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United States Census
Moultrie County, Illinois
Town of Lovington
P.O. Lovington, Illinois
Illinois, MOULTRIE, Roll 264 Book 1

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Page 47a - 26th Day of July, 1870 - Enumerated by John Mason, Ass't Marshall

Page 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Sharon Wick's Notes
  Dwelling Family Surname Given Name Age Sex Color Occupation RE$ Pers$ Born Month of Birth if w/i year  
88 Wright Maggie 4/12 F W At Home     Illinois Mar.  
92 89 Craig Charles M. 35 M W Veterinary Surgeon   500 Indiana
Craig Mary A. 22 F W Keeps House Indiana
Craig Edgar D. 3 M W Indiana
Craig Frank R. 2 M W Illinois
Craig Samuel 2/12 M W Illinois Apl
93 90 Shockey Joseph 25 M W Farmer 960 400 Virginia
Shockey Susan 24 F W Keeps Hosue Illinois
Shockey Ira V. 1 F W Illinois
94 91 Benson John C. 39 M W Farmer 2,720 100 Denmark
Benson Mary E. 29 F W Keeps House Deleware
Benson Walter F. 9 M W Works at Home Deleware
Benson James E. 7 M W Illinois
Benson Hester L. 3 F W Illinois
95 92 Dawson Eliza 54 F W Keeps House 1,600 300 Deleware
Dawson Mollie C. 26 F W At Home Ohio
Wheaton Emma 33 F W At Home Ohio
Wheaton Lewis C. 10 M W Works at Home Illinois
96 93 Cunningham Mary A. 55 F W Keeps House 6,400 150 New Jersey
Cunningham Andrew 26 M W Farmer 1,200 500 Illinois
Cunningham Thomas 25 M W Farmer 250 Illinois
97 94 Cunningham James 20 M W Farmer 300 Illinois Md. in Jan.
Cunningham Julia 25 F W Keeps house Ohio Md. in Jan.
98 95 Dennis Robert 35 M W Farmer 3,200 1,000 Ohio
Dennis Martha J. 32 F W Keeps house Illinois
Dennis Maggie 8 F W Illinois
Dennis Olive 6 F W Illinois
Dennis Francis M. 1 M W Illinois
H___yham John 15 M W Farm Hand Ireland
Foster Elizabeth 30 F W Keeps House 1,000 300 Illinois
Foster Frank 9 M W Illinois
Foster Laura 7 F W Illinois
99 96 Young Miron 32 M W Farmer 1,000 Ohio
Young Cordelia 29 F W Keeps House Indiana
Young Manford 9 M W Works at Home Indiana
Young Louis 3 M W Illinois
Young Theodore 1 M W Illinois
100 --
101 97 Eskridge Mary A. 44 F W Keeps House 400 300 Deleware
Eskridge James A. 13 M W Works at Home Illinois

Page 47b - 27th Day of July, 1870 - Enumerated by John Mason, Ass't. Marshall

Page 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Sharon Wick's Notes
  Dwelling Family Surname Given Name Age Sex Color Occupation RE$ Pers$ Born Month of Birth if w/i year  
102 98 France Alva 34 M W Farmer 8,000 2,500 Ohio
France Jane M. 26 F W Keeps House Ohio
France Effa G. 3 F W Illinois
s Lephew George 13 M W Work Home Tennessee
Whips John 13 M W Work Home Indiana
103 99 Harper Alvin T. 47 M W Farmer 400 Kentucky
Harper Rebecca 47 F W Keeps House Kentucky
Harper Martha F. 21 F W None Kentucky
Harper James L. 16 M W Works at Home Kentucky
Harper John W. 11 M W Works at Home Kentucky
Harper Elizabeth 7 F W Kentucky
104 100 Michaels John 27 M W Farmer 500 Ohio
Michaels Emily 25 F W Keeps House Indiana
Michael Charles E. 4 M W Indiana
Michael William A. 2 M W Indiana
105 101 France Daniel M. 32 M W Farmer 3,200 800 Ohio
France Mary E. 26 F W Keeps House Illinois
France Clemetha A. 8 F W Illinois
France Maggie 6 F W Illinois
France Arthur W. 4 M W Illinois
France Edgar 2 M W Illinois
Rollin Julia 59 F W At Home Kentucky
106 --
107 102 McDermet? Charles 50 M W Farmer 150 Ireland
McDermet? Virget 40 F W Keeps House Ireland
McDermet? Mary A. 13 F W Ohio
McDermet? Christopher 7 M W Illinois
McDermet? Mathias 5 M W Illinois
108 103 Booker Richard 32 M W Farmer 250 Indiana
Booker Sarah E. 28 F W Keeps House Indiana
Booker Allice 11 F W Illinois
Booker Lenora M. 9 F W Illinois
Booker Hattie L. 6 F W Illinois
Booker Lonetta M. 1 F W Illinois
109 104 Hostetler Frank 32 M W 2,800 450 Indiana
Hostetler Sarah C. 26 F W Keeps House Indiana
110 105 Hostetler Clement M. L. 28 M W Farmer 2,800 300 Indiana
Hostetler Joseph 73 M W Retired Physician 3,200 450 Kentucky
Hostetler Labina 60 F W Keeps House Kentucky

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