History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller

Deer Creek Twp. -
HON. WILLIAM ZEHRING, a prominent citizen and farmer of
Deer Creek Township, is a native of Butler County, Ohio, born
May 3, 1821, and is a second son in a family of five children
born to William and Elizabeth (Garst) Zehring, both of
whom were natives of Pennsylvania and of German extraction.
The father died in 1872 and the mother in 1885. Although
our subject’s educational training was somewhat limited,
attending school only two or three months of the year, he was
selected to teach the school in his neighborhood, and continued
in that vocation until he had taught eleven terms. In 1856
he bought one hundred acres of land in Montgomery County, Ohio,
for which he paid $2,000 down, the amount of his savings for
thirteen years. In 1857 he came to Miami County and
purchased a farm of 160 acres, where he has ever since resided.
His life has been marked by industry and energy, and by diligent
labor he has amassed a competence to sustain him in his
declining years. He is a Democrat in politics, and has
filled the positions of Township Trustee, County Commissioner
and Representative in the Legislature. His marriage with
Susannah Feagler, daughter of John and
Susannah Feagler, residents of Montgomery County,
Ohio, took place Aug. 20, 1845. Of their nine children
these are now living: Josiah, William, Irving,
Benjamin F., Sarah E., John H. and Alfred E.
Mrs. Zehring died Mar. 18, 1865. Mr.
Zehring’s second marriage was solemnized Mar. 16, 1869,
with Mrs. Lucinda Wilson. To their
union one child has been born, namely: Katie (deceased).
Mrs. Zehring is a member of the U. B.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 590 |
Peru Twp. -
ALBERT T. ZERN, a native of Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania, was born Nov. 28, 1828, the eldest son of Henry
and Deborah (Shepherd) Zern, natives of Pennsylvania, who
came to this county in 1837 and located in Peru. His
father built the Peru Flouring Mills about the year 1838.
He was one of the early Commissioners of the county, and was
deceased at the age of sixty-three, Jan. 21, 1868. His
wife died in December, 1876, aged seventy- eight. Our
subject was reared in the Town of Peru and received a fair
education. At the age of seventeen he began to learn the
art of chair-making and painting, which occupations he pursued
jointly for twelve years. In November, 1854, and Miss
Rachel Bell, a daughter of Thomas Bell,
who came to the county in 1834, were united in marriage.
She is a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. To them was
born but one child, Liddie, the wife of William
Kunkle, of this county. Mr. Zern is a
Democrat, and belongs to the subordinate lodge of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also to the Encampment.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 488 |