History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller

Butler Twp. -
JACOB S. THOMAS, a prominent citizen of
Butler Township, is a native of Jefferson County, Virginia,
where he was born October 16, 1812, being the eldest child of a
family of thirteen children born to Archibald and Catharine (Swimley)
Thomas, who were natives of Maryland and Virginia
respectively, the former of Welsh-Irish and the latter of German
descent. Leonard Thomas, paternal
grandfather of our subject, was a native of Maryland from whence
he removed to Virginia, where he lived until his death.
Archibald Thomas, father of our subject, was born April 11,
1787* He was a soldier of 1812. The Captain of his company
being ______ Davenport. By occupation he was a
farmer. He died Mar. 31, 1863, at his home in Champaign,
Green County, Ohio, to which he had emigrated in the year 1827.
They making the entire journey from Virginia on foot. The
immediate subject of our sketch remained at home and assisted
his parents until he attained the age of twenty years. He
had received a meager education in his native State; this
subsequent to his marriage was supplemented by his acquiring
more knowledge by reading sufficient to enable him to teach
which he followed several terms. Mar. 6, 1834, his
marriage with Elizabeth Stanley was solemnized.
She was a daughter of Robert and Edith (Mason) Stanley.
In 1853 he emigrated to Indiana and Miami County, settling on
the farm where he now lives. He had learned milling in
early life, and followed that vocation until he came to Indiana,
where he engaged exclusively in farming for a period of ten
years when in 1863 he purchased a mill which he operated until
1874, when his mill burned and he again resumed farming in which
he has since continued. From a business point of view
Mr. Thomas has been very successful. He is now
the proprietor of 233 acres of well improved land. To the
union of Mr. and Mrs Thomas, ten
children were born, of which these six are now living:
Benjamin F., Joseph W., Arabell (now Mrs. R. Thornburg),
Catharine V. (wife of Dr. E. K. Friermood),
Evaline and William R. H. Oct. 22, 1873, Mr.
Thomas suffered the bereavement of losing his beloved
wife. He is a member of the M. E. Church. He
formerly belonged to the Masonic and I. O. O. F. fraternities.
In politics he is an ardent Republican. Benjamin F. and
Robert S., sons, served their country in the Rebellion.
The latter died while in the service at Nashville, Tennessee.
Source: History of Miami Co., Indiana - Publ. Chicago: Brant &
Fuller - 1887 - Page 555 |