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Piatt County,
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Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois
Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical
of Prominent and Representative Citizens
of the County
Together with Portraits and Biographies of all
Presidents of the United States
and Governors of the State
Chicago: Chapman Bros
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A. ADAMS. None are more worthy of
mention in a biographical album than the men who have begun the
battle of life at an early period, unarmed for the contest but by
their native wit, determined spirit and bodily vigor. One of
this class is Madison A. Adams, who now owns one of the best
regulated farms in Piatt County. It consists of one hundred
and ninety acres on sections 10 and 14, Willow Branch Township,
which is made remunerative by careful and intelligent cultivation,
and has been supplied with all needful structures and many
improvements both useful and beautiful.
The parents of Mr. Adams were natives of
Kentucky and Ohio, respectively, and bore the names of Jacob and
Sidney (Eaches) Adams. The paternal ancestors were Scotch
and the mother's family was of German extraction. The good
couple were living in German extraction. The good couple were
living in Madison County, Ohio, when the son of whom we write, was
born Feb. 25, 1843. He was but three years old when the
parents removed to this state and after a short residence in Piatt
County, settled in Macon County, one and a half miles west of the
village of Cerro Gordo. There the father died in 1853 and the
mother in 1856. They were the parents of seven children, of
whom five are now living. Our subject is the second in point
of age of these, the others being Hamilton E., who lives in
Cerro Gordo Township, Piatt County; Eli C., a resident of
Moultrie County; Calvin W., whose home is in Cincinnati,
Ohio; and Sarah J., wife of Daniel Butler, of Cerro
Gordo Township.
After his father's death young Adams was thrown
entirely upon his own resources, he being at that time about twelve
years old. He came to Piatt County and for a number of years
was employed as a farm hand, receiving on an average about $12.50
per month. He attended school during the winter, working hard
during the other seasons in order that he might obtain such an
educaiton as the public schools offered advantages for, and with the
energy that has characterized him through life, pursuing an
undeviating course. He has continued to give his attention to
farming and as early as 1866 began to improve his present farm.
It was at that time practically a swamp, but by wise drainage and
proper cultivation is now one of the best and most productive tracts
in the neighborhood. The fine residence was built in 1884,
replacing a much less convenient and attractive dwelling, which had
been the seat of happy home life, notwithstanding its deficiencies.
At the bride's home Feb. 14, 1876, Mr. Adams was
married to Miss Mary Zellers, who was born in Piatt County
May 16, 1854, and is a daughter of the late John and Mary Zellers.
Her parents, who are natives of Germany, are numbered among the
early settlers of Cerro Gordo Township. The widowed mother is
now living in Kansas. Mrs. Adams has a brother,
Michael, living in Missouri, but the other child in the parental
family is deceased. The record of the children born to our
subject and his good wife is as follows: Eli O., born
Nov. 12, 1876; Calvin W., Oct. 23, 1879; Olive E.,
Sept. 24, 1881; Mary S., Nov. 25, 1885.
Although we cannot give the details of the experience
of Mr. Adams, anyone having a knowledge of the world will
readily see that he must have endured some hardships in his struggle
for existence and that he must have been accustomed to self denial
in his youth. That he has been successful as an agriculturist
his handsome rural home attests and that he is deserving of the
grateful remembrance of all who rejoice in the improved condition of
Piatt County, goes without saying. He has endeavored to act
the part of a good citizen, not only in his law-abiding conduct, but
in his sympathy with and aid in the various movements promulgated
for the public good. He has served as School Director, and
gives his political influence to Republican principles.
We would do but scant justice to Mr. Adams did
we not speak of his war record, which is an honorable one,
creditable alike to his patriotism and his gallantry. He
enlisted in July, 1862, in Company E, Seventy-second Illinois
Infantry and during his army life was under the command at various
times of Gens. Smith, McPherson and Grant.
He took part in some of the most noted battles of the war, among
them, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Franklin, Mobile, Nashville, and
Spanish Fort. He also participated in minor engagements and
bore his share of the more monotonous but equally hazardous duties
of camp and campaign life. He was honorably discharged Aug. 5,
1865, and in remembrance of the year spent at the front is now a
member of the Grand Army Post at Cerro Gordo.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page 345 |
a pioneer of Piatt County, is distinguished in its history as one of
the first settlers of Cerro Gordo Township, with which he has been
closely identified as one of hits most intelligent farmer since the
early days of its settlement. He is a native of Harrison
County, Ky., born September 13, 1818, and a son of Angelo and
Elizabeth (Killem) Adams. His parents are supposed to have
been natives of Maryland and early settlers of Kentucky. One
of his brothers, named Isaac, is said to have been a soldier
in the War of 1812. His father and mother had nine children,
of whom he is the sole survivor. His maternal
great-grandmother was of Irish birth.
When Mr. Adams was about two or three years old
his parents left their Kentucky home for another one amid the
primitive wilds of Ohio. The family resided several years in
Greene County, whence they removed to Madison County, in the same
State, six years later. The mother had previously died in
Greene County, when our subject was a mere child. The father
spent his last years in Madison County, and there our subject was
reared and educated in its early subscription schools. The
school that he attended was built of logs, and a puncheon floor and
was a rude structure in general.
In the fall of 1839, animated by the spirit that had
impelled his forefathers to push forward into newly-settled
countries, our subject became a pioneer of this portion of Illinois.
For some years after he came here he carried on farming on rented
land, but in 1849 he purchased his present farm, on which he has
since resided for a period of more than forty years. He was
one of the first pioneers to locate in this vicinity, and purchased
his land, which then comprised a tract of forty acres, directly from
the Government, paying therefore $1.25 per acres. He had many
hardships to endure, many sacrifices to make, and much hard work to
do before he evolved his now finely improved farm from the wilds of
nature. He is now the possessor of one hundred and
ninety-three acres of land, which is in a fine condition and forms
one of the choicest farms in this neighborhood. When he came
to Illinois he made the journey on horseback and his only
possessions were a horse, a saddle and bridle and $40 in money.
From this small capital he has acquired a goodly competence and is
to-day numbered among the substantial men of his township.
Mr. Adams' first marriage, which took place
October 9, 1845, was with Sarah J. Peck, a daughter of
Adonijah and Mary Peck, of whom further mention is made on
another page of this work. By that union he became the father
of four children, of whom two are living - Angelo, in Willow
Branch Township, and David S., also a resident of that
township. Those deceased are Mary E. and one who died
in infancy. Our subject was a second time married, April 7,
1868. Miss Rebecca Johnston becoming his wife.
She was born in Ashe County, N. C., March 11, 1844. She is a
daughter of John and Sarah (Sapp) Johnston, who were also
natives of North Carolina. In 1860 she removed with her
parents from her native State to Kentucky, and from there to Ohio in
1864. Subsequently they spent three years in Henry County,
Ind., whence they came to Illinois in 1867 and settled in Macon
County, where the mother died in the year 1871. The father
departed this life in Jackson County, Ore., in 1887. These
worthy people were the parents of nine children, of whom the
following are living: Francis, a resident of Mitchell
County, N. C.; Samuel, who resides in Kansas City, Mo.;
Martha, wife of William Carver, of Cass County,
Mo.; Aaron, a resident of Beardstown, Ill.; Jesse, living in
Idaho; and Sarah, wife of William Huggin, of
The biographer found Mr. Adams to be an
intelligent, well-informed gentleman, of a social disposition,
who conversed interestingly of his pioneer life and gave many
important facts in reference to the early history of the pioneers of
Piatt County which are worthy of preservation. Mr.
Adams is justly esteemed by the large circle of friends that he
has gathered around him during his residence of more than fifty
years in this county, with whose history he has been connected from
its early settlement and in whose upbuilding he has been no
unimportant agent. He and his amiable wife are doing all in
their power to forward the cause of religion in their community, and
their names are associated with many deeds of kindness and charity.
He is identified with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, while she
is a member of the Christian Church at Cerro Gordo. H is sound
in politics and is a faithful adherent of the Democratic party.
He served at one time as road Commissioner of Cerro Gordo Township
for a number of years, and has also been School Director.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
ADKINS. The life of a farmer, particularly if
one takes possession of an undeveloped tract of land, calls forth
the vigor of body and powers of mind in a degree that would be
surprising to one who is acquainted with rural life. The man
who can make a success of tilling the soil must be ready to take
advantage of the variations in soil and climate and must therefore
be keenly observant regarding the results of drainage, rotation of
crops and methods of cultivation. It is by reason of industry
and intelligence on the part of her agriculturists that Piatt County
has reached its present state of development and productiveness and
those who have aided in this work are deserving of grateful
remembrance. Among those who in Monticello Township have for
some years been advancing the interests of the county is Benjamin
F. Adkins who is engaged in farming and stock-raising on section
The natal day of our subject was
September 3, 1832, and his birthplace Pickaway County, Ohio.
His parents were early settlers there and he was reared amid the
scenes of a somewhat primitive nature and enjoyed only the
educational advantages afforded by the subscription schools.
His parents Reuben and Martha (Hill) Adkins, were natives of
Maryland and both were of English descent. In 1854 our subject
came to Piatt County for the purpose of buying cattle for the New
York market, working in the interest of another party. This
section was still the haunt of deer and other animals but seemed to
Mr. Adkins to present opportunities that made it a desirable
place in which to locate. He therefore was ere long numbered
among the agriculturists of the county and labored with them until
the breaking out of the Civil War, when he felt that it was his duty
to aid in preserving the Union.
The enrollment of Mr. Adkins in Company C, One
Hundred and Seventh Illinois Infantry, took place August 13, 1862,
and he became an integral part of the Army of the Ohio. He
enlisted as Duty Sergeant and served as such during the three years
in which he bore a part in war's alarms. Mr. Adkins
took part in the siege of Knoxville, was with Sherman in the
Atlanta campaign and participated in the battle of Jonesboro.
He was then sent back with Gen. Thomas to aid in the
operations against Hood and fought at Franklin and Nashville.
The command of which he formed a part then rejoined Sherman
at Goldsboro, N. C., and Mr. Adkins, ere long participated in
Grand Review at Washington. He received an honorable discharge
in June, 1865, and returning to his former home in this State laid
aside the arms that he had so worthily borne and again took up the
peaceful implements of agricultural life.
In December, 1860, Mr. Adkins was united in
marriage with Mrs. Nancy Harris, widow of Charles Harris
and a daughter of Caleb and Sally Jones. Mrs. Adkins
was born in Owen County, Ky., on the 22d of December, 1822, and
after her marriage to Mr. Harris came to Piatt County, the
removal taking place sometime in the '40s. They took
possession of a tract of land consisting of one hundred and three
acres that had been entered by Mr. Harris and is now the home
of our subject. Mr. Harris died here in 1858. He
was the father of eight children, of whom the living are Martha,
William, Fanny, Charles E., Benjamin F. and James.
Martha is the wife of L. Patterson and Fanny is now
Mrs. Kisick.
The commemoration of his connection
with the Union forces Mr. Adkins is a member of Franklin
Post, No. 236 G. A. R., at Monticello. When the ballot box is
open he is always to be found depositing a Republican ticket.
He has served creditably as Township Road Commissioner, but he is
not one of those who are continually seeking office. He
endeavors to promote the good of his fellowmen by his good
citizenship and interest in that which is progressive, and with his
wife stands well in the community.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
ALEXANDER. Piatt County was well represented in the
late war by a brave and patriotic citizen soldiery, who won a
distinguished military record on many a hard fought battlefield.
Our Subject was one of these. He has since won a high
reputation as a farmer and stock-raiser and is prominent among the
men of his class in Willow Branch Township, where he has a large and
well-equipped farm. He is a native of Pennsylvania, the place
of his birth in Lancaster County and the date May 12, 1831.
Samuel and Prudence (Good) Alexander, also natives of
Pennsylvania, were his parents.
Our subject passed his early life in his native State,
gaining a knowledge of farming on his father's farm, and his
education in the subscription schools of that time. In 1853 he
came to Illinois and for a number of years was a resident of Macon
County. After the Civil War broke out he threw aside his work
to take part in the great conflict, enlisting in Company D, One
Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, which became a part of the
Army of the West. Our subject saw much hard fighting and gave
evidence of true courage and fortitude in the many hardships that
befell him during his experience as a soldier. He faced the
enemy at Arkansas Post, and was in the front at Vicksburg, where he
was captured by the rebels. He was confined in various
Southern prisons, including Libby, and underwent many sufferings and
privations before he was finally released.
After he left the army Mr. Alexander came to
Macon County again, and from there to Piatt County in 1869, and
settled on his present farm. He is the fortunate proprietor of
four hundred and eighty acres of land, a part of which lies on
section 12, Willow Branch Township, and one hundred sixty acres of
it is in Macon County. Here he and his wife, who has worked
faithfully by his side have built up a home that is replete with
every needed comfort and is the center of a generous hospitality.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were united in marriage
February 17, 1860. Of their present wedded life one son,
William L. has been born, June 6, 1862, being the date of his
birth. Mrs. Alexander was formerly Elizabeth A.
Howell, and she was born in Vermilion County, Ind., May 7, 1837.
She is a daughter of the late Leonard and Mary A. (Harrison)
Howell, natives respectively of Monroe County, Ohio, and
Wheeling, W. Va., the father of English descent and the mother of
mingled Scotch and French ancestry. Both the paternal and
maternal grandfathers of Mrs. Alexander were soldiers in the
War of 1812. Of the eight children born to her parents six
survive, namely: Mrs. Alexander; Thomas L., a resident of
Kansas; William I., who lives hear Keokuk, Iowa; Julie E.,
wife of William Nye; Samuel L., a resident of Clarke County,
Mo.; and Charles A., who also lives in that county.
John H. and Henry A. are the names of the children who
Mr. Alexander started out in life with no other
capital than a sound, well-balanced mind and strong muscles, but by
the use of these he has accumulated a handsome property and is
today in comfortable circumstances. In his political views he
is a decided Republican. We always find him ready and willing
to contribute to all the schemes for the advancement of township and
county and he enjoys the friendship of many who appreciate the
genuine worth of his character. He and his wife are sincere
Christians and church members, she being identified with the
Christian Church, and he with the Methodist Episcopal.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
a resident of Bement is associated with the agricultural interests
of Piatt County, and is carrying on an active business as the
proprietor of various machines used in farming, which he operates
for the benefit of the farmers of this section of the country.
Mr. Amidon is a native of Rensselaer County, N. Y., where he was
born July 16, 1848. He is a son of Joseph P. and Wealthy A.
(Wright) Amidon. His father is still living. His mother
died at Newton, Kan. When he was four years old his parents
came from their old home to Grundy County, this State, whence they
removed to Boone County two years later. They lived there four
years and then came to Piatt County, and cast in their lot among its
pioneers. Here our subject grew to a stalwart manhood and has
ever since made his home here. He was reared on a farm and
under the instruction of his father gained a good practical
knowledge of agriculture. In 1880 he left the farm and
established himself in his present business which consists in the
operation of a threshing machine, clover huller, a corn sheller and
a hay and straw baling machine. He has two traction engines,
two separators, a Birdsell clover huller, one Western sheller, one
Keystone Sheller, and one hay press. Mr. Amidon employs from
two to eight men the year around and his services are in great
demand among the farmers in all directions.
The marriage of Mr. Amidon with
Miss Julia Eldred was
celebrated in this county January 1, 1876. Mrs. Amidon
is a
native of Washington county, N. Y., born November 23, 1851.
She has been to our subject all that is implied in the term of a
true wife, and she is to their children a wise and tender mother.
She is a daughter of Hiram and Harriet (Goddnough) Eldred. Her
mother died at White Creek, Washington County, N. Y. Her
father is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Amidon have lost
one child who died in infancy. The names of their five
remaining children are Nellie M., Hattie L., Frank H., Fred J.
and Cora B. These children are being carefully trained in good
principles and to useful lives.
Our subject is well-known in his community as a man who
is alive to its every interest and who is zealous in promoting all
good causes. He is a man of exemplary habits, is exceedingly
temperate and is active among the Prohibitionists. He and his
estimable wife are among the foremost members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of which he has been Steward for fifteen years and
he has also served it faithfully as a Class-Leader. He is
deeply interested in the Sunday school and has been its
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
Among the native born citizens of Piatt County who deserve
honorable mention in the volume of this nature is Edward Ater, who
lives on section 23, Willow Branch Township. He owns one
hundred and sixty acres of fertile land, clear of incumbrance and so
improved as to make a comfortable home. He is pursuing a
career that has already brought him a good degree of financial
success and which him a good degree of financial success and which
promises greater prosperity as years advance.
The natal day of Mr. Ater was December 31, 1858, and
his parents were Solomon and Martha Ann (Fisher) Ater. Their
family consisted of six children of whom the only survivors are
Anne, wife of Nathan E. Webb, living in Colorado;
Elizabeth, wife of
F. M. Clow who home is in Piatt County; and Alice, who married Jacob
Wiggins, also of Piatt County. The deceased are Willis and
David. Solomon Ater came hither in 1827 and settled on raw
prairie and unbroken timberland, to clear, cultivate and improve
which required energy, strength and persistence. Trials and
privations did not deter him from his efforts, and he reaped a due
reward in the course of time, becoming the owner of a valuable
estate ere death took him Feb. 13, 1871, at the age of fifty-two
years, four months and three days. Although his education was
but moderate, Mr. Ater was a man of general intelligence, and proved
useful in society, it being acknowledged that in his demise, the
county lost one of her best citizens. In politics he was a
Democrat. The mother of our subject died Mar. 17, 1863, when
only thirty-three years, four months and five days old. The
second wife survives - she also being one of the early settlers
Edward Ater lost his mother when quite young, and his
father when but twelve years old. He obtained his education in
the public schools, not having the advantage of higher training, but
uses well the knowledge he has and adds and adds to it by
observation and experience year by year. He has been a
life-long farmer, and while young in years is old in understanding
of his chosen work. We should do injustice to him and his
chosen companion should we neglect to speak of his happy home.
At the head of the household economy is a genial, enterprising and
well-informed woman who bore the maiden name of Amanda Miner.
She is a daughter of Ira and Mary (Bruffett) Miner, of Piatt County,
and was wedded to Mr. Ater February 22, 1888. The union has
been blessed by the birth of a bright son, Warren, born June 13,
Following the example set before him by an honored
father, Mr. Ater is a Democrat in politics and a man of public
spirit and business energy. In connection with farming he
carries on stockraising to a considerable extent and for so young a
man has made a fine record of financial success. He has the
confidence of the business community as he has the respect of the
social world, and it affords the biographical writer pleasure to
represent him in this Album, assured that his friends will be
gratified with even a brief account of his life.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
The recollections of this gentleman, who came to Piatt County soon
after he entered his teens, include a considerable degree of
Progress in the appearance and civilization of this section of the
great Prairie State. Beginning his labors here as an assistant
to his father in a sparsely settled part of the county, he knows
something of the work needed in order to reclaim a raw prairie and
fit it for the habitation of civilized men. Willow Branch
Township, in which his father located, was a mixture of swamp and
rolling prairie, and Mr. Ater on more than one occasion "chased the
red deer" close to where Bement now rears her towers and roofs.
The natal day of Mr. Ater and October 17, 1837, and his
birthplace Ross County, Ohio, whence he came to the Prairie State
with his parents in 1851. James and Sabina (Thomas)
Ater had a
large family, those now living being Jane, wife of Jeremiah
whose home is in Monticello; Martha, wife of Benjamin
Armswroth, of
Willow Branch Township; Frank, a resident of Cerro Gordo; Thomas the
subject of this notice; John S., now of Cerro Gordo; Mary A., wife
of J. P. Ownby; Elizabeth, wife of James T. Vent; Charity, wife of
John Smith; and Aaron, whose sketch will be found on another page in
this ALBUM. Our subject grew to manhood under the parental
roof, and in his earlier years broke prairie with oxen and performed
other kinds of pioneer work. Among the scenes of the early
days that are still fresh in his memory is that of corn being burned
in the shock in order to make room for another crop.
Mr. Ater received his education in the common schools
of Ohio and Illinois and of course had not the advantages afforded
in the public school of today. The privileges, however, were
sufficient to give to any studious lad a practical knowledge of the
important branches of information, and those who, like Mr. Ater,
desired to do so could easily continue their education by
self-effort, having a good foundation on which to build. He is
the owner and occupant of one hundred and sixty-six acres of land on
section 7, of the township before mentioned, the greater part of the
estate being under excellent cultivation.
In politics Mr. Ater is a sound Democrat.
Financially speaking he is meeting with success, and he enjoys the
confidence of the business community by whom his word is considered
as good as his bond. He is an intelligent, enterprising, jolly
bachelor, public-spirited and interested in that which will tend to
the elevation of society. A lithographic portrait of Mr. Ater
will be notice in connection with this brief biographical review.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page |
ATER, whose portrait appears on the opposite page, is
the representative of a pioneer family of Piatt County, and
following in the footsteps of those who preceded him, he is devoting
his time and attention chiefly to agricultural pursuits. His
residence is in Willow Branch Township on section 30, and was the
first brick house erected in the township. It was put up by
his grandfather, Thomas Ater, who was one of the earliest
settlers in the county, and whose death some time in the '50s
removed from this community a valued member. The year that
witnessed his death and marked also by that of his son Willis,
father of our subject, who having accompanied his parent hither from
Ohio, had labored with him in advancing the agricultural interests
of this region and elevating the status of civilization.
Willis Ater married Nancy Fister and to
them were born two children - Thomas J. and to them were born
two children - Thomas J., and John, the former
being the sole living representative of the family. His birth
took place October 29, 1845, and his boyhood and youth were passed
amid the primitive scenes connected with the early settlement of
this county. He has given his attention principally to
farming, although at one time he purchased and shipped stock, and is
still considerably interested in raising domestic animals. His
early education was acquired in the rude log building with puncheon
floor and seats made of split logs, but at a later date he had
somewhat better privileges, as the public school system had been
instituted and better buildings erected. Like others born and
reared where civilization was not yet much advanced, he has by
self-effort added largely to the information received in the
Mr. Ater was married October 2, 1882, to
Elizabeth Hott, daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Fisher) Hott,
who were early settlers in Piatt County, of which their daughter is
a native. Mr. Hott is now deceased, but Mrs. Hott
survives at a goodly age. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ater
is brightened by the presence of two daughters - Ethel, born
July 29, 1884, and Elma, born November 2, 1886. Mr.
Ater has made the most of his property, and a visitor to his
home will observe that the four hundred and thirty acres which
comprise his estate and made useful and beautiful in every part, and
supplied with a full line of necessary and convenient farm
structures. It will need but a glance to assure the stranger
that the household affairs are controlled by a lady of good taste
and housewifely skill, and that both husband and wife endeavor to
make good use of the means at their command.
Mr. Ater has served as Township Clerk Collector
and Assessor, discharging his duties with credit, particularly those
of Clerk, which office he held for a number of years. He
belongs to the Odd Fellow's Lodge at Cisco, has filled the various
Chairs therein, and in 1876 represented it in the State Grand Lodge
in session at Jacksonville. His political sympathy and
influence are given to the Democratic party and he takes an active
interest in the local work. Personally, he is of social and
entertaining disposition, manifesting in conversation a lively
interest in the leading topics of the day, whether political,
financial or social. He is well known throughout the township,
has the reputation of a man of strict integrity, and enjoys the
friendship of a large number of his fellow-citizens.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album
of DeWitt and Piatt Counties, Illinois,
Chicago: Chapman Bros.,
1891~ Page 364 |
* Picture