U. S.
Genealogy Express

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District of Columbia |
Marriage Licenses
of the District of Columbia
Alexandria County, District of Columbia
Listed Alphabetically by Bride & Groom
Tabbott, Nancy |
Johnston, Hezekiah |
by Rev. James Muir |
1809 Nov. 5 |
Talbot, Lucey |
Plumer, Sam'l. |
by W. H. Wilmer |
1817 Jul. 22 |
Talbot, Mary |
McDougill, Dan'l. |
by James Muir |
1801 Sep. 17 |
Talbutt, Nancey |
Biggs, James |
by Rev. Wm. Moffett |
1804 Feb. 4 |
Talbutt, Rebecca |
Biggs, James |
by Rev. James Muir |
1801 Dec. 28 |
Tale, Benj. |
Smallwood, Nelly |
by James Muir |
1803 Aug. 11 |
Tale, Elizabeth |
Watkins, Robt. |
by James Muir |
1809 Sep. 14 |
Tato, Isaiah |
Grimes, Patey |
by W. H. Wilmer |
1815 Mch. 8 |
Tatspaugh, H. |
Gates, Margt. |
by J. W. Fairclaugh |
1819 Jan. 7 |
Tattershal, T. |
Boyd, Nancy |
by James Muir |
1803 Dec. 4 |
Taylor, Ceosa |
Mullikins, Francis |
by Wm. H. Wilmer |
1816 Sep. 5 |
Taylor, Clara |
Hodgkins, Rob't. |
by A. Griffith |
1817 Sep. 10 |
Taylor, E. P. |
Lawrence, Rebecca |
by I. Robbins |
1813 Feb. 16 |
Taylor, Fidelia |
Mills, James |
by Wm. H. Wilmer |
1815 Feb. 9 |
Taylor, John |
Eaton, Mary |
by James Muir |
1801 Jun. 25 |
Taylor, Mary |
McCaughan, Thos. |
by James Muir |
1803 Jul. 3 |
Taylor, Mary |
Drinan, Thos. |
by Rev. James Muir |
1808 Feb. 10 |
Taylor, Mary |
Vowell, Jno. C. |
(not listed) |
1810 Dec. 7 |
Taylor, Nancy |
Bond, Wm. |
by Rev. James Muir |
1807 Oct. 3 |
Taylor, Rhody |
Darnall, John |
by Rev. James Muir |
1810 Aug. 16 |
Taylor, Sarah |
Davis, John |
By Wm. Wlaters |
1803 Jun. 18 |
Taylor, Susanna |
James, Henry |
by Rev. James Muir |
1804 Nov. 29 |
Taylor, Thos. |
Shuch, Sarah |
by James Muir |
1802 Oct. 28 |
Taylor, Wm. |
Simpson, Lully |
by James Muir |
1802 Mch. 3 |
Taylor, Wm. |
Poster, Ann L. |
by A. Griffith |
1818 Mch. 5 |
Tebbs, T. |
Chapin, Nancey |
by J. W. Fairclaugh |
1819 May 6 |
Tenly, Alley |
Langley, Geo. |
by W. Wilmer |
1819 Oct. 5 |
Tenneson, Mary A. |
Smith, Julius |
by James Muir |
1816 Sep. 11 |
Teynell, Major |
Wood, Louise |
by James Muir |
1806 Jun. 12 |
Thomas, Alsey |
Wills, John |
by James Muir |
1816 Mch. 12 |
Thomas, Elizabeth |
Osborne, Lanson |
by Isaac Robbins |
1815 Nov. 16 |
Thomas, Margretta B. |
Parsons, Wm. |
by I. Robbins |
1815 Jul. 6 |
Thomas, Wm. |
Hilton, Mary |
by James Muir |
1815 Apr. 25 |
Thompson, D. |
Clanston, Eliza |
by I. Robbins |
1821 Jan. 30 |
Thompson, Geo. |
Gardner, Rebecca |
by James Muir |
1803 Sep. 12 |
Thompson, John |
Davis, Mathy |
by James Muir |
1802 Aug. 25 |
Thompson, John |
Manley, Jany |
by James Muir |
1803 Nov. 2 |
Thompson, Louis |
Clagett, Darius |
by Isaac Robbins |
1818 Jan. 18 |
Thompson, Maria |
Sanders, H. W. |
by Rev. Jas. Muir |
1803 Jul. 23 |
Thompson, Mary A. |
Popham, John |
by O. Norris |
1818 Apr. 14 |
Thompson, Peggy |
Millington, Rich'd. |
by Isaac Robbins |
1813 Apr. 22 |
Thompson, R. |
Williams, Sophia |
by I. Robbins |
1811 Jan. 5 |
Thompson, Woodward |
Bagott, Francis |
by I. Robbins |
1811 Jul. 23 |
Thornton, Nich. |
Crane, S. S. |
by James Muir |
1816 Feb. 29 |
Thorp, Harriet |
Sloan, James |
by I. Robbins |
1809 Sep. 9 |
Thuler, Jacob |
Boyd, Elizabeth |
by James Muir |
1808 Nov. 28 |
Tolbutt, Lydia |
McDunnick, Jos. |
by James Muir |
1803 Apr. 24 |
Tollsom, Mary |
Middleton, H. O. |
by Wm. H. Wilmer |
1814 Feb. 10 |
Tonite, Nichoas |
Neale, Besey |
by W. H. Wilmer |
1817 Jun. 5 |
Towers, Thos. |
Chatham, Eliz |
by James Muir |
1806 Jan. 20 |
Townsend, Cath. |
Hanson, Mark |
by J. Robbins |
1818 May 20 |
Tracey, Susanna |
Strickland, Danl. |
by Rev. Jas. Muir |
1803 Sep. 11 |
Tracy, Thos. |
May, Sarah |
by W. H. Wilmer |
1817 Aug. 14 |
Travis, Robt. |
Williams, Nancy |
by W. Wilmer |
1820 Aug. 23 |
Trescott, Cath. |
Artleen, Samuel |
by A. Griffith |
1817 Dec. 3 |
Troop, Elizabeth |
Davis, John |
by Isaac Robbins |
1820 Jul. 11 |
Trydle, Betsey |
Lyles, John |
by J. Muir |
1818 Jan. 8 |
Tugit, Lucinda |
Miles, Wm. |
by J. Muir |
1813 Aug. 26 |
Tullson, Francis |
Middleton, Sarah |
by I. Robbins |
1817 Sep. 18 |
Turberville, Harriet |
Moffit, Wm. |
by James Muir |
1803 May 5 |
Turner, Elizabeth |
Dye, Reuben |
by Rev. James Muir |
1804 Jul. 17 |
Turner, John |
Reiley, Mary |
by James Muir |
1811 Jul. 25 |
Turner, Mary |
McLean, Isaac |
by James Muir |
1801 Apr. 2 |
Turner, Mary |
Davis, Benj. |
by Wm. H. Wilmer |
1812 Sep. 24 |
Turrell, Issaac |
Janson, Caroline |
by O. Norris |
1816 Oct. 15 |
Tutton, John |
Williams, Ann |
by James Muir |
1803 Sep. 4 |
Tyler, Henry |
Wills, Mary A. |
by I. Robbins |
1817 Dec. 5 |