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United States Census
Moultrie County, Illinois
Town of Lovington
P.O. Lovington, Illinois
Illinois, MOULTRIE, Roll 264 Book 1

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Page 53a - 30th Day of July, 1870 - Enumerated by John Mason, Ass't Marshall

Page 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Sharon Wick's Notes
  Dwelling Family Surname Given Name Age Sex Color Occupation RE$ Pers$ Born Month of Birth if w/i year  
187 186 Hamilton Ellen 53 F W Keeps House     Ohio    
    Hamilton John W. L. 28 M W Farmer   600 Ohio
    Hamilton Louisa J. 24 F W       Ohio
    Hamilton Priscillia I. 20 F W       Ohio
188 187 Neff Jacob 80 M W None     Virginia
    Neff Margaret 65 F W None     Virginia
    Neff Andrew J. 25 M W Farmer   600 Virginia
Neff Lurena 19 F W Keeps House Ohio
Stonerock Eliza 27 F W Domestic Servant Virginia
Stonerock Sarah E. 6 F W Ohio
189 188 Cochran William 40 M W Farmer 200 Ohio
Cochran Sarah M. 40 F W Keeps House Pennsylvania
Cochran Charlotte 15 F W At Home Illinois
Cochran Martha J. 11 F W Illinois
Cochran Nancy E. 9 F W Illinois
Cochran Mary S. 7 F W Illinois
Cochran George E. 5 M W Illinois
Cochran Laura B. 3 F W Illinois
190 189 Gregory Jams A. 23 M W Farmer 7,600 1,500 Ohio
Gregory Sarah A. E. 21 F W Keeps House Illinois
Baker Amanda 54 F W None North Carolina
Boggs William N. 17 M W Farm Hand Indiana
191 190 Dyer Jasper 32 M W Farmer 7,200 1,200 Indiana
Dyer Mary A. 29 F W Keeps House Indiana
Dyer Amos B. 10 M W Indiana
Dyer Emeline 6 F W Illinois
Dyer Mary E. 4 F W Illinois
Dyer George W. 2 M W Illinois
Russell Jennie 16 F W Domestic Servt Indiana
Coonse? Manford 20 M W Farm Hand Indiana
192 191 Clark Samuel 44 M W Farmer 1,000 Virginia
Clark Jane 31 F W Keeps House Ohio
Clark William 12 M W At Home Ohio
Clark Henry 8 M W Ohio
Clark Ernest C. 5 M W Illinois
Clark Margaret 2 F W Illinois
193 192 Earley Samuel 26 M W Farmer 3,200 600 Ohio
Earley Perthenia 26 F W Keeps House Ohio
Earley Daniel 1 M W Illinois

Page 53b - 30th Day of July, 1870 - Enumerated by John Mason, Ass't. Marshall

Page 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Sharon Wick's Notes
  Dwelling Family Surname Given Name Age Sex Color Occupation RE$ Pers$ Born Month of Birth if w/i year  
194 193 Atkinson George F. 22 M W Farmer 200 Ohio
Atkinson Christinia 23 F W Keeps House Ohio
Atkinson Lucy V. 7/12 F W Illinois Dec.
195 194 Hastings Platt H. 28 M W Farmer 600 Ohio
Hastings Ellen 23 F W Keeps House Ohio nee Grindle
Hastings William H. 3 M W Illinois
Hastings Sophia E. 1 F W Illinois
196 195 Michaels Andrew 29 M W Farmer 1,000 Ohio
Michaels Scintha 25 F W Keeps House Ohio
Michaels Ulyssus 5 M W Ohio
Michaels Viola 3 F W Ohio
Michaels Elmer 1 M W Illinois
Smith James M. 31 M W Dry Goods Clerk 6,000 Virginia
197 196 Hastings Barney M. 62 M W Farmer 680 500 Deleware
Hastings Elizabeth 51 F W Keeps House New York
Hastings Diantha 16 F W At Home Illinois
Hastings Stephen A. 10 M W Illinois
Hastings William F. 8 M W Illinois
Hastigns Francis M. 6 M W Illinois
Bell Silas 17 M W Farm Hand Illinois
198 197 Michaels Hamilton 57 M W Farmer 1,500 Ohio
Michaels Martha 56 F W Keeps Hosue Virginia
Michael Joseph 20 M W Works at Home Ohio
199 198 Hewitt Ruth E. 45 F W Keeps House 500 Deleware
Hewitt Milton M. 20 M W Works at Home Ohio
Hewitt Ida E. 18 F W Works at Home Ohio
Hewitt Benjamin F. 14 M W Works at Home Illinois
Hewitt Charles F. 9 M W Illinois
200 199 Booker Thomas J. 30 M W Farmer 1,600 1,000 Indiana
Booker Charlotte 32 F W Keeps house Ohio
Booker Thomas A. 12 M W Illinois
Booker Flora B. 8 F W Illinois
Booker Zorad 5 F W Illinois
Booker William L. 2 M W Illinois
Booker Leoti? 1 M W Illinois
201 200 Hewitt John F. 30 M W Farmer 400 Ohio
Hewitt Mary E. 28 F W Keeps House Ohio
Hewitt Edward 7 M W Illinois
Hewitt Harrison 4 M W Illinois
Hewitt Wilda 1 F W Illinois

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