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Piatt County,
History & Genealogy |
Biographical Index

Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois
Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical
of Prominent and Representative Citizens
of the County
Together with Portraits and Biographies of all
Presidents of the United States
and Governors of the State
Chicago: Chapman Bros
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PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in one
of these names,
please contact me and I will try to put it on
here ahead of the others that are not done yet.
Wick, Piatt County Host
Madison A. |
345 |
Adams, Peter |
259 |
Adkins, Benjamin |
632 |
Alexander, Samuel |
667 |
Allman, James L. |
665 |
Amidon, Joseph P. |
976 |
Anderson, William J. |
691 |
Armsworth, Bennett |
690 |
Ater, Aaron H. |
616 |
Ater, Edward |
991 |
Ater, Thomas * |
373 |
Ater, Thomas J. |
317 |
Ayre, Richard T. |
387 |
Baird, Ellis |
314 |
Baird, John |
195 |
Baker, Isaac * |
941 |
Baker, James |
834 |
Barber, Hiram |
965 |
Barry, Thomas |
779 |
Beauchamp, Miles |
675 |
Bender, J. A. |
406 |
Bender, S. H. |
505 |
Benson, John
* |
348 |
Benson, Robert H. |
385 |
Blackwell, Thomas |
530 |
Bodman, Joseph, Hon. |
417 |
Bodman, Sereno K. |
289 |
Bond, Daniel S. |
848 |
Bondurant, Thomas D. |
979 |
Booher, Jasper C. |
720 |
Born, Frederick |
534 |
Born, Samuel |
542 |
Borton, A. R. |
497 |
Bowdle, James W. |
714 |
Bowdle, William H. |
466 |
Bowman, Benjamin |
606 |
Brandenburg, Samuel |
445 |
Braucher, I. C. |
291 |
Bridges, Charles H. |
198 |
Briggs, Charles L. |
831 |
Britton, W. J. |
778 |
Brown, George L. |
680 |
BROWN, James R. |
967 |
BROWN, Julius A. |
811 |
Broyles, William H. |
224 |
BRYANT, Francis E., Hon. |
963 |
Bunyan, George W. |
236 |
Burgess, G. A. |
450 |
S, Grow L. |
346 |
Burns, John H. |
817 |
Busick, Samuel L. |
364 |
Cahill, Daniel |
959 |
Caldwell, James |
809 |
Caldwell, W. B., M.D. |
285 |
Campbell, Elijah |
286 |
Carrier, John |
269 |
Clapp, James M. |
880 |
Clark, Mary E. |
902 |
Clary, Samuel |
307 |
Cline, Ezra |
931 |
Cline, Jacob H. |
243 |
Cloyd, William G. |
987 |
Coffin, W. D. |
802 |
Cole, Thomas B. |
648 |
Cornell, John L. * |
926 |
COX, Frank Henry |
880 |
Cox, Lafayette |
683 |
Croninger, Peter |
555 |
CROOK, James M. |
950 |
Cross, Erastus |
635 |
Davies, Edmund |
539 |
DAVIES, James |
984 |
DAVIES, William E. |
990 |
DeGrofft, William |
966 |
Denning, Jacob W. |
584 |
Deter, Aaron |
587 |
Dewees, Wiley M. |
324 |
Dighton, A. J. |
548 |
Dighton, James N. |
548 |
DILATUSH, Frank V., Prof |
943 |
Dilatush, George D. |
818 |
Dillin, Hiram |
886 |
Dodd, Emanuel |
361 |
Dooley, B. F. |
763 |
Dooley, Thomas P. |
763 |
DOYLE, Benjamin F. |
435 |
890 |
DUBSON, John |
981 |
DUNN, Thomas A. |
785 |
East, Thomas W. |
356 |
Eyrse, Henry J. |
391 |
FAHRNKOPF, Joseph * |
739 |
Fairbanks, C. W., Hon. |
855 |
Fairbanks, Luther M. |
377 |
Fairbanks, W. D. |
783 |
Faller, E. W. |
823 |
200 |
Fisher, Elihu |
961 |
224 |
FOLK, Samuel J. |
223 |
Foster, William T. |
355 |
Frantz, John |
212 |
GANTZ, Henry W. |
679 |
Gara, Peter |
486 |
Gilmore, H. H. |
634 |
Glazebrook, Lafayette M. |
472 |
Goodson, John |
428 |
Graham, William |
206 |
Gray, John W. C. * |
947 |
Gregory, Gamaliel M. |
397 |
Gross, Henry |
884 |
Grove, John R. |
420 |
Grove, Thomas |
412 |
Grove, W. H. |
842 |
Guiliford, Richard |
539 |
Guilliford, William |
695 |
Haldeman, Horace |
925 |
Hall, Daniel |
960 |
Hamand, Elijah |
711 |
Hamilton, J. W. |
347 |
Hancock, Levi E. |
695 |
Haneline, Nathan |
875 |
Haneline, Peter |
920 |
Hannah, David F. |
241 |
Harshbarger, I. C. |
498 |
Harshbarger, John |
962 |
Harshbarger, S., Jr.,
Rev. |
395 |
Hart, James C. |
300 |
Hayes, John |
965 |
Heath, John |
744 |
Heath, Noble Porter |
592 |
Henness, William B. |
870 |
Hershberger, M. M. |
914 |
Hettinger, William |
925 |
Hicks, Francis M. |
558 |
Hilligoss, J. W. |
281 |
Hinson, Warren D. |
895 |
Hodgen, Robert |
978 |
Hoffhines, Elias |
981 |
Honselman, James |
325 |
Hook, David |
601 |
Horton, Elcana D. |
648 |
Howe, Joseph |
525 |
Howe, Samuel |
633 |
Hubbard, Joseph |
456 |
Hummel, George |
908 |
Hurd, Henry |
699 |
Huston, H. E., Hon. |
604 |
Ivens, Theodore |
411 |
James, Elias P. |
795 |
Johnson, J. C. |
523 |
Johnson, R. L. |
405 |
Johnson, W. H. |
547 |
Jones, Triplett L. |
386 |
Kagey, John W. |
514 |
Karicofe, S. D. |
252 |
Kastl, Thomas |
832 |
Keener, E. S. |
545 |
Keller, Jacob S. |
670 |
Kellington, Dandy |
736 |
Kile, Joseph G. |
331 |
Kingston, John W. |
420 |
Kirby, John |
599 |
Knott, A. B., M. D. |
540 |
Kratz, William H. |
631 |
Krebs, William |
842 |
Langley, Andrew J. |
329 |
Larson, Nels
* |
348 |
Leavitt, William G. |
807 |
Lee, E. T., Col. |
439 |
Lodge, W. E. |
489 |
Loudenback, Joseph H. |
977 |
Lucas, M. E., Mrs. |
790 |
Lust, Charles |
446 |
Mackey, Christian |
647 |
MADDEN, John S. |
235 |
Madden, S. W. |
663 |
Mansfield, Charles F. |
218 |
MARQUISS, George L. |
222 |
MARQUISS, James E. |
508 |
Martin, William S. |
578 |
Masterson, C. |
506 |
McCabe, Joseph M. |
686 |
McCANN, William |
230 |
McCartney, Thomas H. |
457 |
McCartney, William A. |
398 |
McClure, Daniel K. |
958 |
McClure, Samuel |
907 |
McCord, James C. |
864 |
McDavitt, Daniel |
840 |
McDonald, William |
485 |
McFadden, H. S. |
529 |
McKay, Charles C. |
853 |
McKee, Samuel |
589 |
McMILLEN, George E. |
436 |
McNamee, Hugh P. |
964 |
Meredith, Rice R. |
474 |
MILLER, George |
605 |
MILLER, George F. |
986 |
MINER, James G. |
408 |
MINTUN, John |
582 |
MITCHELL, Jacob R. |
771 |
MITCHELL, James R. |
772 |
351 |
815 |
MOMA, William D. |
659 |
MONROE, Richard B. |
787 |
MOORE, C. B. |
504 |
MOORE, Joseph |
643 |
MOORE, Lyle A. |
744 |
Moore, William F. |
581 |
Morris, G. S., Prof. |
689 |
Moyer, E. |
735 |
Murphy, Robert |
244 |
Muthersbaugh, William |
976 |
Myhn, Samuel |
919 |
Nighswander, J. |
413 |
Noecker, William, M.D. |
674 |
Oaks, Jacob |
370 |
Olentine, Charles |
280 |
Oulrey, Samuel S. |
390 |
Ownby, James P. |
496 |
Parker, William |
971 |
Parr, Andrew E. |
343 |
Peck, Aaron |
418 |
Peck, Abram |
214 |
Peck, James |
202 |
Peck, John |
802 |
Peck, Peter |
402 |
Peel, Francis M., Hon. |
654 |
Pemble, John |
868 |
Peters, H. D., Hon. |
756 |
Peterson, George W. |
414 |
Piatt, John |
698 |
Piatt, William H. |
263 |
Piatt, William M. |
659 |
Pierson, W. C. |
600 |
Pipher, A. T. |
615 |
Plunk, Thomas M. |
718 |
Poole, G. W. |
465 |
Porter, H. G. |
536 |
Priestley, S. B. |
405 |
Quick, Isaac |
676 |
Quick, John T. |
658 |
Quick, Miles |
594 |
Reed, Daniel |
583 |
Reeves, John H. |
392 |
Rhodes, Joseph A. |
627 |
Rhodes, Thomas |
841 |
953 |
Rinehart, E. W. |
878 |
RINEHART, Isaac I. |
988 |
Rinehart, Joel H. |
879 |
Roan, Richard |
766 |
955 |
Royse, Henry |
768 |
Ryder, Watkins L. |
373 |
Shaff, Michael |
656 |
Shepherd, Robert M. |
500 |
Sherman, James |
549 |
Shonkwiler, Francis M. |
932 |
Shonkwiler, William H. |
569 |
Simons, William J. |
526 |
Smith, William E. |
398 |
Smock, Samuel |
591 |
SNYDER, William H. * |
740 |
Snyder, William G., Capt. |
301 |
Spear, Adam |
591 |
Stadler, George A. |
217 |
Standley, George W. |
664 |
Stephenson, James |
279 |
Stevenson, Wilbur F. |
233 |
Stickel, Daniel, Hon. |
988 |
Stine, James |
560 |
Swigart, E. S. |
326 |
Tatman, Caleb A. |
954 |
Taylor, Elijah |
461 |
Tenney, C. F., Hon. |
796 |
Thomas, George D. |
705 |
Thompson, Edward Payson |
678 |
Timmons, Henry L. |
856 |
Traxler, David |
929 |
Trotter, Jehu |
320 |
Vail, John |
487 |
Vance, N. Noble, M.D. |
743 |
VARNER, Andrew C. |
788 |
Vent, James T. |
801 |
Vrooman, S. G. |
400 |
WACK, G. W. |
985 |
WAGONER, John D. |
978 |
WALKER, Edward W. |
986 |
Walser, Anthony |
863 |
Walters, John |
575 |
WARNER, Jesse W. |
376 |
Warren, John |
463 |
Weaver, Little Berry |
388 |
WEDDLE, John H. |
780 |
Samuel |
347 |
WERNER, James A. |
197 |
WHITE, J. M. |
761 |
Widick, Cyrus |
444 |
239 |
Williams, Andrew J. |
568 |
WILLIAMS, Clarkson |
435 |
WILLIAMS, Joseph |
434 |
Wilson, Hugh |
378 |
WILSON, Joseph |
508 |
Wing, C. M. |
207 |
Wing, Lucius B. |
207 |
Wise, Jacob |
588 |
Wood, John W., Maj. |
728 |
773 |
602 |
* Picture