History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller

Jackson Twp. -
ROSCOE KIMPLE was born in Peru, Indiana,
June 23, 1861. He is the eldest of a family of three
children born to Henry and Maria A. (Weesner) Kimple,
natives of Wabash County, Indiana. In 1859 the father
removed to Peru, where, in partnership with Judge Ross,
he was engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years.
In 1866 he returned to his native county, and resided until his
death, which occurred in 1869. His widow survives him and
resides at Xenia. Roscoe received a good practical
education, graduating from the Somerset, Indiana, High School at
the age of sixteen. He then taught school in Wabash County
for three years. During the winter of 1882-3 he attended
the law department of the Ann Arbor University in Michigan, and
in March, 1883, was admitted to the bar at Ann Arbor; also to
practice in the Supreme Court, and was the same year admitted to
the bar at Wabash County, Indiana. He soon after located
at Kenia, where he has since been in the active practice of his
profession, excepting for a short time, during which he in
partnership with A. L. Lawshe, established the Xenia
Journal, and with whom he continued until 1884. Mr.
Kimple is a Republican in politics and one of the promising
young men of the county.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 648 |
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