give to my son
Daniel all that piece of land that my father Johnson gave my wife in
the northwest quarter of lands in Middletown, he paying to his
sisters £160 money as they arrive at lawful age. I give to my
son Jonathan Blake the equal halfe of my house and barne and
homelott, with the building upon it, also the equal halfe of my
pasture that I bought of William Ward, also the equal halfe of the
land I bought of John Andrus, also half of the land I bought of
Samuel Eglestone, he paying £40 money to his sisters when he arrives
to lawful age. I give to my son Stephen Blake the equal halfe
of lands as given to my son Jonathan Blake, he paying £40 to his
sisters when he arrives to lawful age. Also, I give to my two
sons, Jonathan and Stephen, all my interest in commonage or
undivided lands in Middletown on the west side of the Great River,
in equal proportion. I give to my five daughters, Mary,
Elizabeth, Prudence, Mercy and Sarah, all my interest in land,
divided or undivided, on the east side of the Great River in
Middletown. Also, I give them £240 money, to be paid by their
brothers as above specified, in equal proportions. I appoint
my wife sole executrix.
Witness: Benjamin Wetmore, Jabez Hamlin, John Cornwall.
Court Record,
Page 101 - 15 November, 1733: Will exhibited by Mary Blake,
widow, and well proven by the witnesses thereto. And it
appears in sd. will that the testator gave to his eldest son Daniel
a piece of land which in right sd. testator had not power to dispose
of, and ordered his eldest son to pay legacies to his daughters as
they come of age. And Daniel appeared in Court and objected
against sd. will. And it appears that the sd. Daniel had
nothing to pay sd. legacies with. Therefore sd. will is not
approved. The Court grant Adms. to Mary Blake, widow, who gave
bond with Joseph Johnson of £400.
Page 30 (Vol.
XII) 1st July, 1735: Mary Blake, widow, Adms., exhibits an
account of her Adms. Accepted.
Page 24 (Vol.
XIII) 7 March, 1737-8: Jonathan Blake, age 16 years, son of
Jonathan Blake, chose his uncle Stephen Blake to be his guardian.
Recog., £100. Cert: Giles Hall, J. P. |
BLANCHER, Elizabeth. Court Record, Page 17 - 7 Apr.
1730: Elizabeth Blancher desires to take the guardianship of her
child, Richard Norton, age 13 years, which this Court approves.
Recog., £50. |
Page 88
BOARDMAN, Elizabeth, Middletown. Invt.
£115-05-06. Taken 23 Dec. 1730,
by John Sage, Samuel Gipson and John Warner.
Court Record, Page 34 - 5 Jan., 1730-31: Adms. to
Mrs. Elizabeth Banks, of Middletown. |
Page 268
BOARDMAN, Samuel, Middletown. Invt.
£112-04-00. Taken 29 Nov. 1732,
by Nathaniel White and Ebenezer Hurlbut.
Court Record, Page 87 - 3 Apr. 1733: Adms. to
Stephen Boardman, the widow desiring the same, and he recognized
with Lieut. Thos. Cadwell. Exhibit of an inventory, which was
accepted and ordered on file. |
Page 334
BOARDMAN, Sarah, Wethersfield.
Died 23 January, 1732-3. Invt.
£103-00-06. Taken 2 March, 1732-3, by Samuel Steele, Isaac
Riley and Ebenezer Dickinson. Will dated 25 March, 1727-8.
I, Sarah Boardman, of Wethersfield, widow and relict of
Mr. Samuel Boardman, being very aged, do now make this to be my last
will and testament: Whereas, it pleased my husband (of happy
memory) to endow me with six pounds a year, to be paid to me
annually by my two sons, David and Joseph in equal proportion, I do
give unto my sd., sons such part as remain unpaid to me by them.
And whereas, my said husband was pleased (by his last will) to give
me £70, to be at my dispose, and some part of the £70 hath never yet
been distributed to me, I do hereby give that part unto my two sons,
David and Joseph Boardman, in equal portion, forever. Item.
I give to my daughter, Abigail Boardman, wife to my son David, one
pair of cobirons. Item. I give to my daughter, Mary Boardman,
wife to my son Joseph Boardman; one heifer now to years old
Item. The remaining part of ye sd. seventy pounds, with what I
have gotten by my industry, I give to William Warner and Hannah
Warner, my grandchildren, in equal proportion. And I do hereby
appoint my sons, David and Joseph Boardman, and my daughter, Mary
Warner, executors.
Witness: Edward Bulkley, Joseph Treat, Josiah
Court Record, Page 90 - 1 May, 1733: The will now proven.
David Boardman refused the trust and Mary Warner accepted.
Will and inventory ordered to be recorded and kept on file.
(NOTE: See
Cemetery Record) |
Page 163-4
BUCKLAND, Charles, Hartford, Died 23 Dec. 1731.
Invt. £51-10-04. Taken 27 Jan.
1731-2, by Timothy Cowles, John Meakins and Joseph Pitkin.
Court Record, Page 59 - 1st Feb., 1732-2: Adms.
granted to Esther Buckland, widow. Also, this Court appoint
her guardian to Charles Buckland, 11 years of age. Recog.,
Page 64 - 4 Apr., 1732: The Adms. reports the
estate insolvent. This Court appoint Lt. John Meakins and
Ensign Joseph Pitkin commissioners, and direct them to set out to
the widow the sum of £17-12-02.
Page 11 (Vol. XII) 1st Sep. 1734: Charles
Buckland, age 14 years, chose Joseph Shepherd of Hartford to be his
guardian. Esther Buckland, Adms., exhibits now an account of
her Adms., which this Court accepts. |
BULKELEY, Rev. John, Colchester. Invt.
£689-14-10. Taken by Samuel
Loomis and Nathaniel Foster
Court Record, Page 53 - 22 Sep. 1731: Adms.
granted to Patience Bulkeley, with John Bulkeley, son of the
Page 20 (Vol. XVII) 10 May, 1754: Mr. Oliver
Bulkeley, one of the heirs to the estate of the Rev. Mr. John
Bulkeley, late of Colchester deceased, now moves to this Court that
dist. be made of the real estate. The Court so order, viz.:
To the heirs of John Bulkeley, Esq., deceased, a double share and to
Gershom, Charles, Peter and Oliver Bulkeley, and to Sarah Bulkeley
alias Welles, Dorothy Bulkeley, Patience Bulkeley alias Lord, and
Lucy Bulkeley alias Lord, to each of them their single shares of sd.
estate. And appoint Israel Foot, Samuel Filer and Alexander
Phelps, distributors. Also, this Court order the distributors
to set out to Mrs. Patience Bulkeley, relict, her thirds of the
estate. |
BULKELEY, Jonathan. Court Record, Page 2 - 2 Aug. 1729:
Jonatan Bulkeley, a minor, 14 years of age, with the consent of his
mother and father-in-law. Elizabeth and James Forbes, chose
Joseph Pitkin to be his guardian |
BULL, Isaac. Court Record, Page 86 - 22 Mar.,
1732-3: Isaac Bull, a minor, 18 years of age, son of Daniel
Bull, late of Jamaica, Long Island, decd., chose Daniel Bull of
Hartford to be his guardian. Recog.,
Page 10 (Vol. XII) 19 Sep., 1734: Caleb Bull, 15
years of age, son of Daniel Bull, late of Jamaica, L. I., chose
Aaron Bull of Hartford, his brother, to be his guardian.
Allowed. |
BULL, Susannah. Court Record, Page 4 - 7 Oct., 1729:
Susannah Bull, a minor, 13 years of age, chose Mary Bull, her
mother, to be her guardian. |
BUNCE, John, Hartford. Invt.
£53888-06-08. Taken by Jonathan
Olcott and Jonathan Steele. Will dated 16 July, 1730.
I, John Bunce of Hartford, do make this my last will
and testament: I give unto my wife Mary Bunce the use and
improvement of all my houseing and lands during life, and all my
moveable and personal estate to be at her own dispose as she
pleases, to and amongst my children. After my wife's decease I
give all my houseing and lands, the moiety or half-part thereof,
unto my son James Bunce, and the other moiety of 1/4 part thereof
unto my grandsons, Jacob, John and Isaac Bunce, to be equally
divided to them, my sd. son James Bunce 1 part, and my sd.
grandsons, Jacob Bunce, John Bunce, and Isaac Bunce, the other part,
to be to them and their heirs forever. Binding and obliging my
sd. grandsons, when they are of lawful age and come into possession
of what I have given them, to pay 20 shillings apiece unto their
father (my eldest son) John Bunce, Jr., per annum during his natural
life. I give unto my sd. son John Bunce 20 shillings besides
what I have formerly given him, to be paid him out of my estate.
I give unto my three daughters 5 shillings apiece besides what I
have formerly given them, to be paid out of my estate.
Witness George Wyllys, John Dod, Elizabeth Wyllys.
And further,
I, the above-named John Bunce, do make this codicil to my
aforewritten will: that my son John Bunce shall have liberty to
dwell in my house, which is now the dwelling house of my son James,
in case he shall live to survive me and my wife, during my sd. son
John's natural life if he my son John shall desire and require the
same. And further, it is my will that my son James and my
grandchildren, Jacob, John and Isaac, to whom I have given the 1-2
of my houseing and lands, shall have an equal right in my well to
use the water thereof as they have occasion. And further, to
explain what is above written wherein it is my will, that he shall
have my house which I now dwell in for his property after me and my
wife's decease.
Witness: Thomas Ensign, Jr., Hezekiah Lane, John Dod.
7 October, 1733.
Record, Page 100 - 6 November, 1733: Will exhibited by Mary
Bunce, widow, and James Bunce, son of sd. deceased. There
being no executor named in the will, Adms. with the will annexed was
granted to the widow and son, and the sd. James Bunce recog. in £300
with Moses Cook.
Page 101 -
4 December, 1733: Invt. exhibited. Estate insolvent.
Page 108 -
5 March, 1733-4: James Bunce and Mary Bunce, Adms., exhibited
a list of debts due from the estate, £70-13-11; also the account of
debts due to sd. estate, amounting to £2-13-00; which account this
Court accepts.
Page 14
(Vol. XII) 26 November, 1734: Per act of the General Assembly,
9 May, 1734, directing James and Mary Bunce, Adms., to sell land to
the value of £37-03-03 at vandue. Report of sale.
Page 17 - 2
December, 1734: Land sold to John Skinner, Jr.
Page 1
(Vol. XIII) 1st March, 1736-7: Jacob Bunce, a grandson to John
Bunce, showing that by the last will of his grandfather there was
given a homested, 1-2 to James Bunce and the other half to Jacob,
John and Isaac Bunce, to be divided equally between them; and
whereas, there is no person to divide the estate, the sd. Jacob,
being now 21 years of age, together with James Bunce, one of the
heirs, moves this Court to appoint freeholders to dist. sd. estate.
Whereupon this Court do appoint Ensign James Church, Deacon John
Edwards and John Skinner, Jr., with the assistance of John Bunce,
the father and natural guardian to the sd. John and Isaac Bunce,
distributors. If ye sd. John Bunce neglect or refuse to joyn
in makeing a division, then the sd. James Church, John Edwards and
John Skinner shall make the division.
Page 8 - 2
June, 1737: Report of the distributors appointed to make
division of a certain lott of land, formerly belonging to Mr. John
Bunce of Hartford, to Jacob, John and Isaac Bunce, sd. lott of land
being the homelott of the testator, bounded north partly upon land
belonging to Jonathan Mason; east partly upon land belonging to the
heirs of John Colwell, and partly upon land belonging to Benjamin
Catlin, and partly on land belonging to Jonathan Mason; and south on
land belonging to sd. Mason. We have viewed sd. lott of land,
and have divided or sett out to Jacob Bunce 1 1-2 acres of sd. land,
at the south end of sd. lott, extending northward from Jonathan
Mason's land, the wedth of sd. lott, 12 rods.
Dated 3 June, 1737.
Page 20
(Vol. XIV) 5 April, 1743: Isaac Bunce, a minor, 16 years
of age, son of John Bunce, chose Samuel Flagg of Hartford to be his
guardian. Recog. £50. Jared Bunce, age 12 years, and
Abigail, age 10 years, this Court appoint their mother Abigail Bunce
to be their guardian. Recog., £50. Lucretia Bunce, a
minor, 13 years, chose her mother, Abigail Bunce, to be her guardian
Page 23 -
24 May, 1743: Application being made to this Court that a
dist. of the estate of John Bunce, according to the will of the
deceased, be made, this Court do appoint James Church, Joseph Cook
and Jonathan Seymour, of Hartford, to divide the estate accordingly.
Page 26 - 7
June, 1743: Report of the distributors.
Page 20 -
(Vol. XVI) 4 April, 1751: Whereas, there is a motion made to
this Court that dist. be made to the heirs of John Bunce, late of
Hartford decd., of 2 lots of land lying in a tier of lotts west of
Cooper Lane in Hartford, whereupon this Court appoint John Skinner,
Daniel Steel and Thomas Hopkins to make division of sd. land.
Page 24 -
29 May, 1751: Report of the distributors. |
BURNHAM, Martha, Wethersfield. Will dated 7 August,
I, Martha Burnham of Wethersfield, do make this my last
will and testament: I give and bequeath 5-6 of all my estate
unto my children now living, viz., my son Eleazer Gaylord, Martha
Wilcocks, Elizabeth Gaylord, Sarah Bissell and Hannah Orvis, unto
them equally alike; and the other 6th part I give unto my
grandchildren, the children of my son Samuel Gaylord deceased, viz.,
to Samuel Gaylord, 1-3 part of sd. 6th part; to Eleazer, his
brother, 1-3 part, and to Millicent, 1-3 part of sd. 6th part.
And whereas, my sd. son Eleazer Gaylord is indebted to me by a note
£14, payable to me, and £5 he has
lately received of Mr. John Russell, and 20 shillings he oweth to me
an another account, my will is that my estate be all apprised,
allowing he oweth me £20, and after it is apprised if the sd. 6th
part to the rest of the legatees, being allowed 112 months to pay it
in. And if he don't pay it within 12 months after my deceased,
my executor to recover the same by the £14 note. I ordain my
son-in-law, Nathaniel Gaylord, sole executor.
Witness: Daniel Williams
Daniel Harris, Benjamin Woodbridge. |
Page 343-3
BURR, Thomas, Sen., Hartford. Will dated 5 April, 1722.
I Thomas Burr, inhabitant in Hartford, do make this my
last will and testament: To my son Thomas I give the house
that he now liveth in, and barn and homelott belonging to them.
I also give to him 1-2 my lott called the Blue Hill lott. To
my son Samuel I give him the house that I live in, and the barn, and
the homelott belonging thereunto. I also give to him the other
half of my Blue Hill lott. I also give to my son Samuel my
lott lying in Pine Field, otherwise called the Brick Hill swamp lott.
Those houseing and lands thus exprest I give to my sons Thomas and
Samuel forever. I give to my son Joseph
£20, which I order to be paid equally
between my three sons, Samuel, Jonathan and Daniel. To my son
Benjamin I give £20, which he hath already received. To my son
Jonathan I give my lower lott in the meadow on the east side of the
Great River, to him and his heirs forever. To my son Isaac I
give £10, which I order to be paid equally between my sons Samuel
and Jonathan. To my son Daniel I give my upper lott in the
meadow lying on the east side of the Great River, and all my
undivided land on the east side of the Great River to him and his
heirs forever. To my daughters, Sarah and Hannah, I give three
cowes. To my daughter Ann I give one cowe, which she hath
already received. To my daughter Abigail I give one cowe,
which she hath already received. To my daughter Abigail I give
one cowe. And all the rest of my stock I give to my two sons,
Jonathan and Daniel, equally to be divided between them, as my
cattle and my horse, my swine and my sheep. I give also to
Daniel that lome and takling that he now works with. It is to
be understood that my will is that all my household implements, as
bedding, all coth, and puter and brass, iron, wood, tin, books,
tables, chairs and chests, these goods thus exprest I give to my
three daughters that is to say, my daughter Sarah and my daughter
Hannah and my daughter Abigaill, equally to be divided between them.
It is to be understood that my will is that my daughters, Sarah and
Hannah, shall have the use of the north end of my house (that was
given to Samuel) as long as they shall live unmarried, and 1-3 of
the cellar, and a piece of land big enough for a garden for them,
all which shall be for their use as long as they shall live single.
Witness: Nathaniel Goodwin,
Richard Goodman, Samuel Welles.
dated 20 May, 1739: My mind and will is that all my undivided
lands lying in that tract of land called New Rantom shall be equally
divided betwixt my three sons, Thomas, Samuel and Jonathan.
And I do now appoint my two sons, Jonathan and Daniel, to be the
Witness: Nathaniel Goodwin,
Thoams Sandford, Daniel Butler.
Court Record, Page 104 - 5
February, 1733-4: Will proven. |
Page 289
BURTON, Samuel, Middletown. Died 23 April, 1733.
£81-12-08. Taken 13 June, 1733,
by John Penfield and Nathaniel White.
Record, Page 93 - 3 July, 1733: Adms. granted to Sarah Burton,
widow. |
Page 139-40
BUTLER, Joseph, Hartford. Invt.
£611-12-06. Taken 30 Aug. 1731,
by William Gaylord and Henry Brace.
Court Record, Page 51 - 7 Sep.
1731: Adms. granted to Esther Butler, widow, and Gideon Butler, son
of the decd.
Page 349 (Probate Side, Vol. XII):
Know all men by these presents: That we, Samuel Shepherd and
Eunice his wife, Tomas Bull in right of his wife decd., Bethia
Butler, Rebeckah Butler and Esther Butler, all of Hartford, in the
County of Hartford, being the only female heirs to the estate of our
honoured father Joseph Butler of sd. Hartford decd., have received
of our brother Gideon Butler, adms. on sd. estate, our full and
whole portion of all and every part of our right in sd. estate, and
do hereby covenant for ourselves and heirs that neither we nor they
shall at any time challenge or have right to any part or parcel of
sd. estate, and do hereby discharge our sd. brother and his heirs to
sd. estate of any further challenges or demands of any part of sd.
estate, real or personal, acknowledging we have received in full our
whole portion, and do agree that this shall be a full settlement and
final determination of the premises. In confirmation hereof we
have hereunto each of us set to our hands and seals and acknowledged
the same before the Court of Probate, this a day of March, 1735-6.
Court Record, Page 41 - 2 Mar.,
1735: Agreement exhibited and accepted by the Court. |
Page 264-5-6
BUTLER, Joseph, Wethersfield. Invt.
£1000-00-00. Taken 28 Feb.,
1732-3, by Edward Bulkeley, Samuel Collins, and John Kirby.
Will dated 8 Jul. 1725.
I, Joseph Butler of Wethersfield, do therefore make
this my last will and testament: Imprs. What I have
already by deed of gift conveyed to and settled upon my sons Richard
Butler and Gershom Butler, both now living, and my son Charles
Butler decd., is what my small estate will allow to each of them
respectively as so conveyed, and my will and mind is that neither
they nor either of them or neither of the rest of their children
shall have or injy any further part, share or portion of my estate,
lands, goods or chattells, but be utterly debarred and excluded from
any further share or part thereof or demand thereon, the sd. lands
so conveyed to them and sd. heirs respectively as aforesd. only
excepted and saved. I give, grant, devise and bequeath all the
rest and residue of my houses and sd. lands lying in Wethersfield or
in Middletown, within sd. County, or elsewhere, not disposed of by
deeds as aforesd., to my three sons now living with me, viz.,
Benjamin Butler, Joseph Butler and Charles Butler, to be holden to
them and to their heirs and assigns forever in the proportions and
shares following: that is to say, to my sd. son Benjamin 3-7
parts of the whole of my sd. houseing and lands not so disposed of,
and my other two sons last mentioned, viz., Joseph and Charles, to
have the remaining 4-7 parts equally between them, they paying the
legacies hereinafter mentioned. I give to my daughter Mary
Butler 2-3 part of all my personal and moveable estate, and order my
sd. son Benjamin to pay to her the sum of £25 in current money, and
my sd. sons Joseph and Charles shall pay her the sum of £20 like
money, each of them. I give to my wife Mary Butler all the rest of
my moveable or personal estate of what kind sover, the same being
1-3 part, and also the use and improvement of 1-3 part of all my
houseing and lands, for and during the term of her natural life.
And I do make my wife sole executrix.
Witness: Timothy Stevens,
Dorothy Stevens, Tho. Kimberly. |
Court Record, Page 81 - 6 Feb.,
1732-3: Case continued, two of the witnesses being deceased.
Page 85- 6 Mar., 1732-3: Will
proven. |
Page 229-30.
BUTLER, Peter, Middletown. Invt.
£271-05-06. Taken 2 Nov., 1732,
by Joseph Rockwell, Thomas Stow and William Rockwell.
Court Record, Page 76 - 13 Nov.,
1732: Adms. to Phebe Butler, widow, with Nathaniel Brown.
Recog., £400.
Page 46 (Vol. XIV) 7 Aug., 1744:
An account of Adms. was now exhibited in Court by Phebe Butler,
alias Hamlin, and Edward Hamlin, her present husband, Adms.
Account accepted. The sd. Adms. move this Court for a dist. of
the moveable estate. Ordered as followeth:
£ s d |
To the widow Phebe Butler, alias
Hamlin, her thirds, |
20-13-08 |
To Mary , Lucia and Rebeckah
Butler, to each, |
13-15-09 |
And appoint Benjamin Adkins,
Jonathan Allin and Joseph Clark, distributors.
Page 56 - 5 Mar. 1744-5:
Report of the distributors. |
A -
B -
C -
D -
E - F - G - H - I - J - K
- L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V -
W - X - Y - Z |
