History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller

Butler Twp. -
JACOB E. MARSH, the next younger brother
of Dr. S. S. Marsh, was born Jan. 8, 1839, Montgomery
County, Ohio. In early life he received a common school
education, and in 1862 he enlisted in the 99th Regiment of
Volunteers, in which he served until July, 1865, and was then
honorably discharged. He was with the Army of the Potomac
from the beginning of the Seven Days fight, at Chickahominy,
before Richmond, in nearly all the engagements around which his
regiment participated. He married Elizabeth
Miller, and they have the following family of five children
now living: Levi, Irene, Nora, Delbert and
Josie, the last two twins.
Source : History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 551 |
Jefferson Twp. -
son of Levi and Ursula (Albaugh) Miller, was born in
Preble County, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1841. He came to this county with his
parents in 1842, where he resided until 1867, when he went to
Johnson County, Missouri, where he purchased land, and engaged
in farming. He was there married, Dec. 25, 1870, to Mary E.,
daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth J. (Alexander) Wampler.
She was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, Jan. 13, 1851. In December,
1870, immediately after our subject's marriage, he moved to
Miami County, Indiana, and settled upon the farm upon which he
now resides, in Jefferson Township, Section 19, where he owns
255 acres of fine and well improved land. He has had born to him
seven children, viz: Florence, born Oct. 7, 1871; Clara,
born Jul. 6, 1873, died Mar. 12, 1877; Ursula, born Apr. 26, 1875;
Oscar L., born Apr. 5, 1877; Rebecca, born May 10, 1880;
Gilbert I., born Jan. 12, 1883, and Leroy, born
Aug. 31,
1886. Mr. Miller and wife are members of the
German Baptist Church.
Source : History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 702
Contributed by Nancy Hannah |
Twp. -
ABRAHAM L. MILLER, son of Isaac and
Anna (Lybrook) Miller, was born in Jefferson Township, this
county, Oct. 11, 1847. He was married in Richland
Township, this county, Mar. 31, 1870, to Rebecca S.,
daughter of Lewis and Sarah (Shideler) Trent. She
was born in Miami County, Indiana, Apr. 1, 1852.
After Mr. Miller, our subject’s, marriage, he
settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Jefferson
Township, Section 33, where he has resided since. His wife
died May 25, 1872, having borne him one child, Otto E.,
born Jul. 31, 1871. On Feb. 26, 1874, Mr. Miller
married Elizabeth, daughter of Noah and Anna (Trouts)
Fouts. She was born in this county, Oct. 28, 1851.
Seven children were born to this union, viz: Elbert G.,
born Jan. 6, 1875; Marion E., born Oct. 1, 1876; Anna,
born Mar. I5; Truman E., born Mar. 31, 1880; Howard E.,
born Sept. 9, 1881; May, born May 28, 1883, and Flora,
born Feb. 7, 1885. Mr. Miller owns 201½
acres of fine and well improved land. He and wife are
members of the German Baptist Church.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 702 |
Butler Twp. -
EDWARD H. MILLER, a citizen of Butler
Township, is a native of Peru Township; was born Apr. 22, 1842,
being the next youngest in a family of eight (four now
surviving) children, born to John W. and Julia A. (Leas)
Miller, who were natives of York County, Pennsylvania, and
Preble County, Ohio, respectively, the former of German descent.
The marriage occurred in Preble County about 1826; two years
later, in 1828, they came to Indiana and Miami County, settling
on the farm where our subject was born. They remained
residents of this county until their death. Edward H.
remained at home and assisted his parents on the farm until he
attained the age of twenty-two years. He received a
limited education in the schools of the vicinity, which was
supplemented by attendance at Notre Dame College for one term.
Jan. 21, 1864, his marriage with Luan Nesbit was
solemnized. She was a daughter of Walter D. and Luan
(Riley) Nesbit. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Miller
eleven children have been born, of which these seven are now
living: Carrie E., Maxamillian C., Edward O. Louie, Jessie,
John W., and Nellie B. His occupation is
now farming, in connection with which he formerly dealt in
stock, and he has been very successful. He now owns 238
acres of well improved land. In politics, he has been a
life-long Democrat.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 551 |
Peru Twp. -
GEORGE C. MILLER, of the mercantile firm
of Shirk & Miller, was born in Cass County, Indiana, Jan.
2, 1845, and is the eldest son of John L. and Mary (Long)
Miller, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Delaware.
John L. Miller was one of the pioneers of Cass County,
and for some years carried on the mercantile business in
Logansport, having been one of the first merchants of that city.
He was a man widely and favorably known and departed this life
about the year 1851. George C. Miller was raised in
Cass and Miami Counties, received a practical education in the
common schools, and began life for himself as salesman in the
mercantile house of Kilgore & Shirk, in
Peru. He continued in the capacity of clerk until 1873,
which time he become a partner, and subsequently, 1880, when
Mr. Kilgore retired he purchased that gentleman’s
interests, thus changing the style of the firm to that of
Shirk & Miller, by which title it has since been known.
To describe in detail the vast amount of business transacted by
this house would far transcend the limits of this sketch, but
suffice it to say, that in dry goods, hardware, agricultural
implements, and, in fact, all kinds of general merchandise, it
is one of the largest and most successful mercantile firms in
Northern Indiana, affording employment throughout the entire
year to about twenty clerks and salesmen. Mr.
Miller, as manager of the immense business, displays ability
of a high order and a merchant thoroughly conversant with all
the details of the trade, and, as a successful financier, he is,
perhaps, without a peer in the city of Peru. He is withal
a very popular citizen, and his success in addition to his
thorough knowledge of the business, is largely due to his
industry and fidelity and that courtesy which marks the well
bred gentleman. He was married March, 1870, to Miss
Ella Leebrick, of Wayne County, Indiana, who has borne him
the following children, viz: Harry L., Charles W., Elbert S.
and George C. Miller.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 452 |
Perry Twp. -
HUGH MILLER, farmer and pioneer, of Perry
Township, yet living, was born in Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, Dec. 12, 1812, the son of Daniel and Esther
(Harper) Miller, who were natives of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and Ireland respectively. Our subject was
reared in his native state, remaining with his parents until he
attained the age of twenty-two years. He obtained a good
education considering the facilities afforded in those days.
In 1827 he was apprenticed to learn the carpenter trade, his
apprenticeship continuing four years. He was engaged in
plying his adopted vocation in his native and Starke County,
Ohio, until 1841, when he came to Indiana and purchased land in
Miami County. He then returned to Ohio, and two years
subsequent, again came to Miami County, of which he has since
been a resident. November, 1835, Judith
Grogg became his wife, and by her he is the father of ten
children, eight now living, viz: Joseph, who married
Sarah Rhodes, since deceased; Cynthia, widow
of R. P. Johnson; Sarah, wife of Daniel
King; Miranda, consort of Jonas Rhodes;
Noah, (see sketch),
Benjamin F., Anneta and Richard, who
married Melissa Miller. Since 1841 Mr.
Miller has made farming his occupation and has been
uniformly successful. He now owns 250 acres of well
improved land under a high state of cultivation.
Politically he is a Democrat, and under the old State
constitution he was honored with an appointment to the position
of Township Trustee.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 733 |
Richland Twp. -
JOHN C. MILLER was born in Miami County,
Indiana, May 8, 1840. His parents, Robert and Rebecca
(Cox) Miller, were both natives of Kentucky, and were born
as follows: The father in Scott County, Sept. 16, 1806, and the
mother in Lewis County, Mar. 11, 1804. Robert
Miller was a son of John Miller, who was a
native of South Carolina, where he married Margaret
Miller, who was a native of Ireland. After their
marriage they settled in North Carolina, and from thence in 1800
moved to Scott County, Kentucky, where they resided until 1818,
when they moved to Fayette County, Indiana. They were the
parents of thirteen children, viz: Nancy, Susan,
Jane, Richard, John, Robert, Mary,
Rebecca, Mahala, James, Alfred,
Nathaniel and Eliza. Robert Miller
and Rebecca Cox were united in marriage at
Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana, July 22, 1828, and, in
1837, moved to Miami County, Indiana, settling in Richland
Township, where he entered land, and where he resided until his
death, which occurred Aug. 29, 1884. His widow still
survives and makes her home with her children. Ten
children were born to this union, viz: Henry C., Samuel C.,
Eliza A., Sarah E., Mary F. (deceased), Richard
K.,. John C., Mary F., James C. and Thomas C. John
C., our subject, was married in Richland Township, this
county, Feb. 13, 1861, to Philena, daughter of Joseph
and Delilah (Keever) Burk; she was born June 6, 1839.
After his marriage, Mr. Miller settled upon land
in Richland Township, Section 21, a part of his father’s old
homestead, where he engaged in farming, and where he resided
until the spring of 1864, at which time he removed to Peru,
Ind., and engaged in the mercantile business. In the fall of
1866, he returned to Richland Township, and again engaged in
farming until 1871, when he removed to Peru for the purpose of
educating his family, carrying on farming in the meantime.
In February, 1874, he again removed to Richland Township, and
settled upon his present farm in Section 21. He owns at
present 192 acres of fine and well improved land. Has had
born to him three children, viz: Clarence G., born Nov.
21, 1861, and died Apr. 11, 1862; Nellie, born Sept. 3,
1863, and Mary L., born July 2, 1865; also a boy whom he
has raised from infancy—Charles Baker born May 20,
1876. Mr. Miller and family are members of
the M. E. Church. They are an intelligent family, and are
highly esteemed by all who know them. Mr. Miller
is an enterprising man, and makes a specialty of raising and
breeding short-horned cattle and fine stock.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 778 |
Twp. -
JOHN H. MILLER, son of Levi and Ursula
(Albaugh) Miller, was born in Jefferson Township, this
county, Nov. 9, 1852. He was married in Jefferson
Township, this county, Mar. 26, 1874, to Rebecca A.,
daughter of William Stroud. She was born in Cass
County, Ind., Jan. 20, 1855. After Mr. Miller,
our subject’s, marriage, he settled upon the same farm on which
he now resides, where he owns 360 acres of fine and
well-improved land. ' He lost his wife by death Jan. 11,
1879, having borne to him one child, Bertha E., born Aug.
6, 1875. On Nov. 28, 1881, he married Emma,
daughter of Isaac and Talittia (Stingley)
Constant. She was born in Cass County, Ind., Apr. 30,
1862. One child has been born to this union, Walter L.,
born August 28, 1883. Mr. Miller is a
wide-awake and enterprising young man, and is highly esteemed by
all who know him.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 703 |
LEVI MILLER, an old and highly
esteemed pioneer of Miami County, Indiana, was born in Augusta
County, Virginia, Feb. 23, 1817. His parents, Abraham
and Nancy (Moses) Miller, were both natives of Augusta County,
Virginia, where they were married and resided until 1833, when
they moved to Preble County, Ohio, where the father died. The
mother subsequently came with her children to Miami County,
Indiana, where she departed life. They were the parents of
eleven children, viz: Catharine, Levi, Daniel, Isaac, Elisha,
John, Abraham, Nancy, Rebecca, Jacob, and an infant
son, which
died in infancy and not named. Levi, our subject, was married in
Preble County, Ohio, in Nov., 1840, to Ursula, daughter of
John and Elizabeth (Eikenberry) Albaugh. In Feb.,
1842, Mr. Miller, our subject, moved to Miami County, Indiana,
and settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Section 4,
Jefferson Township, where he has resided since. Mr.
started in life a poor boy, beginning in this county on 160
acres of woodland, upon which he toiled and labored hard, and
succeeded in clearing up his land, and from that, little by
little, he added to his lands, and through hard work and well
directed industry, his estate magnified to about one thousand
acres of fine land. He distributed among his children, and after
giving them all fine homes, he still owns 120 acres of fine and
well improved land, and fine property in the city of Peru,
Indiana; also in the Mexico saw-mill and planing factory. He is
also a stockholder in the Citizens' Bank of Peru, Indiana. He
lost his wife by death in October, 1876. He had born to him by
her ten children, viz: Abraham, Elizabeth, Nancy,
Sarah, Mary
A., Rebecca, John H., William I., Eli and
Joseph E. Mr. Miller
is a member of the German Baptist Church. Transcribed from:
History of Miami County, Indiana.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 701
Contributed by Nancy Hannah |
Richland Twp. -
NEWEL G. MILLER, one of Miami County’s
substantial and enterprising citizens, was born in Fayette
County, Indiana, February 28, 1834. His Parents,
Richard and Amy (Cox) Miller, were natives of North Carolina
and Kentucky, respectively, and were born as follows: The
father in the year 1802, and the mother in 1813. They were
married in Fayette County, Indiana, and from thence, in 1839,
moved to Miami County, Mar. 11, 1861. His widow still
survives, and resides at Paw-Paw, Indiana. Seven children
were born to Richard and Amy Miller’s
union, viz: Amanda M., Robert S., George B., James B., John
C., Millard F., and Newel G. The subject came
with his parents to this county in 1839, and has resided here
ever since. He was married in Erie Township, this county,
May 22, 1854, to Margaret, daughter of William and
Catharine (Lockridge) Ptomey. She was born in Henry
County, Indiana, Dec. 25, 1832. After marriage Mr.
Miller settled upon a part of the same farm on which he
now resides. He owns, at present, 280 acres of tine and
well-improved land. He has had born to him five children,
viz: Theodore (deceased), Amanda M., Marion F., Otto
B. (deceased), and Florence E. (deceased).
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 777 |
Perry Twp. -
NOAH MILLER, one of the progressive
farmers of Perry Township, and native of that township, was born
Apr. 16, 1848, the son of Hugh and Judith (Grogg) Miller
(see sketch). The subject
of this sketch remained at home and assisted his parents on the
farm until he was twenty-five' years of age, receiving a good
education in the schools at Gilead; under W. W. Lockwood,
as instructor, he became sufficiently proficient to enable him
to secure a license to teach, which he, however, only followed
for one term of four months. He then adopted the vocation
of farming, in which he has met with good success. He is
the proprietor of 117 acres of well-improved land. Oct.
23, 1873, Harriet, daughter of Daniel Shoemaker,
became his wife. She was born Apr. 14, 1850. To the
union of Mr. and Mrs. Miller two children have been born—
Nettie, born Sept. 1, 1875, and Nellie, born Feb.
2, 1877. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, but is now
on demit. Politically he is a staunch Democrat, always
manifesting a good live interest in the political affairs of the
county and community in which he lives, where he has been
honored with an election to the position of County Commissioner.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 733 |
Twp. -
ROSS O. MILLER, an enterprising and
progressive farmer of Butler Township, was born in Peru Township
Oct. 26, 1846, of a family of eight children born to John W.
and Julia A. (Leese) Miller, of which he was the youngest.
His parents, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Ohio, were
among the earliest settlers of Miami County of which they
remained residents until their death. Ross O. lived
with his parents until he obtained the age of twenty- five
years, receiving a common school education. About 1871 he
embarked in the business of trading and dealing in stock, which
he continued four years, when he engaged in farming which he has
since followed meeting with very good success. He is the
proprietor of 233 acres of well improved land. November, 1882,
he was united in marriage with Harriet Evans.
Mr. Miller is a member of the I. O. O. F. In
politics he is an ardent Democrat, being honored by his party
with an election to the office of Township Assessor.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 552 |

W. B. Miller |
Peru Twp. -
WILLIAM B. MILLER, Auditor of Miami
County, and son of George B. and Margaret (Columbia) Miller,
was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, February 20, 1845. George
B. Miller was born in Columbus, Ohio, about the year 1816,
of German-Scotch ancestry, his parents being natives of
Pennsylvania. He came to Indiana in 1836, settling in Fort
Wayne, where he worked at the plasterer’s trade, and where he
resided until his removal to the town of Wabash in 1846.
From there, in the year 1852 he came to Peru, where he still
resides. Margaret Miller was horn in the
City of Fort Wayne, of French parentage, and died there on the
13th day of April, 1845. By a subsequent marriage with
Mary Ross, sister of Judge N. O. Ross, of
Peru, Mr. Miller has three children, all of whom
are living at this time. William B. Miller was reared in
Peru, moving to this city with his father when about seven years
of age. He attended the city schools at intervals until
his fifteenth year, at which early age he entered the army
enlisting in June, 1861, in Company A., 20th Indiana Infantry,
with which he shared the viscissitudes and fortunes of
war in many of the bloodiest battles of the Eastern Campaigns,
including among others the expedition from Fortress Monroe to
Fort Hatteras. Seven days fight before Richmond and
retreat to Harrison’s Landing. Bull Run, Gettysburg,
Frederickburg, Chancellorsville, The Wilderness, Spottsylvania,
Cold Harbor and Petersburgh. His term of service expiring
immediately after the engagement last named, he was honorably
discharged at Indianapolis on the 18th of July, 1864. On
leaving the army lie returned to Peru, but the following October
he again tendered his services to the country and joined Company
K., 142d Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which he served till
honorably discharged, Aug. 5, 1865, spending the greater part of
the time in Nashville, Tennessee. His military record thus
completed, he returned home and after remaining with his friends
in Peru until April, 1866, went to Kansas City, Mo., at which
place he worked at the plasterer’s trade until 1872. He
returned to Indiana that year and worked at his vocation in
Logansport, until 1875, at which time he came back to Peru,
where he has since resided. In 1883 he was elected a
member of the City Council of Peru and in the fall of 1886, was
nominated on the Republican ticket for Auditor of Miami County;
an office to which he was elected after a spirited contest,
overcoming a previous Democratic majority of 351 votes. Mr.
Milller's record both as soldier and civilian is
one of which he feels justly proud and his triumphant election
over so much opposition attests his great personal popularity,
with the people of the County. He is and has been since
his twenty-first year an ardent supporter of' the Republican
party and at this time is an active member of the G. A. R. and
K. of H. orders. He was married July 18, 1872, in Cass
County, Indiana, to Miss Julia, daughter of
George and Mary St. Clair, of the same county and State.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 453
(Portrait on Page 459) |
Mills was
born in Preble County, Ohio, Mar. 19, 1837, and is the son of
George and Elizabeth (Swerer) Mills. His father came from
Ireland and his mother from New Jersey. He passed his youth and
early manhood on his father's farm, in Preble County, Ohio, was
educated in the county school, and at the age of eighteen began
life upon his own responsibility, as a farmer. He came to this
county in 1868, and is one of the most industrious and
enterprising farmers of Pike Creek Township. He is the owner of
320 acres of well improved land in Section 13, and is now
comfortably situated, a result obtained through his own
exertions. He is a strong advocate of the principles of the
Republican party. Mr. Mills was married May 25, 1860, to Miss F.
M. Dodge, of Preble County, Ohio, who was born Jan. 29, 1845.
The result of this marriage has been six children: George F.,
born Oct. 28, 1861, died Apr. 6, 1864; William C., born
Nov. 4, 1863, died Aug. 29, 1865; Charles L., born Jul. 9,
1865; Ella F., born Jun. 29, 1867; Marion E., born
Sept. 22,
1882; and Lizzie, born Nov. 20, 1883. Mrs.
Mills is a member
of the German Baptist Church. Transcribed from: History of Miami
County, Indiana.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 759
Contributed by Nancy Hannah |