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Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD)
Vol. CXXX Issue: 28 Page 6
Dated: Saturday, Dec. 14, 1901
Sheriff Oeligrath Suprised.
Sheriff Oeligrath
was very much surprised yesterday morning to learn that
a prisoner had escaped or gotten away from the county
jail Thursday about 5 o'clock and that he had not been
apprised of the occurrence, although he stayed at home
about the jail during the evening. The new warden
of the jail, Isaac Benton Marshall Ho_shall, and
the night watchman. Elijah M. Price, both
knew of the escape, but did not think it worth while to
notify the Sheriff, as it was hoped that hte prisoner
would come back.
The warden informed the Sheriff about 7 o'clock
yesterday morning of what had happened. The
escaped prisoner did not break jail, but walked off
unmolested. It has been the custom for some time
to take a prisoner, charged with some minor offense, out
to do chores about the building, keeping him under
surveillance. George Williams, colored, who
was indicted for larceny December 10, the man who got
away Thursday, had been working on the outside during
the last few days of the term of Sheriff Todd. He
had been committed for the action of the grand jury but
had not been indicted when Sheriff Oeligrath took
charge, and the new official made no change.
Shortly before walking off Thursday Williams
borrowed 25 cents from the cook.
After the warden found that the man had gone he waited
until Night Watchman Price came on duty and told
him he thought Williams had only gone up in the
town and would come back.
The next heard from Williams was that he had
been seen in Baltimore Thursday night by Sargeant
Carberry, as stated in THE SUN yesterday. Had
the Sheriff been promptly informed and notice of
Williams' disappearance sent out the fugitive
would probably have been arrested.
Patrolman A. J. German, of Towson, who was told
about the escape on Thursday night after making inquiry
in response to a Message from the Canton Police Station,
said yesterday he had taken none into his confidence
because he thought that such matters were never divulged
until the fugitive is arrested. He said the
officials at the jail had expressed themselves as
desirous of keeping the incident quiet.
The police description of Williams, who has not
yet been recaptured, is as follows:
George Williams, colored, alias Charles
Jacock, alias Wolcot, age 33 years 160 pounds
short and stout build, long, wooly hair, wore doark
brown overcoat, dark-grayish pants when last seen had no
hat on. This man is a piono player and pugilist. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD) Volumne:
CXXXI Issue: 98 Page 7
Dated: Aug. 22, 1902
Jail Will Be Repaired
Sheriff Oeligrath
has employed William Hanneman of Towson to repair
the tin roof of the county jail John T. __oss
will close up the hole made in the ____ing by the
prisoners who escaped last week. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD) Vol.
CXXXI Issue: 168 Page 7
Dated: Saturday, Oct. 31, 1902
Sheriff Oeligrath Goes Home To Vote
Sheriff and Mrs. William J. Oeligrath drove from
Towson yesterday to their old home at Ecklo, in the
Sixth district, a distance of about 23 miles, where they
will remain until after the election. The Sheriff
is only a temporary resident of Towson and he will vote
in the Sixth district on next Tuesday. There is
only one voting place in that district - a Nelson N.
Norris' store, in Middletown. The Fifth also
has only one voting place. The polls in this
district is at the White House, which has been a voting
place for many years. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD) Volume:
CXXXI Issue: 169 Page: 7
Dated: Nov. 1, 1902
Sheriff Oeligrath Appoints Deputies For Election.
Sixty-Five Marriage Licenses Issued In
October-Tri-Circuit Rally Of Christian
Sheriff William J. Oeligrath has made his appointments
of deputies to serve at the election on Tuesday, with
the exception of in the Thirteenth district and one or
two in a few of the other districts, which will be
announced today. In the Third and Fourth precincts
of the Ninth district the regular deputies- Messrs.
Anderson and Burke- will serve.
The police force of the county will be assigned to duty
on that day wherever Chief Streett
considers their services necessary. He will keep a
number of the officers in reserve should anything
unforeseen occur, though no disorder is anticipated.
The following is the list as far as completed:
First District - August C. Pe_ore, William E. Bach,
James Gall, John T. McCabe.
Second - Harry Fryfogle,
Caleb S. Hobbs,
Third - John Fox, John McWilliams, John Dee,.
Fourth - George W. Stocksdale, A. M. Ruby.
Fifth - William H. Benson
Sixth - Thomas L.
Seventh - N. J. Cole, J.
E. Ro__er
Eighth - John Noppenberger, Benj. M. Brooks.
Ninth - Dennis Fitzgerald, Samuel Dew___, William H.
Murray, Perry Knight
Tenth - Charles T. Henderson, John H. Hitter
Eleventh - William H. Ady, Harry Schultz, John
T. Burgan.
Twelfth - Andrew J. Hartner, Frederick Harner,
Martin Homberg, Frederick L. Fapper, Nicholas Rebbel
Fourteenth - John A.
Nuth, Jr., Achilles Ford, Andrew M_i___.
Fifteenth - George B. Cox, Frank Matther, Robert
H. Earl, Frank Larrimore, Townsend Buebler.
In the Churches.
Rev. Thomas M. Beadenkoff, pastor of the Canton
Congregational Church, Elliott and First streets, has
announced that arrangement had been made with the
Lutheran and Presbyterian churches at Canton to
establish a joint reading and social room somewhat
similar to the Young Men's Christian Association.
The Methodist Church will also be asked to join, Rev.
M. Beadenkoff has rented a building at Elliot street
and East avenue, which will be formally opened in a week
or two.
The congregation of the German United Evangelical
Church, East avenue and Dillon street, Canton, Rev.
William Batz, pastor, will celebrate tomorrow the
festival of the Reformation. an oyster supper and
fair are to be held at the church hall Nov. 19 to 13.
Herman Spellman is chairman of the committee of
arrangements, with George Vaupel as assistant.
Forty hours' devotion will
begin Sunday, Nov. 9, at the Church of the Sacred Heart,
Foster avenue and First street, and will end on the
following Tuesday.
The dedication of Wesley Methodist Episcopal Chapel,
Rev. J. Toily Marsh, pastor, which was to have taken
place tomorrow, has been indefinitely postponed, owning
to the non arrival of the pews.
Rev. Alfred Ballhorn, pastor of St.
Michael's Lutheran Church, at Perry Hall, Eleventh
district, will hold a Reformation service tomorrow
Epworth Leaguers Hold Rally.
The rally of the Epworth League chapters of Monkton,
Hereford and Parkton circuits was held yesterday
afternoon and evening at Monkton Methodist Episcopal
Church Mr. Lewis M. Bacon presided in the
afternoon. Addresses were delivered and papers
read on "The Ideal Young Methodist," by Rev. Frank G.
Porter, of Franklin Street Methodist Episcopal
Church; "Winning the Unsaved," by Miss Roberta Price,
of Clynmalira Methodist Church; "The Use of the
Scriptures in Dealing With the Unsaved," by Rev. W.
L. McDowell, of Broadway Methodist Church; closing
remarks by Rev. Dr. J. St. Clair Neal, of Harford
Avenue Methodist Church. Revs. C. T. Weede
and George L. Jones assisted.
W. Lawrence Beyer,
president of East Baltimore District League, presided at
the evening service. An address was made by
Rev. Robert M. Moore, of East Baltimore Methodist
Episcopal Church. Ministers assisting him were
Rev. J. Tolly Marsh, Rev. Dr. Harry S. France, Rev. Low
W. Gosnell of Monkton circuit, Rev. Richard G.
Koontz, Rev. J. W. Fleming, Miss Bertha Bond
was organist.
The ladies of the church furnished lunch for the many
Floor Under Her On Fire.
Fire broke out in the building at Third street and
Eastern avenue, occupied by the Baltimore County
Sentinel, yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock.
The blaze was discovered by Miss Catherine Deby,
who conducts a dressmaking establishment on the second
floor, and who noticed that the floor under her was
becoming very warm. Smoke also began to pass up
through the cracks. She summoned to her aid the
seamstresses, and after giving the alarm carried the
dress goods and other articles to a different part of
the building, being nearly suffocated in this work.
A bucket brigade was formed between the hydrant in the
yard and the apartment and the firemen tore up the
floor. The services of the engines were not
needed. The printing office sustained some was
damaged $59.
Suburban Personals.
A. A. Piper, a well known member of the county bar
and who has been confined to his home at Glanarm, on the
Maryland and Pennsylvania railroad, for several weeks by
sickness, was able to visit Towson this week. His
wife, who has been ill with typhoid fever, si
John Langham of Perry Hall, Eleventh district,
now in his ninety fifty year, is ill.
Dr. Clyde V. Matthews, who has been appointed
assistant demonstrator in the dental department of the
University of Maryland, is a son of Col. D. M.
Matthews, of Dulany's Valley. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD) Volume:
CXXXI Issue: 169 Page: 7
Dated: Nov. 1, 1902
A NUMBER of box parties for the juvenile members of
society are being arranged for the "Dolls Opera and Play
of Cinderella," to be given on Friday afternoon at
Albaugh's Theatre, under fashionable patronage.
Among those who will give parties are Mrs. T.
Harrison Garrett, Mrs. David G. McIntosh, Mrs. Jacob A.
Ulman, Mrs. Walter F. Wickes, Mrs. Daniel Willard, Mrs.
J. Hurst Purnell, Mrs. Charles Carroll Denison, Mrs.
John Howland, Mrs. Roger Brooke Hopkins, Mrs. Joseph W.
Jenkins, Mrs. Cornelius D. Kenny, Mrs. John B.
Whitehead, Mrs. Francis E. Waters, Mrs. George Hamilton
Cook, Mrs. R. G. Dulany, Mrs. Charles M. Lanahan, Mrs.
William Lanahan, Mrs. J. C. Legg, Jr., Mrs. Waldo
Newcomer, Mrs. George R. Sin_ickson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
A. Parr, Jr.
A sale of candy under the direction of Miss Ann
Franklin Keyser, for the benefit of the Children's
Hospital School, will be a feature of the entertainment.
Assisting Miss Keyser will be the members of the
Junior Auxiliary of the Children's Hospital School,
including a number of the future belles of society.
MISS Elizabeth Gorden and Miss Anne
HuntlyGorden, the debutants daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Huntly Gordon, will be the guests of
honor at a dinner on Saturday evening, December 29,
before the second of the Bachelors' Cotillons, at
which Paymaster J. Quitman Lovell, U. S. N., and
Mrs. Lovell, the latter their aunt, will be the
hosts, at the Belvedere Hotel.
THE marriage of Miss Helen Chase Woods, to
Mr. Arthur W. _achen, Jr., will take place on
Saturday afternoon, December 1, at the town residence of
Doctor and Mrs. Woods, 842 Park avenue.
THE Alexander Charlton Nelson has selected
Wednesday, Dec. 21, on the date for the luncheon to be
given a honor or her debutante niece, Miss Nannie
Braxton Dallam daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Braxton Dallam.
DOCTOR and Mrs. John W. Lowe, of 2239 Entaw Place,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine
_ Hennick-Lowe, to Mr. James Craig
Elliott, of Charlotte, N. C. No date has been
set for the wedding, which will probably take place in
the late winter.
MRS. George Livingston Baker, of New York, formerly
Miss Margaret Armistead Appleton of Baltimore, is
spending 10 days at the Brexton Hotel. Mrs.
Baker visited Fort McHenry last Tuesday in view the
statue of her grandfather, Col. George
Armistead. She is a prominent figure in Red
Cross work in New York, and was one of a committee of a
hundred women who raised the sum of $100,000 in two
weeks for the National League for Woman's Service, this
being done at he request of Miss Ana Morgan.
Miss Helen McMaster, of Columbia, S. C., is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Wilson and their
daughter, Miss Alice Wilson, at
their apartment at the Winona. Miss McMaster
is a sister of Mrs. Joseph R. Foard, who
has recently arrived in France to assist with the war
relief work.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bosley, Jr., who have been
spending their honeymoon in New York, have returned and
are the guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Richard
Cromwell, Jr., at her home at Catonsville.
Mr. Seth Barton French,
of New York, spent the week and in Baltimore, having
come down for the dinner given on Saturday evening by
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse N. Bowen at the Baltimore Country
Club for Mrs. Bevan, one of this season's
Mrs. Walter Prescott Smith is expected to return
today from the North, where she attended the wedding on
Saturday at Jamestown, R. I., of Miss John Montgomery
Wood and Mr. Andrew Jones, of New York, formerly of
Mrs. Alexander Armstrong, of Hagerstown, Md., has
been visiting her parents, Doctor and Mrs. Hiram
Woods, at their home on Park avenue.
Miss Valerie Padelford, of Washington, who has
frequently visited here, came on for the wedding on
Saturday afternoon of Miss Eleanor Mitchell Dieter
and Mr. Neville Irwin Leary.
Mrs. Samuel T. Earle, who has been spending a few
days at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, having joined
friends for the National Horse Show, has returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Macgill, of Catonsville, will leave early in January
for New York, where they will spend the remainder of the
Mrs. Augustus A. Hack, of the Washington
Apartments, will leave early in December for Memphis,
Tenn., where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter.
Doctor and Mrs. Richmond McKinney.
Mrs. Edgar K. Legg has given up her house on
Preston street and has taken an apartment at the
Mr. Harold Wrenn and
Mr. Hold Page, of Norfolk, Va., have been spending a
few days in Baltimore.
Mrs. Oliver T. Beauchamp,
of Princess Anne, Md., is spending a month with her
niece, Mrs. Walter E. Spicer, of Batavia, N. Y.
Mrs. Joseph E. Uebele
and son, Elmer Howard, of Washington, have
returned home after spending several weeks with her
uncle and aunt, former Sheriff and Mrs. Oeligrath,
of Freeland, Maryland.
Mrs. Charles W. Lord
is spending a month at the Park Avenue Hotel, Park
avenue, New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bourne, 813 Hamilton
Terrace, who have been away since July, are dividing
their time between Philadelphia and New York, as Mr.
Bourne has an office in both cities. They do
not expect to return to Baltimore until after
Mrs. William M. Buchanan and Miss Marie J. McCay,
of 930 North Charles street, are spending this week with
Mrs. Mark Sullivan, at her home, Chatham, near
Fredericksburg, Va.
Mrs. Charles H. Nicolai and daughters, Mrs.
James Mickle and Miss Charlotte, have taken a
house at 8 Eaglewood road, Roland Park.
Mrs. Ida M. Schuesaler has gone to Los Angeles,
Cal., to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Wienbert Mohler are at
the Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic City, where they will
remain for a fort-night. |
Source: Sun (Baltimore, MD) Volume:
CLIX Issue:57 Page: 12
Dated: July 21, 1916
St. James' Guild, of
My Lady's Manor, was entertained yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. John Snow, at Monkton.
Motorcyclists Complained of
The residents of Wilkins
avenue, Catonsville, in the vicinity of Beechfield
avenue and Maiden Choice lane, have complain to the
county p9olice of a gang of boys who race back and forth
on the avenue with motorcycles, greatly endangering the
lives of pedestrians.
Sunday-School Picnic At Hinn.
The annual picnic of the Eighth District Baltimore
County Sunday-School Association was held yesterday at
Hiss Grove, Parkville. The committee in charge
consisted of the Rev. T. M. Swan, the Rev.
Lemuel S. Reichard, F. H. Hrtman and Robert H.
Catonsville "Drys" Meet.
The Catonsville Dry
League held a meeting last evening in the assembly hall
of the Catonsville High School. The finance
committee, consisting of Richard P. Baer, Frank S.
Strohridge, Samuel H. Harden, M. Filmore Carter and
Jacob France, made a report and sub-committees
were appointed to map out a plan for the coming
Aigburth Inn Is Gay,
The Tuesday dance at Aigurth Inn, Towson, was
largely attended. Miss McConn was hostess.
Mrs. R. J. Wyckoff and her son were entertained
at dinner at the Inn on Wednesday.
On the same day Miss Bertha C. Lee, of West
Arlington, entertained her card club at luncheon.
Missionary Society Rallies.
Morning and afternoon sessions were held yesterday
at the rally of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held in West
Baltimore Station Methodist Episcopal Church, Park
Heights avenue, near Shirley. Mrs. W. E. Beall
presided. Addresses were made by Mrs. William
C. Ballard, district secretary; Mrs. C. C.
Hoffman, Mrs. John T. King, associate secretary, and
Mrs. William E. Moore. Luncheon was served
at noon by the ladies of the church. Mrs.
Charles Matthews and Mrs. Harry French sang.
The visitors were welcomed by the pastor, the Rev.
Charles L. Pate. |