History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller

Peru Twp. -
GEORGE W. DEIBERT, assistant general
foreman of the Wabash shops, came to Miami County in May, 1854.
Was born Oct. 28, 1833, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and
is the second son of Jacob and Rosanna (Zimmerman) Deibert,
natives of Pennsylvania, who migrated to Indiana in 1854 and
located in Peru. The father, who was by trade a carpenter,
died in March, 1881, and the mother and brother—Albert—in
1854, soon after their arrival in Indiana. The subject
returned to his native county, and on the 14th of February,
1857, was married to Miss Henrietta Wervert,
a native of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, of German origin.
They were blest by the birth of five children, four of whom are
now living— John, Frank, Florence, Georgie (girl),
and Philip (deceased). In May, 1867, the subject
returned to Peru and worked at the carpenter trade, which he
learned when a boy. In the fall of 1868, engaged with the
I., P. & C. R. R. in the car department, and continued until
June, 1872, when he assumed charge of that department. He
is a Knight of Pythias and also an Encampment Odd Fellow, and
was elected by the Republicans to the City Council, serving from
1880 to 1884.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant
& Fuller - 1887 - Page 413 |
Jefferson Twp. -
R. R. DONALDSON settled in the Miami
Reserve in Jefferson Township, in the year 1841, and is a native
of Louden County, near Centerville, Virginia; born Mar. 3, 1821,
to Thomas and Nancy (Saffer) Donaldson, both natives of
Virginia. He was brought up on a farm in Ohio and when he
came to this county continued in the same vocation. For
about sixteen years he bought and sold grain, and in May, 1886,
came to Peru and now controls the Wabash elevators. In
1850 he served in the House of Representatives, and was
re-elected in 1852 and 1863. In 1885 a convention of the
members of the first constitutional convention was held, which
he attended. He has also held the office of Township
Trustee. In July, 1840, he was married to Miss
Elizabeth Rickner, a native of Ohio, to whom five children
were born, viz: Leroy P., Lorenzo, L. B., Ruth A. and
Emma. He is a Master Mason, a Royal Arch member and
Knight Templar.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 685 |
Perry Twp. -
WILLIAM P. DRAKE, an enterprising citizen
of Perry Township, is a native of Hunterdon County, New Jersey,
born May 28, 1829, the son of Jacob and Phebe (Stout) Drake.
Thomas Drake, paternal grandfather of our subject, was also
a native of New Jersey; he served three months in the
Revolutionary War when but fifteen years old. He died in
his native State, and is buried in Hopewell Cemetery along with
John Hart, one of the signers of the declaration
for which he fought. Subjects maternal grandfather, Ira
Stout, was born in New Jersey, and was colonel of a
regiment which was sent to quell the “Whiskey Insurrection.”
Jacob Drake emigrated to Ohio in 1830, where
William P. was reared to manhood, he remaining with and
assisting his parents on the farm until he attained the age of
twenty-three years. His education was in keeping with the
facilities afforded the children of his day. Aug.17, 1852,
his marriage with Catharine Strock was solemnized.
The year following they emigrated to Indiana and Miami County,
of which they have since continued residents. Their union
has been blessed with four children, these two now living:
George W., who married Laura Bayles, and Eli T.,
who married Magdaline Butler, now deceased.
Mr. Drake has been uniformly successful in his
vocation of farming, owning 248 acres of well-improved land.
He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge,
No. 365, located at Roann. In politics he is a
Democrat and has been honored with an election to the offices of
Justice of the Peace and Township Trustee, filling both
positions to the entire satisfaction of the individuals whose
suffrages elected him.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 728 |
Jefferson Twp. -
MATTHEW DUNCAN (of the firm of Lantz &
Duncan, dealers in general merchandise, Mexico, Indiana),
was born in Clinton County, Ohio, July 7, 1854. His
parents, Emanuel and Margaret (Stotlar) Duncan, moved to
Grant County, Indiana, about 1856, and from thence,
subsequently, to Miami County. In about 1877, he returned to
Grant County, where he still resides; the mother died in Miami
County in about 1868. Matthew Duncan, our
subject, came with his parents to this county, where he was
married Aug. 20, 1877, to Julia A., daughter of
John and Julia A. Hines. She was born in Fairfield
County, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1857. After Mr. Duncan’s
marriage, he first settled in Fulton County, Indiana, where he
engaged in farming about one year, after which he moved to Miami
County, and, subsequently, to Grant County, where he resided
until 1884, when he moved to Mexico, Indiana, and formed a
partnership with Mr. Lantz in the mercantile
business, purchasing the interest of Mr. Sullivan.
He has had born to him four children, viz: Emanuel
(deceased), Marion F., Lillie and Rosie B.
Mr. Duncan and wife are members of the Baptist
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 686 |