Source: Daily National
Intelligencer (Washington (DC), District of Columbus) Vol.
XXIX Issue: 12041 Page: 3
Dated: October 2, 1851
In Georgetown, D. C., September 30,
Mrs. ELLEN O. FARRELL, aged 75 years, formerly of
Donegaltown county, Ireland, but for the last three years a
resident of this town.
Her friends and the friends of the family are requested
to attend her funeral on this day, the 21 October, at 4 o'clock,
from the residence of her son-in-law, WM. BURNS, on
Bridge street, between Potomac and Market streets.
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The twelve prisoners convicted of conspiracy to
burn the Central Railroad Depot in Detroit were brought up for
sentence on the 2tth ultimo. The Advertiser says that when
Judge Wing inquired whether they or their counsel had out
to say why sentence should not be passed, Filley, Williams,
Corwin, Dr. Farnham, Eben Price, Richard Price, and Lyman
Champlin each rose and protested their innocence.
The Court sentenced them to imprisonment in the State
Penitentiary; Orlando D. Williams and Amni Filley
for ten years yeach; Wm. Corwin, Aaron Mount, Eben Price,
Richard Price, Dr. Farnham, and Andrew J. Freeland
for eight years each; and Erastus Champlin, Lyman
Champlin, Willard Champlin, and Erastus Smith for
five years each.
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HON. HARRY J. THORNTON, of ATLANTA - This gentleman,
whose appointment as a Commissioner of Land Claims in California
we recently noticed, after being confined to his bed, at
Willard's Hotel, in this city, for a couople of weeks, from an
inflamed hand, proceeding from an accidental injury, was on
Monday called upon to submit to the amputation of his left arm,
midway between the wrist and elbow. The operation was
performed in an admirable manner by Dr. Frederick May,
assisted by Drs. Miller and Stone. The
patient was under the influence of chloric ether, and awoke
without having experienced any pain. We are gratified to
learn that he is now considered in a fair way for speedy
restoration to health - Telegraph.