History of Miami County, Indiana
Chicago - Brant & Fuller


Jos. H. Larimer |
Peru Twp.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 446
(Portrait on page 567) |
LOCKWOOD, editor of the Peru Republican, was born in
Preble County, Ohio, December 24, 1835. His father, George W.
Lockwood, was born in Sussex County, Delaware, in 1809, and was
accidentally killed in 1837. The mother of Mr. Lockwood was
Belinda Lockwood, whose maiden name was Jackson. She died in
Preble County, Ohio, in 1840, having been born in that county in
1813. The paternal grandfather of our subject was William
Lockwood, who was born in Delaware in 1776; emigrated to Preble
County, Ohio, in 1826, and died there the following year. The
grandmother of Mr. Lockwood was Phoebe (Dingle) Lockwood, born
in Delaware in 1775, and died in Ohio in 1840. The Lockwood
family is of English origin, though the family has been known in
America for more than a century. The subject of this sketch is
the elder of two sons and because of the early death of his
parents, was reared by his kindred, and in the tenth year of his
age came to Miami County with his uncle, Daniel D. Lockwood. He
first attended the common schools and subsequently was a student
at Wabash College. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E,
Eighty-sixth Indiana Volunteers, and was honorably discharged at
the close of the conflict between the States. From 1865 to 1867
he was an employee in the Indianapolis post office. In the
latter part of 1867 he engaged in teaching school, which
occupation he continued without interruption until 1878. As a
teacher he was a pronounced success, and is yet an
uncompromising friend of the public schools and extended
education. In 1878 he came to Peru and purchased a half interest
in the Peru Republican, and in this connection continues, and is
a leading newspaper man of this portion of Indiana. Politically,
he is an ardent Republican, and ever on the alert for the-best
interests of his party. His first right of suffrage was
exercised for Lincoln for President. In 1867 he was made a
Mason, and is also a charter member of the K. of P. lodge of
this city and also G. A. R. post. December 28, 1869, he was
united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Waite, daughter of the late
Sullivan and Margaret (Woods) Waite of this county. Mrs.
Lockwood was born in Allen Township, this county, February 24,
1848. To this union are five sons and two daughters, viz.:
Charles W., George B., Margaret H., William W., Florence B.,
Arthur S., and Albert L. He and wife are members of the M. E.
church, and are among the best people of this city or county.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page 447
Contributed by Nancy Hannah |
DANIEL LYBROOK, the subject
of this sketches an old resident of Deer Creek Township. He is a
native of Union County, this State, where he was born on October
29, 1824, the son of John and Frances (Toney)
Lybrook, both
natives of Virginia, the former of German descent, whose
great-grandfather immigrated from Germany to Virginia in
colonial days, and was killed by the Indians. Daniel, our
subject, was reared on his father's farm in Union County, and
obtained an education in keeping with the facilities of those
days. He remained at home until he was twenty-two years of age,
when he began life on his own responsibility by engaging in
farming in Preble County, Ohio. March 4, 1847, Magdalene
Binehart, daughter of David and Magdalene (Fellers) Binehart,
became his wife. Mrs. Lybrook was born December 12, 1827, in
Preble County, Ohio. Her parents were of German descent and
natives of Virginia, and their marriage occurred October 14,
1813. They commenced life together in Preble County, Ohio, and
continued to reside there until 1853, when they immigrated to
this county and leased eighteen acres of ground in the southwest
corner of Washington Township. Here he remained over three
years, when he removed to the tract of land which he now resides
upon, in Section 6, Deer Creek Township. Here he purchased 120
acres of land, all heavily timbered. Mr. and Mrs. Lybrook
born to them eight children, namely: David A., born January 13,
1848; William E., February 16, 1850; Jacob H., June 5, 1852, died
June 26, 1863; Mary F., October 5, 1855; Vallorus F., November
30, 1858; Charles E., August 27, 1863; Harvey D., January 4,
1866; Sarah O., November 22, 1868, died March 6, 1870. Two of
the children are married: David A. and Wm. E. Politically
Mr. Lybrook is a Democrat.
Source: History of Miami County, Indiana - Publ. Chicago -
Brant & Fuller - 1887 - Page
Contributed by Nancy Hannah |